The Meaning Behind The Song: I Come and Stand at Every Door by The Byrds - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: I Come and Stand at Every Door by The Byrds


The Meaning Behind The Song: I Come and Stand at Every Door by The Byrds

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date
I Come and Stand at Every Door The Byrds Nâzım Hikmet Fifth Dimension (1966) July 18, 1966

The Song: I Come and Stand at Every Door

“I Come And Stand At Every Door” is a song by The Byrds from their third album Fifth Dimension. The song’s lyrics are adapted from a poem by Turkish writer Nâzım Hikmet called Kız Çocuğu (The Girl Child). The lyrics describe a seven-year-old Japanese girl who was killed in the atomic bomb at Hiroshima in 1945, and are written as an anti-war statement.

The Meaning Behind the Song

When I first heard “I Come and Stand at Every Door” by The Byrds, I was immediately struck by its haunting and poignant lyrics. The song tells the heartbreaking story of a young girl who perished in the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack. The imagery used in the lyrics, such as her scorched hair and blinded eyes, vividly captures the devastating effects of war.

The song serves as a powerful reminder of the innocent lives lost and the long-lasting impact of war. It highlights the tragic loss of childhood and the hopes and dreams that were extinguished in an instant. The repetitive line “For I am dead, for I am dead” emphasizes the finality of death and the senseless nature of war.

What I find particularly powerful about this song is its plea for peace. In the midst of describing the horrors of war, The Byrds implore the listener to fight for peace. The line “All that I ask is that for peace, you fight today” serves as a call to action, urging each and every one of us to actively work towards a world free from violence and conflict.

Personal Experiences

This song resonates deeply with me as I grew up in a country that experienced the devastating consequences of war. Hearing the innocent voice of the young girl in the song reminds me of the countless innocent lives lost in my own country’s history. It serves as a reminder of the importance of striving for peace and learning from our past mistakes.

Whenever I listen to “I Come and Stand at Every Door,” it transports me to a place of reflection and contemplation. It serves as a reminder to value and protect the precious lives of children, who deserve to grow, laugh, and play without fear and destruction. This song urges us to be active participants in creating a better world for future generations.


“I Come and Stand at Every Door” by The Byrds is a powerful and thought-provoking song that serves as an anti-war statement. Adapted from a poem by Nâzım Hikmet, the lyrics depict the tragic story of a young girl who perished in the Hiroshima bombing. The song’s call to fight for peace serves as a reminder of the importance of working towards a world free from violence and conflict. It is a song that resonates deeply, compelling listeners to reflect on the consequences of war and strive for a better future.

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