Last-Minute Mike Ditka Costume Idea For Cosplay & Halloween 2024

Last-Minute Mike Ditka Costume Idea

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  1. Bears Chicago Vest
  2. Beige Two Piece Suit
  3. White Shirt
  4. Aviator Sunglasses
  5. Striped Tie
  6. Brown Dress Shoes
  7. Mustache Prop
  8. Puff Cigar

Easy DIY Mike Ditka Costume Guide

Former American football player and coach Mike Ditka is well known. As a college and professional football player, his inductions into the Hall of Fame were in 1988 and 1986, respectively. As a player, assistant coach, and head coach, he is one of only two people in history to have won an NFL title three times.

To dress like Mike Ditka, you will need a Chicago Bears Vest paired with White Shirt. Get Brown Dress Shoes to match the color of the Beige Two Piece Suit. Accessorize yourself with Aviator Sunglasses, a Striped Tie, a Mustache Prop, and a Puff Cigar to complete your own Mike Ditka costume.

About Mike Ditka

During his playing career at the University of Pittsburgh, American Pro Football Hall of Famer Mike Ditka was drafted by the Chicago Bears in 1961. He was chosen as the team’s first-year offensive player when he played for this team.

The Philadelphia Eagles signed him, and he later played for the Dallas Cowboys. After retiring from the NFL as a player after the 1972 season, Mike Ditka embarked on a coaching career that was equally successful as his playing career.

While he was a special teams coach and an offensive assistant to legendary Cowboys head coach Tom Landry, he led his team to eight consecutive playoff appearances. He won a Super Bowl in his Chicago Bears coaching career. Ditka is the only man ever to win three Super Bowls as a player, assistant coach, and head coach.

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