Home - Raoul Wallenberg Centre

Pursuing justice for the world's most vulnerable

The Centre

The Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights is a unique international consortium of parliamentarians, scholars, jurists, human rights defenders, NGOs, and students united in the pursuit of justice, inspired by and anchored in Raoul Wallenberg’s humanitarian legacy.

A broad and inclusive coalition of conscience - composed of the world's leading lawyers, statespeople, activists and advocates - our collaborators are recognized for their courage and commitment in the pursuit of justice

Raoul Wallenberg

The international community cannot be
bystanders – we must act.

Irwin Cotler


The Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights is a unique international consortium of parliamentarians, scholars, jurists, human rights defenders, NGOs, and students united in the pursuit of justice, inspired by and anchored in Raoul Wallenberg’s humanitarian legacy.

A broad and inclusive coalition of conscience - composed of the world's leading lawyers, statespeople, activists and advocates - our collaborators are recognized for their courage and commitment in the pursuit of justice

Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights Logo

4770 Avenue de Kent, Suite 205
Montreal, QC H3W 1H2 Canada



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