Crafting Our Childhood: An Interview with DC Legend Alan Burnett - The Koalition
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Crafting Our Childhood: An Interview with DC Legend Alan Burnett

Alan Burnett is just a man, but this man is responsible for many magical moments in our and even our parents childhoods. For decades, Alan Burnett has climbed the writer-producer ladder in Hollywood to create some of the best cartoons and comics. Ever heard of The Smurfs? He worked on the television show. How about Superfriends? And I don’t mean that cute dance number on last year’s The CW’s The Flash/Supergirl’s crossover event. That was him working on Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show. He worked on the show with the greatest theme song ever, Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears and various projects set in the Scrooge McDuck Universe and the 1990s Disney Afternoon TV block (Darkwing DuckTaleSpinDuckTales, and Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers).

Burnett was unstoppable and went on to helped write and/or produce Batman: The Animated Series (1992–95) Superman: The Animated Series (1996–2000) The New Batman Adventures (1997–99), The New Batman/Superman Adventures (1997–2000) Batman Beyond (1999–2001) Static Shock (2000–2004) and Justice League / Justice League Unlimited (2001–2006).

From there Burnett would go on to be part of DC animated films like Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993), Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (1998), Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000), Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman(2003), Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) Batman and Harley Quinn (2017).

We also must mention his writing contribution for The Batman Adventures (Mad Love), Superman Adventures and Batman Beyond.

The Koalition sat down for an interview with Burnett to discuss his entire career spanning over 25 years, the Batman: The Animated Series 25th Anniversary DVD set and the DC Universe Original Movies 10th Anniversary DVD set that every DC fan should own.

Check out our interview below.