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Karuta Wiki

Commands are used to interact with Karuta. By default, the command prefix is k!, which works even when a custom prefix is set (with k!prefix).

Command List

Setup commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!set Set the current channel to receive card drops. Only one active channel is allowed.
k!prefix Set a custom command prefix for all Karuta commands. The default prefix (k!) will still work. Sending without parameters clears it.
k!chestset Set the goal for your server chest. Once your chest has enough gems, the item will be purchased and used. If the chest already has enough gems, the purchase will be made immediately. Sending without parameters clears it.
k!antisnipe Set the grace period before Karuta checks grab reactions on your server. Specify a duration between 0 and 10 seconds. Setting the duration to 0 disables this. Disabled by default.
Basic commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!vote Vote for Karuta, allowed twice per day, to receive tickets for use in the Ticket Shop (k!ticketshop).
k!daily Claim your daily reward.
k!drop k!d Drop a set of cards in the current channel for anyone to grab.
k!burn k!b <code> Burn a card or dye and collect its resources.
k!multiburn k!mb <filters> Burn many cards at once. Must specify a filter in the same format as the k!collection filters.
k!gems Purchase gems from the Karuta website.
Collection commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!collection k!c [user] [filters] Show the card collection of yourself or another user.
k!view k!v [code] View the basic details of a particular card or dye.
k!taglist k!tags, k!tl [user] View the tags of yourself or another user.
k!tagcreate k!tagadd, k!ta, k!tc <tag name> <emoji> Create a new tag. The tag must contain only alphabetic characters, numbers, dashes or underscores. The emoji cannot be a custom server emoji.
k!tagdelete k!tagremove, k!tr, k!td <tag name> Delete one of your tags. If any of your cards have this tag, the tag will be removed from those cards.
k!tag k!t <tag name> [card code] Tag a card. You can specificy multiple card codes at once.
k!untag k!ut [card cpde] Untag a card. You can specificy multiple card codes at once.
k!use k!u <item code> Use an item from your inventory.
k!dyes k!dc [user] View the dye collection of yourself or another user.
k!dye <card code> <dye code> Apply dye to a mint condition card.
k!dyerefill k!refill, k!dr <dye code> [amount] Refill the charges of a dye.
k!spreadsheet k!sheet [user] Export a user's collection to XLXS spreadsheet format.
k!inventory k!items, k!inv, k!i [user] View the inventory of yourself or another user.
k!bits k!bi [user] View the bit inventory of yourself or another user.
Information commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!timers k!cooldowns, k!cd [user] View current grab and drop timers for yourself or another user.
k!reminders k!remind, k!rm [acton] Toggle reminders for a particular action. Karuta will DM you the reminder if your DMs are enabled.
k!lookup k!search, k!find, k!lu [character name] Look up the details of a particular character.
k!cardinfo k!ci [card code] View the detailed information of a particular card.
k!userinfo k!ui [user] View details about yourself or another user, including various statistics and active effects.
k!serverinfo k!si [server ID] View details about the current server, including various statistics and active effects.
k!nodeinfo k!ni <node> View details about a particular node.
k!workerinfo k!wi [card code] View the worker stats for a card.
Wishlist commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!wishlist k!wl [user] View the wishlist of yourself or another user.
k!wishadd k!wish, k!wa <character name> Add a character to your wishlist. You will be mentioned when this character appears in a card.
k!wishremove k!wr <character name> Remove a character from your wishlist.
k!wishwatch k!watch, k!ww Set to watch the current channel for wishlisted cards. Only one active channel is allowed.
k!wishupgrade k!wu Purchase a wishlist slot upgrade, up to a maximum of 40 additional slots. The price increases with each successive purchase.
Economy commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!itemshop k!shop, k!is Browse the standard item shop.
k!gemshop k!gs Browse the gem shop.
k!ticketshop k!ts Browse the ticket shop.
k!frameshop k!fs Browse the frame shop.
k!buy k!purchase <item code> Purchase an item from a shop.
k!blackmarket k!bm View current items in the Black Market.
k!bid Place a bid on a Black Market item.
k!chestview k!chest View details about the server chest, along with its goal and current progress.
k!chestgive Give gems to a server chest. Once the chest has enough gems, the server chest goal item will be purchased and used.
Trade commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!give k!g <user> <card code> Give another user one of your cards.
k!trade <user> <your card code> <their card code> Trade cards with another user. You can only trade one card at a time.
k!multitrade k!mt <user> Trade cards, items, or dyes with another user.
Job commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!jobboard k!jobs, k!jb, k!j [user] View the job board of yourself or another user.
k!jobworker k!jw <job slot> [card code] Assign a card to a job slot on your job board. You can clear a job slot by not specifying a card code.
k!jobnode k!jn <job slot> <node> Assign a job slot on your current job board to a node.
k!nodes k!n View details about all nodes.
k!work k!w Put the workers on your job board to work.
Clan commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!clanview k!clan, k!cv [user] View the clan details of yourself or another user.
k!clanswear k!swear, k!cs <user> Swear your loyalty to another user and join their clan.
k!clanbreak k!break, k!cb [user] Break your loyalty to your master, or break a follower's loyalty to you.
k!nodeattack k!na <node> <power> Attack a node with your followers' clan power.
k!nodedefend k!nd <node> <power> Defend a node with your followers' clan power.
k!nodetax k!nt <node> <tax rate> Set the tax rate on a node your clan controls (Shogun only). Must provide a number between 0% and 100%.
k!claimtax k!ct Claim any outstanding bit tax revenue owed to you at all nodes.
Other commands
Command Shortcuts Parameters Description
k!invite Send an invitation link to invite the Karuta bot to your server.
k!support k!server Send an invitation to join the official Karuta server.
k!help View this list of commands. Specify a command for detailed information.