How to make Italian Bombardino - A favourite ski-slope shot - Dolcevia® English
A classic Bombardino
A classic Bombardino
Time: 10 min
Portions: 4
Nutrition: 220 calories calories
Level: Easy
5 of 5 (1 Vote)

On the ski slopes of Cervinia in the Val d'Aosta, I first experienced the warmth of a Bombardino. This vibrant yellow drink, reminiscent of festive eggnog, was a novelty to me. Standing in the snow at an altitude of 2000 meters, with a biting cold wind, I was grateful for its warmth and hearty dash of alcohol. As I sipped, I echoed the sentiment of the drink's first taster in 1845: "This is indeed a little bomb, le's have another!"

The authetic Vov Zabaione

The Dilemma of too many Egg Yolks

The story of the Bombardino, a delightful blend of tradition, serendipity, and Italian ingenuity, begins in 1845 in Padua. Here, pastry chef Gian Battista Pezziol found himself with an abundance of egg yolks left over from making nougat. In a stroke of creativity, he combined these yolks with Marsala wine and alcohol, creating 'Vov', another take on the popular recipe for Zabaione.

Decades later, in 1946, a young merchant from Ferrara named Mauro Moccia established the Distillerie A.R.P.A. Guided by his son Luigi and brother-in-law Franco Simoni, the company evolved into Distillerie Moccia S.r.l. Luigi then innovated on the traditional Vov, enhancing the sweetness akin to zabaione and substituting Marsala with brandy, upping the alcohol content to 15%. This new variant, registered as 'ZABOV Cognac all'ovo', shared similarities with the beloved egg liqueur or eggnog of our grandparents.

Bombardino on Italy's Ski Slopes

The Bombardino truly came to life in the Italian ski resorts, in the Alps of Val d'Aosta and the eastern Dolomites, as well as in Val Gardena and Madonna di Campiglio. Skiers, seeking something to warm both body and soul after long days on the slopes, found solace in a mix of warm Vov or Zabov with brandy. The name 'Bombardino' spontaneously arose when one of the first drinkers felt the warmth and strength of the drink and exclaimed: "It's like a little bomb!"

How to Make a Bombardino?

Making a Bombardino is ruthlessly simple if you can get your hands on a bottle of the authentic Zabov (Vov) liquer. just add a splash of brandy or dark rum using a ratio of ⅔ - ⅓ . Using Zabaione (Zabaglione) as base it does become a bit more complex however dare I say you could substitute with some ready made eggnog??..Top with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa, and you're done. Over the years, Bombardino has become synonymous with Italian winter warmth. It actually comes in various versions: Calimero with coffee, Pirata with rum, and Scozzese with whiskey. The Calimero, a blend of brandy, Vov, and espresso, became a favorite among aficionados. Bombardino is usually served in Italian espresso portions or shotglasses (so called 'in vetro'). 

Zabov: The Foundation of a Bombardino

In 1974, economic setbacks and poor investments forced Luigi Moccia and Franco Simoni to sell their company. The Ori family acquired it in 1976, focusing production more on Zabov. By 1986, the company transitioned to fully mechanized production, capable of bottling 30,000 bottles a day, enough for many a Bombardino. By 2012, 85% of sales were in the Italian market, with significant exports to countries like the United States, Canada, and Germany.

Thus, the Bombardino, born from a blend of tradition and innovation, became a symbol of Italian warmth and hospitality, a beverage that warms both body and spirit, a perfect companion for cold winter days in the Italian mountains.

The Bombardino Recipe

The Bombardino is a popular winter drink in Italy, especially known in the ski areas. It's a warm, creamy cocktail often enjoyed after skiing. Here's an authentic Bombardino recipe, with tips in case Italian VOV or ZABOV aren't available.

Tips Before You Start

  • You will need to get your hands on a bottle of Vov or Zabov or make Zabaione: Zabaione also known as Zabaglione is kind of the Italian style eggnog also using eggs, sugar, brandy, and vanilla extract.
  • Temperature: It's important that the drink is served warm but not boiling, as this can cause the eggs in the liqueur to curdle.
  • Choice of Alcohol: The choice between brandy and rum for the Bombardino depends on personal preference. Brandy offers a softer, richer flavor, while rum has a more pronounced taste profile.
  • Whipped Cream: While not essential, whipped cream adds an extra creamy texture and richness to the drink.
  • Serve: Try to serve in small shot glasses
  • 7 x shot glass (30ml) of Vov, Zabov or Zabaione (Zabaglione)
  • 2 ½ x shot glass of Brandy or Dark Rum
  • Whipped cream (optional, for topping)
  • Cinnamon or cocoa powder (for garnish)
The Bombardino served at a Christmas market in the city of Aosta
Recipe steps:
  1. Heat the Zabaione (Vov or Zabov) and Brandy/Rum: in a pan over low heat. Make sure the mixture gets hot but does not boil.
  2. Pour into a glass: Pour the hot mixture into a heat-resistant glass or mug.
  3. Add whipped cream: Optionally, you can top the Bombardino with a dollop of whipped cream.
  4. Garnish: Sprinkle with a little cinnamon or cocoa powder for extra flavour and a festive touch.

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How to make Italian Bombardino - A favourite ski-slope shot

in Recipes

by Elisabeth Bertrand

On the ski slopes of Cervinia in the Val d'Aosta, I first experienced the warmth of a Bombardino. This vibrant yellow drink, reminiscent of festive eggnog, was a novelty to me. Standing in the snow at an altitude of 2000 meters, with a biting cold wind, I was grateful for its warmth and hearty dash of alcohol. As I sipped, I echoed the sentiment of the drink's first taster in 1845: "This is indeed a little bomb, le's have another!"