As host of Family Feud, Steve Harvey likes to be in the know. But in the rare occasion when he's not, things can get a little tense.

Case in point, in a recent round of the game show, Steve asked contestants to "name something about Miss Piggy that other pigs make fun of." Within moments, Linda from the Morrow family hit the red buzzer and correctly guessed the fourth top answer "hair/bows." Shardae from the Estep family then followed it up with "her husband."

But that didn't sound right to Steve and he let her know. After quickly collecting himself from a brief moment of shock, the Family Feud host seemingly turned her guess. "Her husband?" he said. "I'm not really a Miss Piggy expert or nothing like that, but I d--- sure didn't know she had a husband."

Upon hearing this, Shardae replied: "Oops." However, Steve was proven wrong about Miss Piggy's love life by the big board. As it turns out, "her husband" was a correct guess and it was the top third answer "dates a frog."

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Family Feud fans watching from home on YouTube quickly went to the comments section to discuss the hilarious moment. "Steve Harvey being mocked by the board is the best," one person wrote. "Steve Harvey always gets mocked by the board lol," another added. "Family Feud is one of my favorite shows of all time. It always puts a smile on my face and crack's me up all the time! Bless Steve Harvey for being the host of this fun show with his amazing humor and personality!" a different fan said.

That said, the funny moment also led to fans debating whether or not Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog were truly wife and husband. A follower commented: "I don’t think they’re married!" However, at the end of the 1984 film The Muppets Take Manhattan Miss Piggy and Kermit exchange vows and get married surrounded by all the Muppets. In short, Shardae was right.

Though Steve didn't immediately let go of this hilarious incident (watch what he tells Shardae at the 1:48 minute mark!), we're sure it was all in good fun.