20 Jobs in Politics (With Salaries and Primary Duties) | Indeed.com

20 Jobs in Politics (With Salaries and Primary Duties)

Updated April 18, 2024

If you're interested in government at a national or local level, politics might be a rewarding field for you. This field could allow you to dictate public policy, strategize for campaigns and develop programs to meet constituents' needs. Learning more about the many jobs available in politics could help you narrow your career goals and find a role that suits your interests and skills.In this article, we review the definition of politics and share 20 jobs in the field, detailing the salaries and responsibilities associated with these careers.
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What is politics?

Politics is the creation and enforcement of laws, programs and policies that control a governed body like a country, state or county. Individuals working in politics often work in an office setting, either for private businesses or government agencies. Politicians are public figures who represent a group of constituents, while other field experts and volunteers often support them with research, outreach and communications.Related: How To Pursue a Successful Career in Politics (With Steps)
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20 common jobs in politics

Here's a list of some popular careers to pursue in politics:

1. Volunteer manager

National average salary: $42,940 per yearPrimary duties: A volunteer manager oversees a team of unpaid individuals who help with a political campaign or organization. Their various tasks can include training volunteers to interact with citizens, creating schedules for volunteers and sourcing items like signs and pamphlets. They might also manage a budget and help find passionate people to work as volunteers.

2. Political consultant

National average salary: $77,674 per yearPrimary duties: Political consultants work with candidates on election campaigns to increase the chances of success. They typically advise them on strategy decisions and oversee media and campaign finances, alongside other directors and advisors. Political consultants' duties can also include drafting press releases, overseeing advertising strategy and scheduling media appearances.

3. Lawyer

National average salary: $93,223 per yearPrimary duties: Lawyers work with politicians, lobbying firms or governmental agencies to ensure they remain compliant with the law. They may also influence policymakers and legislators in favor of their client or government official. Lawyers might draft contracts, review decisions and perform legal research on behalf of their employers.

4. Legislative assistant

National average salary: $54,687 per yearPrimary duties: Legislative assistants work with legislators, government groups or nonprofit organizations to help them influence laws and policies. They might research current issues, coordinate events and meetings and handle administrative duties like correspondence and reports. Legislative assistants also gather information about public opinion through surveys, research and interviews to help them understand which laws require attention.

5. Canvasser

National average salary: $68,281 per yearPrimary duties: Canvassers contact voters to inform them about a particular candidate or policy and try to sway their opinion. They often go door-to-door to speak with voters, but they may also communicate on the phone or online. Canvassers usually train with a manager to understand the key points to discuss, hand out pamphlets or info sheets explaining the candidate or issue and answer questions the voter may have.

6. Caseworker

National average salary: $44,383 per yearPrimary duties: Caseworkers help the government manage relationships with constituents and resolve issues. They might work for Congressional members or government agencies, and their duties often involve monitoring current issues and communicating with constituents to solve problems related to government programs. Caseworkers may work in areas like Social Security, transportation or Medicare.

7. Journalist

National average salary: $41,431 per yearPrimary duties: Journalists investigate and report on local, national and global politics to inform the public of important developments. They might write articles for newspapers and magazines or write and deliver news broadcasts on television or radio programs. Journalists research issues, interview sources, fact-check their information and collaborate with editors.Read more: Learn About Being a Journalist

8. Social media manager

National average salary: $55,933 per yearPrimary duties: Social media managers maintain social accounts for political officials, candidates and government agencies. They may use these platforms to monitor public opinion about their candidates, share marketing material for campaigns and communicate important information to the public. They might write copy, design graphics, edit videos, respond to comments and review analytics.Related: Learn About Being a Social Media Manager

9. Campaign manager

National average salary: $66,916 per yearPrimary duties: Campaign managers help candidates for national or local office strategize to win elections. They might hire campaign staff, develop promotional materials, review polling data and schedule events. Campaign managers may also coordinate the candidate's media appearances and suggest ways to reach different demographics.

10. Urban planner

National average salary: $71,226 per yearPrimary duties: Urban planners are responsible for programs, buildings and services that solve sociopolitical issues in a locality. These individuals coordinate with government officials, landowners, developers and designers to negotiate plans for public needs like filtration systems, roads, public transportation services and housing. They review zoning, develop project proposals and research public issues to learn more about the local communities' needs.Read more: Learn About Being an Urban Planner

11. Media strategist

National average salary: $63,875 per yearPrimary duties: The communications director is responsible for a candidate, official or government group's reputation and public appearances. They may schedule interviews, press conferences and events and coach the public figures on how to present themselves positively and control negative press during crises. Communications directors might also oversee communications like memos, official statements, social media posts and speeches.

12. Policy analyst

National average salary: $78,326 per yearPrimary duties: Policy analysts review existing or potential policies to help legislators, political organizations or government entities make informed decisions. They evaluate current policies, perform extensive research, analyze data and draft reports based on their findings to help with the development and implementation of new programs and policies.

13. Policy manager

National average salary: $84,321 per yearPrimary duties: Policy managers are responsible for the implementation of legislative decisions. Their responsibilities often including researching issues, representing a government group or nonprofit organization in the media or in legal hearings, writing proposals and strategizing to improve legislation. They might also review budgets and oversee the finances involved with a law or program.

14. Management analyst

National average salary: $77,576 per yearPrimary duties: Management analysts help federal government entities improve their efficiency and processes. They periodically review operations, identify opportunities to reduce costs and select and develop resources. They may also collect data and analyze it to inform operational decisions.

15. Diplomat

National average salary: $87,715 per yearPrimary duties: Diplomats represent a country's government and work with other global entities to manage the relationships between governments. Diplomats often live overseas, and they may advocate for their home country's interests. They typically write and edit reports about the state of international relations, represent their country in agreements with other nations and negotiate treaties and contracts regarding issues like war, economics, the environment and trade.

16. Director of finance

National average salary: $103,995 per yearPrimary duties: A campaign's director of finance identifies financial goals and leads efforts to fundraise and budget accordingly. They coordinate with donors and business owners to rally support and monetary funds for the candidate's campaign. They might also lead fundraising events like phone banks, pledge drives and galas.

17. Economist

National average salary: $111,940 per yearPrimary duties: Economists review local or national economies and analyze how public policy influences a governed body's financial health. They data and market trends, make predictions, issue surveys and apply mathematical models and calculations to inform forecasts. Economists may work for the government, but some work for think tanks, private businesses or nonprofit organizations.

18. Information security analyst

National average salary: $90,425 per yearPrimary duties: Information security analysts are cybersecurity experts who work for government agencies to protect critical data. They analyze potential security threats, implement strategies to prevent cyberterrorism and manage security measures on hardware and software that government professionals use. They might also draft reports on their findings and report to senior staff members.

19. Chief of staff

National average salary: $110,318 per yearPrimary duties: The chief of staff works with a political official to oversee operations and execute the official's agenda. They lead the hiring process, manage the budget and coordinate meetings. The chief of staff also helps the official make strategic decisions and build relationships with other legislators and governments.

20. Security specialist

National average salary: $69,804 per yearPrimary duties: Security specialists help keep government officials and citizens safe from harm. These individuals may perform background checks, review threats to national security and monitor data to inform security measures. They may also oversee routine security at government buildings and political events, training other employees and establishing security requirements.For the most up-to-date salary information from Indeed, click on the link(s) provided.
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