Biography of HM. King Mohammed VI |

Biography of HM. King Mohammed VI

SM le Roi Mohammed VI
His Majesty the King, Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, is a descendent of the Alaouite offspring, originally from Yanboo Al Nakhil, a small oasis of the Arabian coast on the Red Sea. Directly descending from the prophet of Islam, Sidna Mohammed, via his daughter Lalla Fatima Zohra, the Royal family came to settle in Sijilmasa, in the Moroccan South, in the middle of the 13th century.  His Majesty King Mohammed VI is the 23rd king of the Alaouite Dynasty, the reign of which started in the middle of the 17th century.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, son of the late King H.M. Hassan II, is born on August 21st, 1963, in Rabat.

The enthronement of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Sidi Mohammed Ibn Al Hassan Ben Mohammed, king of Morocco, was on July 30th, 1999.

On July 12th, 2002, in Rabat, the celebration of the King’s wedding with Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Salma.

On Mai 8th 2003, in Rabat, the birth of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan.

On February 28th 2007, in Rabat, the birth of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Khadija.

Studies and academic training

- At the age of 4, his father enrolled him at the Koranic School of the Royal Palace.

- Primary and secondary education at Royal College. Baccalaureate on June 1981.

- Higher education in Law at the University Mohammed V of Judicial, economic and social sciences in Rabat.

- The Defense of his B.A took place in 1985, with a Thesis entitled “The Arabo-African Union and the Kingdom’s strategy in the international relations.”

- In 1987, he got the First Certificate of high studies in political sciences and a Second Certificate, in Public Law, on July 1988, both of them with honor.

- In order to complete his training, and to practice the principles and rules of law at the college, the Late King Hassan II decided to send him, in November 1988, to Brussels with Mr. Jacques Delors, President of the Commission of the European Economic Communities, for some months.  Even at a young age, Crown Prince was always asked by his father to carry out different missions at different levels: national, Arab, Islamic, African and international towards head of states and friends.  His Highness took part, thus, in many international and regional conferences.

- On October 29th, 1993, His Highness Crown Prince received, at the University of Nice-Antipolis in France, the title of a Doctor in Law with distinction.   The thesis title was: “Cooperation between the European Economic Community and the Arab Maghreb Union”.

- A Honoris Causa Doctorate from the University of George Washington on June 22nd 2000.

- Author of a book and many articles on the Euro Maghreb cooperation.

- Written and spoken languages: Arabic, French, Spanish and English.

- His Majesty the King Mohammed VI practices many sports.

Tasks entrusted to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, when Crown Prince: 

Exposed to heavy tasks since his young age, His Majesty King Mohammed VI was often charged by his father, with important missions to Heads of State brothers and friends, and had attended  national, Arab, Islamic , African and international meetings:

- At the age of four, he accompanied his father during the official visit to the United States of America, which took place on February 9th and 10th 1967.

- On April 6th 1974, the first official mission to represent his father the King HASSAN II at the religious prayer celebrated at the Cathedral “Notre Dame de Paris”, in the memory of the French President, Georges Pompidou. He also represented his father at the funeral of the Emperor of Japan Hiro Hito 1989.

- Visiting many African countries, from July 23rd to 30th 1980, to hand over private messages of his father, to the following presidents:
   Leopold Sedar Senghor of Senegal
   Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinia
   Félix Houphouet Boigny of Cote d’ivoire
   Ahmadou Ahidjo of Cameroun
   Shehu Shagari of Nigeria

- Official visits to Saudi Arabia, from 11th to 18th March, 1986, and to Japan from the 7th to the 21st March 1987.

His majesty leads the Moroccan delegations to the work of several international and regional conferences:

- On March 10th, 1983, in New Delhi, the 7th Summit of non-aligned countries.

- On September 21st, 1983, in Addis-Abeba, the Committee for implementation of the A.O.U concerning the Sahara.

- On October 3rd, 1983, in Vittel, the King attended the 10th Franco-African conference.

- On May 4th, 1994, in Geneva, the meeting of the advisory group on the occasion of the Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the UN

- “The Earth Summit”, an extraordinary session of the General Assembly of the UN on the environment, was hold from June 21st to 27th, 1997 in Brazil.

The King has also presided:

- The opening session of the Ministerial Meeting of GATT (Marrakech, April 12th, 1994).

- The opening of the work of the National Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the UN on January 12th, 1995.

-The closing session of the seminar on "Relations between Morocco and Europe" ( Paris, April 9th, 1996).

- Inauguration of the Macro-American council office of commerce and investments (New York, December 10th, 1996).    

The responsibilities

When Crown Prince, His Majesty King Mohammed VI has been appointed by the late King Hassan II.

- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of IXth Mediterranean Games in Casablanca (March 18th, 1982).

- Chairman of the Commission charged of the Organization of Pan-Arab games VI (April 11th, 1985).

- Coordinator of offices and services of General Military Staff of the Royal Armed Forces (November 26th, 1985).

He has also been promoted by His Majesty King Hassan II, to the rank of Divisional General, July 12th, 1994.


Following the death of His Majesty King Hassan II on July 23rd , 1999, the accession of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the Throne in accordance with Article 20 of the kingdom’s Constitution:

-  The Ceremony of presenting the BEIA (Allegiance) to His Majesty King Mohammed Ben Al Hassan Ben Mohammed, Amir Al Mouminine, took place on Friday, July 23rd, 1999, in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace in Rabat.

- The Enthronement of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, took place on July 30th, 1999. He solemnly performed the Friday prayer and pronounced His first Speech of the Throne, at the Royal Palace in Rabat. This date becomes, officially, the Feast of the Throne.

His Majesty the King is the effective President of several associations including:

- Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity.

- Mohammed VI Foundation for the rehabilitation of prisoners and inmates of the  rescue centers for children.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI presents his support for the work of civil society organizations. It is, indeed, the Honorary President of a large number of active associations in various areas of socio-economic development.

High distinctions

Many friendly countries of Morocco presented to His Majesty the King their highest national honors. These include:

France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Tunisia, Mauritania, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait ,Qatar, Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon, Senegal, Cameroon, Mali, Gabon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Dominican Republic ...

His majesty the king Mohamed VI has been awarded many prizes and medals by foreign parliamentary institutions, international organizations and NGOs, in particular:

- Trophy of the International Association against Violence in Sport (IAAVS).

- Gold medals awarded by the sports magazine (French-English) "African champion" for the years 1988-1989.

- Prices for "Grenada 1999" Medal of Honor by the group of radio stations of the chain "SER"...

- Medal of high merit of South-American football Confederation.

- U.S. Foundation Award "Helen Keller" who works in the social field, particularly in the fight against blindness.

- Medals of the Spanish Senate and Congress.

- Abderrahmane first prize, awarded by the Spanish city Almunecar to the personalities contributing significantly to strengthening the relations between the Arab world and Europe.

- Logo of ISESCO.

- High cordon of Abu Bakr Seddik, the highest distinction of the organization of the red crescent and red cross Arab associations.