Biennale Architettura 2021 | Dan Majka & Gary Setzer
La Biennale di Venezia

Dan Majka & Gary Setzer

The Corridor: Climate Change, Border Permeability, and Ecosystem Resilience

  • TUE - SUN
    22/05 > 31/07
    11 am - 7 pm

    01/08 > 21/11
    10 am - 6 pm
  • Central Pavilion
  • Admission with ticket

Dan Majka (American, b.1980) of The Nature Conservancy (USA, est.1951) and Gary Setzer (American, b.1974)



As climate change alters habitats and disrupts ecosystems, where will animals move to survive? And will human development prevent them from getting there? The Corridor is an installation that uses three-channel video and sound to address the relationship between border permeability and ecosystem resilience in a time of climate change. This project posits that to thrive together with nature in a time of intensifying climate change, one must reconsider how to incorporate permeability into borders and the matrix in between natural environments.
The Corridor marries science, geography, video, and sound to challenge how one thinks about the border between humans and nature in the Anthropocene. The floor plan of the project facilitates a symbolic passage for viewers—their movement through the various stations of the installation parallels that of the directed movement of animals through a wildlife crossing structure. Crossing structures are one solution ecologists have employed to maintain corridors that connect natural habitats. These corridors provide animals with safe passageways through human-developed borders (such as highways) and are one potential strategy that enable animals and humans to live together more harmoniously.


University of Arizona College of Fine Arts Fund for Excellence
The Morgan and Salomon Professional Development Endowment at the University of Arizona School of Art
The Faculty Professional Development Grant at the University of Arizona School of Art, and the Nature Conservancy

Central Pavilion
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Biennale Architettura