Mistful Crimson Morning | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
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Main Characters (Upcoming|Scrapped) Music (Scrapped)
For the first version, see Monday Morning Mist.
Warnings: Content/Trigger Warning, Copyrighted.
Notices: Large Page, Fan Favorite, Upcoming Content, Unfinished Page, Low File Quality.



This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!

Reason: The screaming in Doomsday and Served is very loud, Meatcanyon Spongebob and Bf sprites are really grotesque and unsettling and Doomsday Squidward design is kinda frightening.



This article contains content that may bring users with past trauma, to something that might cause a physical and/or mental reaction. Viewer discretion is advised!

Reason: This mod (obviously) contains general themes of suicide and depression, as well as many other disturbing topics.


Copyrighted Assets

You're not Nintendo! You're... You're PRETEND-o! - Racist Mario

This article contains copyrighted music, files, or other copyrighted assets that can claim copyright infringement.

Reason: Every single character, except for Boyfriend and Girlfriend (who are owned by The Funkin' Crew and Needlejuice Records respectively), either comes from or is inspired by SpongeBob SquarePants, which is owned by Nickelodeon and Paramount Global. Coconut Fred is owned by Warner Bros.
Joe Mama's instrumental (currently) is a slightly remixed version of Pixel Galaxy by Snail House. As a result, this can lead to copyright claims on YouTube in most countries. We do not recommend you to play the copyrighted songs in your playtrough.
All songs go to their respective composers when it comes to reupload the songs without their permission.


Large Article

Do you think you can keep up with me for seven straight minutes? - Camellia

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Fan Favorite

Anyways, I like you. You're like me, just trying to make it in this world through music. - Cyrix

This mod has more than 200,000 views and 200 likes on its download page. It is a fan favorite and well known within the community!

Note: This mod is considered one of the best mods in the community! Mainly because of the art, creativity, songs, and how hard the devs worked to make this mod possible!


Upcoming Content


This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.

Upcoming: Despite all that has happened, this mod is getting revived by Stonesteve,[1] and Dehydrated is also getting his own mod. In addition, the mod is having a crossover with YTP invasion.[2]


Unfinished Page

It really don't matter, your chances of making it are shorter than your height. - Kia

This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!

Reason: Due to the fact that this mod has been canceled and revived 3 times, it is likely this page will never be fully 100% completed. As there are too many missing assets lying around in different parts of the internet. Even so, we ask that you place any and all official teasers that may have been found throughout YouTube or Discord. Also, the lost Monday Morning Mist demo has been found, so its suggested to add stuff from it if possible.


Low File Quality

Diagnosis: you suck! - Scout

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Mistful Crimson Morning is a mod created by Crumby and Currently directed by StoneSteves, formerly directed by LtSazo And Havoc. The main story is based off of the lost episode Creepypasta Squidward’s Suicide (A.K.A Red Mist), although it also features several other official and unofficial versions of SpongeBob characters, be it parody or creepy, as freeplay extras.

A DLC expansion for the mod was originally announced in a tweet, but it ended up being canned due to controversies and burnout, causing it to become its own stand-alone mod: Nightmare Squidward Madness.


That fateful night.

The night of the concert.. My concert.. That was my chance!. My chance.. to show Bikini Bottom what art truly was!

Too bad that wasn’t how it would play out.

The night of the concert started out quite tremendously! The audience were practically screaming for a performance!

(From yours truly, of course..)

But as soon as I got on stage, and stepped into the crimson spotlight.

The mood completely changed.

The crowd would become silent, as they looked up at me, emotionless.

I slowly brought the clarinet to my lips, closing my eyes,as I began to play the song I practiced months upon months for..

But then..

The audience would groan in pain, covering their ears, as they began to crawl out of their seats, and run out of the concert hall.

I was devastated

“I guess it’s true.. I DO stink, huh..?” I said to myself, as I sadly stood alone on the empty stage.

I would get off the stage and exit the concert hall, walking along the road back to my house.

It was a horrible experience in the concert, but it was even more devastating on the walk home.

As I was left alone with my thoughts.

I felt it was finally time to make the pain end.

I would enter my home, and walk upstairs to my bedroom.

I looked over to the bathroom and walked into it, I opened up the mirror cabinet and grabbed a container full of pills, gazing down upon it.

“Welp.. Bottoms up, squiddy..”

I said, as I opened up the container and downed each and every pill.

I threw the bottle down, and crawled down onto my bed, falling asleep,

awaiting the 


 Of Death.

But, despite my expectations of death, I awoke from my slumber, an aching pain stinging in my head like a thousand shocks from a wild jellyfish.

I got up from my bed, my bones aching with each movement, I limped over to the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror.

Good neptune

My eyes were a bright red, bloody veins pulsating, as black tears shed down my face, a hue of red shining from them.

“What is happening to me..?”

I said, panicked- until my panicked breathing was interrupted by a familiar voice

“Hey- Squidward!”

I looked over to the bathroom door, a familiar figure stood there, waving slowly It was… Spongebob…? He looked.. More different than usual..

“Squidward! Your big performance is just a few minutes away! We have to get you ready!”


What was that square buffoon going on about..?

My concert ended hours ago..

Spongebob then grabbed my hand, and lead me out of the Bathroom

“C’mon! C’mon! Let’s get a move on bud! I know you’re gonna do great tonight!”

He would stop in place and gaze up at the shotgun, mounted up on the wall, Boxed in a glass case. It was my fathers hunting gun, passed down to me as an antique.

“Squidward! Make sure you pack that! It’s integral to the performance!”

I reluctantly nod, as I open the case and take the gun off of its mount, holding it in my hands as I gazed down upon it.

“Alright! All set now, squiddy! C’mon! Let’s go!”

Spongebob would run down the stairs, a pep in his step, as I followed him down, the stairs felt longer, the bottom of the ground being barely visible..

I finally got down to the first floor, as I saw spongebob walk out the door and wave to me.

“What are ya’ waiting for!? Get a move on, Squiddy!”

He ran out, as I followed after.


Spongebob grew smaller and smaller, as he skipped to the concert hall, its red spotlights shining into the gray sky.

“W-Welp, guess I’ll have to go on my own then..”

I gulped, as I gazed upon the concert hall.

so far, yet so, so very close..

I slowly made my way to the concert, each step closer made me feel more..


As I approached closer to the hall, the sky would turn a dark shade of crimson, as rain fell from the sky, tapping my head lightly.

Once I finally approach the door, I gaze up upon the sign plastered on the front, it said;

“Come in! And see the amazing Squidward! And witness his Final Encore! You don’t wanna miss this!”

I gulped, as I pulled open the door, and walked inside, no one was at the front, so I assumed they were waiting in the hall, and when I entered..

It was the exact same audience from last night... But- they looked just like how spongebob did..


and seemingly…


They all stared at me, their gaze giving me that same feeling as last night.

I shivered, as I walked up onto the stage, their heads following my every movement, until I walked on the stage, turning around, and gazing down upon the audience, as they gazed up at me.

But a familiar face was there, straight in the middle of the audience, giving me a.. Sinister smile..

It was Spongebob.

But his eyes were the exact same as mine, red, veiny, and leaking that same exact liquid.

“You can do it..”

He smiled wider, his teeth looked uneven and rotten.

“I just know you can..”

I gulped, as I pulled out the clarinet from my bag, putting it up to my lips, as I played once more.

But my music was interrupted by loud screeches, the audience’s faces were leaking the black liquid, as they gave a big toothy frown in pain.

I would cover my ears and break down in tears.


I screamed to them, as I grabbed the shotgun out of my bag.


The audience grew quiet, as a wide smile grew on each and every one of their faces

Spongebob's mouth would stretch open

“Oh squidward! Why did you think I wanted you to bring the gun, Silly!”

I stopped in my place, as a shiver rolled down my spine.

“C’mon, squidward.”

“Do it.”

The audience would begin to chant “DO IT!” over- and over- and over again, like a record stuck in a loop.

I would bring the gun up to my chin, Shaking in fear, as the audience would grow more cheerful and happy, still chanting that same phrase.

A large smile would grow on Squidwards face..

He would begin to maniacally laugh, harder and harder, as tears rolled down his face.

Finally, they were cheering for him, this was his purpose all along..


My smile grew wider, my laughs continuing, as I looked up to the sky, gun still on my chin.




I screamed out, pulling the trigger-


The feeling of nothingness swells up in my body, as the world..

goes black…

The end.


Boyfriend and Girlfriend were strolling through Bikini Bottom, on a quiet midnight. Passing through Conch Street, they came across a familiar resident who was returning to his house: Squidward. He looked completely forlorn. This was because his concert, which he had so desperately wanted to gain praise and applause, had gotten booed and heckled by the entire crowd. Even his own neighbors showed no mercy. Boyfriend unhesitatingly asked for a rap battle, and Squidward, perhaps not caring too much, accepted. The two sang, even having a duet. Everything seemed to be going well. Squidward then snapped, losing what little sanity he had left and invites Boyfriend and Girlfriend to his house. Inside it, he shaves his beard and asks for another rap battle, which BF accepts. Squidward began firing at Boyfriend with his shotgun, as Boyfriend is simply delaying Squidward's objective but then, things start to go really wrong. Since Squidward is still alive, the universe itself began to decay Squidward, leaving him frail. Aching both physically and mentally, he is forced to sing as BF wants more. When the memory of the incessant bullying and taunting at his concert returns to his mind, he screams in frustration and finally kills himself with his shotgun in front of the couple. Static blankets the screen, and the week comes to a close.

Freeplay Songs

Not much lore is known about it at the current moment.

Gameplay Mechanics



Squidward will constantly shoot at Boyfriend, making a loud firing noise. The player must press 'Space' to dodge in order to avoid an immediate death. However, in the canned build containing both V1 and V2 songs, you can't avoid the shots, but they don't cause immediate death. You'll need to hit as many notes as possible to stay alive.

Dead Hope

Game Exit

For some unexplained reason, dying on this song causes the game to close itself out.

Moving Notes

Each arrow's strum line moves up and down in an alternating pattern, making the notes harder to hit.

Screen Flip

Timed whistles flip the user's interface for a split second, which can distract the player in the process.


Spongey Notes

ONLY APPEARS IN CANNED V2 BUILD. Throughout the whole song, your health will constantly drain as soon as the song loads, and you won't be able to refill your health normaly. You'll instead have to hit notes that looks like parts of sponge, which restores your health entirely. This implies that Boyfriend takes a bite of SpongeBob to stay alive. The texture for the notes are missing in the leaked V2 build with more content.


Eye Notes

ONLY APPEARS IN CANNED V2 BUILD. Throughout the entirety of the song, eye notes will randomly appear. Hitting them will drain Boyfriend's health temporarily. Hitting too many will result in an eye meter permanently appearing on top of the screen.

Trivia (general)

  • This mod is known for being canceled and revived 3 times.
    • 4 if you count the reboot Betasheep made called "MCM Reborn", which was immediately canceled when people discovered the mod's twitter account. Currently all tweets from the account say ¨Go Follow @FloofsFr¨.[7]
  • Mistful Crimson Morning is actually the third mod based around the Red Mist creepypasta, with Friday Night Funkin': Misty Tragedy being the second and Slaughtering Night at Bikini Bottom being the first one. Misty Tragedy's development began in early December 2021 and Slaughtering Night at Bikini Bottom in October 2021,where as Mistful Crimson Morning's development started around February 2022.[8]
  • It was assumed that Squidward was originally intended to be the only opponent of the mod, due to a mp3 Hyper showed which had Squidward singing old dumped.
    • However, the first ever version of MCM (Monday Morning Mist) would be found and in it a even older version of dumped was found containing Bootleg Spongebob still. This disproved Hypers claim and it would later be confirmed to be a troll made by Hyper when they were drunk.
  • The team is now planning to add more gore. However they also stated that they will not add any dead children, which is something that appears in the original Red Mist creepypasta, even if they are in cartoon form or not.[9]
  • Crumby and TopTophatter have deconfirmed that Carol is Red Mist Squidward's wife and has been stated to be a joke.[10][11]
  • The team is planning on bringing more scrapped characters back into the mod, well uh NSM.[12]
    • However, Yummers, Mrs. Puff and Datamine will not be returning.
  • Something about mcm.[13]
  • Before this wiki's removal of controversy-related templates, this mod had the most amount of controversies detailed on this wiki.


Red Mist Squidward

Humiliationicon Red Mist Squidward comes from the Red Mist creepypasta also known as Squidward's Suicide. Original Story (link)


The famous image associated to the Creepypasta

Our story begins with the narrator, an intern at Nickelodeon in 2005, getting to see episode "Fear of a Krabby Patty" days before it actually aired, along with some other interns and editors in the studio. However, instead of said episode, the title card presented "Squidward's Suicide", which, at first, they just shrugged it off as a morbid joke. The episode began with Squidward practicing his clarinet, when SpongeBob's laughter interrupts him. Squidward yells at him to keep it down as he has a concert to practice for. SpongeBob agrees and goes to see Sandy with Patrick. Then, the bubbles splash screen transition comes on and shows Squidward hiding behind the theatre curtains, visibly nervous about his upcoming performance. When the presentation begins, the audience is repulsed by Squidward's awful performance, and boo at him, aggressively. Even SpongeBob booed, very much unlike him. Weirdly, however, the whole crowd had weirdly realistic, extremely detailed bloodshot eyes. Squidward is visibly traumatized at the sheer rage from the crowd. The narrator, along with the others, were obviously confused, but still decide not to question it. The next scene happens shortly after the concert, presenting Squidward in his home, sitting on the edge of his bed. He was saddened, but very silent. The silence lasted for about 30 seconds until he started to sob softly, putting his tentacles in his eyes. Meanwhile, a breezing, windy sound in the background very slowly grows from nothing to barely audible. As the screen slowly zooms in on Squidward's face, his sobbing turns into crying, the screen twitches, the windy sound slowly gets more and more stormy, and, very faintly, the sound of children laughing could be heard as well. After 30 more seconds of this, the screen blurred and twitched violently as a gory image of a dead child flashed over the screen for a single frame. Everyone was mortified, but prayed that it was all a morbid joke. As Squidward continued to have a mental breakdown, His tears turned red with blood, The storm sounds had evolved into a full on tornado and the laughing became deeper and scarier. After about 20 seconds, another dead child photo flashed the screen, once again horrifying everyone. Once 5 seconds had passed after the second photo played, Squidward finally went silent, as did all sound. He put his tentacles down from his eyes to reveal his now big, red and hyper realistic eyes, just like the crowd at the concert. he then began staring at the screen, breaking the 4th wall, for about 10 seconds. Afterwards, he resumed his crying, but without covering his eyes. His sobbing was mixed with terrifying screams, inducing fear in everyone on the studio. Tears and blood dripped down his face as the wind sound came back, and so did the deep voiced laughing. There was also a third dead child image that lasted for a good 5 frames. The lead sound editor decided to pause the episode and called in Stephen Hillenburg himself to see what was happening. He arrived within about 15 minutes, very confused as to why he was called down there, so the editor just continued the episode. Once the few frames were shown, each and every sound had stopped, permanently this time. Squidward was just staring at the viewer, full frame of the face, for about 3 seconds. Out of nowhere, the shot quickly panned out as a deep, monstrous voice spoke..."DO IT".. Squidward revealed to have a shotgun in his tentacles. He immediately puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger without hesitation. Realistic blood and brain matter splattered his bed and the wall behind him as he flies back with the force. The final 5 seconds of the episode showed his bloodied body, laying dead on the bed very still, with one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor. As complete and utter horror took over the room, Mr. Hillenburg was furious, demanding an answer to the absurdity presented on the screen. And so, a small group, including the narrator, remained to rewatch the episode in order to analyze it. Viewing the episode twice only contributed to imprint the entirety of it in the narrator's mind, causing horrible nightmares. Staying there was their biggest regret.

Unfortunately, even with the rewatching, nobody could explain why or how what just happened happened. The CTO was called to analyze it, but they didn't have an explanation. All equipment involved was examined, but everything checked out fine. Even an investigation of the photos was organized and still nothing came of it. None of the children were identified and no clues of any kind could be gathered. To this day, no one can explain why or how the events that had transpired that day occurred.

Served Plankton

ServedPlanktonNewIcon Served Plankton comes to the creepypasta Plankton Got Served and his appearance in the mod is inspired of Plenkton by Moopintot. Original Story (link) Plenkton

Plenkton by Moopintot

The image associated to the creepypasta

The creepypasta is about an unknown narrator witnessing an alternate version of the infamous SpongeBob episode One Coarse Meal, in which Mr. Krabs finds out that Plankton is afraid of whales and decides to dress up as his own daughter Pearl to terrorize plankton. This leads Plankton to try to kill himself by laying on the street and waiting for a bus to run him over. In the original episode, SpongeBob informs Plankton that Mr. Krabs is actually the one terrorizing him in his Pearl costume, motivating plankton to terrorize Mr. Krabs with his own fear of mimes as an act of revenge. The episode then ends like a normal SpongeBob episode. However, in the creepypasta, Plankton refuses to believe Spongebob and continues waiting for the bus to run him over. SpongeBob tries to show him the truth by dragging Mr. Krabs outside, but the bus comes speeding along soon after he leaves. Plankton sits up and watches it hit him as everything fades to black. Afterwards, Plankton finds himself standing on a single, mysterious platform. When he looks down, he finds a massive abyss of darkness, in which are a number of whales all staring at him. He also faintly hears his family members calling out to him, wanting him to join them in the darkness. When Plankton looks up, he sees a bright light, a light he can scarcely believe. This would seem to represent Heaven and Hell. Plankton comes to terms with his fate and lunges down into the darkness; embracing the whales, his family, and hell. This is when the episode ends, and the traditional Spongebob credits are shown, parallel to Plankton’s descent into hell. The narrator is flabbergasted at their discovery, but is unable to recover any footage of the episode, rendering them unable to prove the existence of it, ending the creepypasta.

Faceless Spongebob & Patrick

Icon-faceless Faceless Spongebob & Patrick come from the creepypasta of the same name. Original Story (link)


Spongebob & Patrick appearances in the episode

In 2018, the narrator checks their mailbox to find a VHS tape with the word "Faceless" scribbled on it in red. Curious, they insert it within their VCR. The tape contained a mysterious SpongeBob episode that strangely skips the opening song and title card and goes directly into the episode. In it, Squidward wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to work at the Krusty Krab. However, on his way there, he doesn't come across neither Spongebob or Patrick, which is strange, since they're always normally there to annoy him. All of a sudden, Squidward hears muffled screaming coming from both SpongeBob and Patrick's houses, causing Squidward to panic and check if they're ok, only to not find neither of them anywhere. Then, Squidward looks behind him to witness SpongeBob and Patrick, except, they were literally faceless, no mouth, no eyes, no nose, just their blank, smooth heads. The two of them begin approaching him, causing the muffled screaming to become louder. Squidward screams at the top of his lungs in complete horror, running to the Krusty Krab to escape them. However, upon arrival, he is met with Mr. Krabs also being faceless, alongside each and every single customer at the Krusty Krab. The costumers were attempting to eat their Krabby patties, but to no avail. As the large crowd of faceless fish slowly approached him, a completely terrified Squidward runs to the Jellyfish Fields in search of an end to this nightmare. Unfortunately, Squidward ends up fainting out of sheer shock when he gets there. When Squidward wakes up, he finds himself laying in a surgical table, equipped with several medical tools next to him. Suddenly, Squidward notices a mysterious dark figure approaching him, who says in a calm voice: "This won't hurt that much". Squidward, who was already sweating profusely at the sight of the dark figure, begins to scream in agony as the screen immediately cuts to black, with sounds of splatter and gore being hearable until the screaming stopped. The episode ends with Squidward, again in the Jellyfish Fields, trying to scream, to no avail. He was now faceless, just like the rest. And so the episode ends. The creepypasta ends with the narrator expressing how they wish this horrible memory could just be erased forever, warning the reader to never open up any mysterious VHS tape that shows up inside their mailbox.

Bootleg Spongebob

Icon-bootleg Bootleg Spongebob comes from the creepypasta Spongebob Bootleg Episode. Original Story (link)


If you stare at the image long enough, he will blink.

The image in which Bootleg SpongeBob appears in comes from a split second frame of a corrupted bootleg of the SpongeBob episode "Dumped". The rest of corrupted episode consists of random, incomprehensible jumbles of colors, static, or just black screens. The audio seems to be an extremely distorted version of the original episode's audio, accompanied with loud, droning buzzes occasionally interrupting it. The tape itself was found in December of 2004, when a group of 5 teenagers began rummaging through a trash can found within an abandoned mental institution. Of these 5 teenagers, 2 have committed suicide, 1 has gone missing (found dead inside of a dustbin one year after the discovery of the tape), 1 refuses to comment on the tape, and the last one hastily agreed to give to the paranormal investigators the tape shortly after being interviewed about what happened the other 3. As of now, the tape has gone missing, nowhere to be found, and many who stare at the SpongeBob image for long enough claim to see him blink.

Lies Fish

LiesFishIcon The Lies Fish comes from the creepypasta Spongebob - Lies.

Original Story (link)

The Titlecard for Lies.


Alternative titlecard for Lies.

The fish is seen in the beginning of the episode, haunting Spongebob on his way to work, prompting Spongebob to take unknown medication which rapidly deteriorates his health as his eyes started to bleed and his skin started to decompose. While the fish does not appear for the rest of the episode after this, they're regarded as the main cause of Spongebob's murders and fall into insanity that follow suit later in the episode.

Squid's Visit Alternative Ending Spongebob & Squidward

Squid's Visit Alt. Ending Spongebob & Squidward come from the creepypasta of the same name.

Original Story (link)

Squid's Visit Alternative Ending Title Card

The Titlecard for Squid's Visit Alternative Ending.


Krusty and krabby squidward icon fake v2 Impostward comes from the creepypasta Krusty & Krabby.

Original Story (link)

Krusty & Krabby Title Card

The Titlecard for Krusty & Krabby.

Diabetes Patrick

Cold FanIcon Diabetes Patrick comes from the creepypasta of the same name.

Original Story (link)

Patrick Diabetes Titlecard

Titlecard for Patrick's Diabetes

Alternative Cover Patrick's Diabetes

Alternative Titlecard for Patrick's Diabetes.

Patrick obtained diabetes because of ice cream overdose which he got from ice cream at Goofy Goobers. While both Spongebob and Patrick overdoses and fell into a coma, Patrick seems to have been the only one that got diabetes as a result.

Hope Is Lost Spongebob


StarvedWardIcon Teuthida comes from the creepypasta of the same name created by Stonesteves based on the Starved Eggman Creepypasta.

Original Story (Link)


Title Card for Teuthida.


Teuthida eating a piece of Spongebob.

The story of Fryer, Teuthida, and Teuthida Plankton begins with Teuthida Plankton at the brink of death, his skin peeling off, and wishing to have someone in his place to take over Bikini Bottom, and from there he had an idea. Just as Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and Spongebob were going home late, they all get kidnapped by Fryer, a new robot created by him.

Both Spongebob and Squidward are sealed separately, and Squidward is approached by Plankton who force feeds him a piece of Chum against his will which begins to change Squidward, giving him a desire to consume all fish in the sea, and the two later join forces in their operations.

Spongebob eventually escapes and the two see their escaped target, knowingly releasing Fryer to chase him down. This is where the supposed song with Fryer begins, with Teuthida catching up to Spongebob on a shell and Fryer blowing the Patty Mobile, leaving Spongebob's blown off upper half, later taken by Teuthida and Plankton.

Krabs eventually discovers what has happened, seeing Bikini Bottom in flames and grabs his anti-ghost armor and heading to the Chum Bucket, finding a scene of murder and Teuthida beside Spongebob's body. He becomes furious at him and plans to avenge him. This is where Bold or Brash begins.

Teuthida eventually wins and consumes both Krabs and Plankton as he becomes cannibalistic, wishing for more to consume. This is interrupted by the arrival of Mrs. Puff and Patrick who face against him. The battle ends in two ways and are based on what would have been the song's score.

The Good Ending has Patrick destroying Teuthida's magical clarinet and slicing off his head as he nearly consumes Mrs. Puff. After the two saved Bikini Bottom, Patrick visits Krabs' and Spongebob's tombs, saying that Spongebob was a great friend and leaves a jellyfish net on the ground.

The Bad Ending has Teuthida successfully controlling everyone on Bikini Bottom to commit suicide by the Chum Bucket, with Teuthida in glee. He then plots to control everything in the sea, starting with Neptune himself, as he closes the Chum Bucket, as the night passes.

The Tortured One

TheTorturedOneIcon The Tortured One is the main antagonist of The Bikini Bottom Horror, a horror webcomic series in which Patrick betrays and devours almost everyone in Bikini Bottom - including SpongeBob - as an act of revenge after years of his body being used to create Krabby Patties.

Chapter 1 (link)

The Tortured One

The Tortured One's inspiration for the mod.

The Tortured One is a clone of Patrick that was created from the original's regenerating severed arm, who was hooked up to a machine by Mr. Krabs used to create Krabby Patties from his severed limbs.

However, after the original Patrick ate an undercooked Krabby Patty, he gained the painful memories of The Tortured One and embraced his true physiology, gaining a newfound thirst for vengeance. He eventually creates a cult of Patrick clones dedicated to make The Tortured One's true form rise.

Horror Tales Patrick

Masscarepaticon Horror Tales Patrick comes from the SpongeBob Horror Tales comic.

Original Comic (link)

Header w8LyvfI

Patrick's Appearance in the comic.

No one knows what drove Patrick to this state or how many lives he's taken...no one still alive at least. All we know is that he was last seen approaching the Chum Bucket, a bloody knife in hand. Inside, Plankton is seen examining cells through a telescope, noting their invasive nature before asking to himself what Mr. Krabs did to them. Concerned about his discovery, he asks Karen to call the police, only to be met with silence. When he turns around, all he can see is a hand holding a knife emerging from the shadows. Plankton, terrified for his life, makes a dash for the telephone, and right as he gets his hands on it, the knife slices him into two. The phone call is answered, but all the other end can hear is silence, as Plankton's lifeless body splits apart.

Meatcanyon Spongebob

MCSpongebobNewerIcon Meatcanyon SpongeBob is a disturbing iteration of SpongeBob from Secret Formula, an animation created by YouTuber Meatcanyon. In the video, it is revealed that the secret ingredient for the irresistible Krabby Patty is SpongeBob himself.

Video (link)


Spongebob as he appears in the video

The video begins with SpongeBob cooking Krabby Patties in the Krusty Krab kitchen, thinking about how much he loves his job, when Squidward squirms through the kitchen window and asks him to put more "secret formula" in the patties, to which SpongeBob responds by inserting his spatula inside one of his pores and scraping a chunk of himself, then putting the chunk on top of the the patty as it cooks in the grill. As Squidward complements the smell of the patty, he asks for Mr. Krabs' opinion on it, and he also likes it. He then requests SpongeBob to put even more of the "secret formula" on the patty, and Spongebob does so. Afterwards, SpongeBob asks Mr. Krabs if he did a good job, and Krabs says yes, but that he still wants more. Krabs then proceeds to insert his claw deep inside one of SpongeBob's pores. Happy to share more of himself to his friends, SpongeBob welcomes Mr. Krabs and Squidward to take as much of the secret formula as they wish. The two then proceed to feast on SpongeBob's body to the point of becoming ferocious, delighted by its wonderful taste. Eventually, the two are completely well-fed and stop eating SpongeBob, but also warn him that they'll eventually be back for more. The video ends with SpongeBob laying next to the grill, contemplating about how much he loves his life, his friends and his job.

Robot Chicken Mr. Krabs & Spongebob

Icon-YourDisgusting Robot Chicken & Spongebob come from the 7th Episode of the 5th Season of the American stop motion animated sketch comedy television series Robot Chicken, known as Major League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, specifically, in the 9th segment of the episode, which is known as Krabby Patties.

Episode (link)
Krabby Patties (link)

Coconut Fred

Better Coconut FredIcon Coconut Fred is an anthropomorphic coconut that originates from the short-lived flash-animated Kids, WB! series Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island. He's got a wild imagination and is constantly (and unknowingly) terrorizing Fruit Salad Island and its inhabitants, but is still somehow our protagonist.

Serie (link)
Episode 1 (link)

Pamtri Spongebob & Squidward

NewPamtriSpongeAndSquidIcon Pamtri Spongebob & Squidward are surreal iterations of SpongeBob and Squidward created by YouTuber pamtri.

Sea Bear (link)

Ronald Reagan

PropagandaCustomIcon Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United States of America running from 2 terms from January 20, 1981 to January 20, 1989.

In the mod and parody he originates in, he is the director of a propaganda cartoon seen in a Saturday Night Live skit called TV Funhouse: X-Presidents.

Saturday Night Live (link)
TV Funhouse: X-Presidents (link)
Episode (link)


CustomSlendybobIcon Slendybob is a character from a youtube poop fan series on youtube with some relation to Slenderman.He is an alternate reality, psychotic serial killer version of SpongeBob who will do anything to kill his prey.

Episode 1 (link)


Slendybob Appearance.

Supposedly, SpongeBob's downward spiral to madness began when he got fired from his fry cook job after not making Mr Krabs the money he wanted, to which he swore to get revenge from Mr Krabs. While returning to his home, he comes face to face with one of his cousins, BlackJack, who seems to be going into a murder spree after coming out of jail. Spongebob attempts to run away but gets caught and tossed around. Eventually he gets fed up and manages to launch blackjack into a room with some flammable material, which ends up exploding and burning him to death. After this he happily resumes his walk home while debating how his revenge was gonna be like until he ends up meeting Patrick on the street. Patrick acts like a jerk to Spongebob due to him losing his job and this upsets him even further. Finally arriving to his house, he laments everything he lost that day and cries at his sofa until gary comes next to him, Whether he imagined the things Gary said or Gary actually said something to him is ambiguous, but He then gets the idea of playing DOOM 2016 (which brought alot of talk about video game violence at the time of its release) on his pc which leads to the series of events in "slendybob gets fired up" that turns SpongeBob into the revenge driven Serial killer that is Slendybob.'

SpongeBong HempPants

Hemppantsneutral SpongeBong HempPants is a drugged and high version of SpongeBob hailing from the same animation series of the same name, living in a bong and living life with weed and shrooms, being absolutely stoned.


SpongeBong HempPants Appearance.

Episode 1 (link)


YourBoySponge is a Youtube Channel specializing in Freestyle Rapping.

Chinese Spongebob

ChinesespongnChinese Spongebob comes from the series Spongebob in China by Boom Chicago.Alongside his friend Chinese Patrick and his colleagues Chinese Squidward and Chinese Krabs, Chinese Spongebob lives and works inside the Tibet region of a satirical and stereotypical take of China.


Chinese Spongebob Appearance.

Episode 1 (link) Episode 2 (link)

Astrobort Gary & Spongebob

Panchitomatrix SpongeBob

Bloodlust Krabs

Joe Mama

Icon-joemamasquid Joe Mama is a Squidward meme OC created by Sandi, one of the main composers for the mod.He is heavily inspired by the Don't ask who Joe is meme and an Old Minus Squidward design.


The original “Don’t ask who Joe is” meme featuring Red Mist Squidward.

Goated Amongly Squidward


MOMAZOS DIEGO is a 2020 meme about an SDLG meme page that uses an image of Squidward, being used by shitposters in an ironic way. The meme went viral thanks to Hispanic YouTubers who talked about it.

Emo Spongebob

Emo Spongebob originates from an edit on DeviantArt on 23 November 2007 by the user kez-the-emo-lord, most likely not be focused as a joke, but a genuine edit to portray Spongebob as an emo. It was not until 2008 that Emo Spongebob become known, and it took all the way until July 2021 for Emo Spongebob to be relevant again: In the episode 'What About Meep?' in the Spongebob spin-off show 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years', Emo Spongebob was confirmed to be canon: It was a phase in Spongebob's younger years.

Diesel Dreaming Spongebob & Patrick

UltimateRoadRageIcon Diesel Dreaming Spongebob & Patrick come from the videogame Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab!.

Videogame (link)

Animatronic Squidward

Anisquid Animatronic Squidward comes from the FNAF fangame Five Nights at the Krusty Krab.

Squidward tentacles inthe office

The FNATKK design for Animatronic Squidward in front of the Protagonist's Desk.

Videogame (link)

Spongeswap SpongeBob

Canon Squidward

Icon-canonsquiddynocircle Canon Squidward is a parody of the Red Mist creepypasta seen in a now-deleted scene from the season 12 SpongeBob episode "SpongeBob in Randomland", in which SpongeBob and Squidward are sent to a dimension known as Randomland in order to deliver a Krabby Patty.


The Red Mist Squidward reference in the show.

Scene (link) During SpongeBob and Squidward’s trip in Randomland, there's a scene where they are surrounded by a wall of doors. Squidward tries opening some of the doors, only to be met with strange, warped versions of himself and SpongeBob. In one of the doors, Squidward finds what looks to be his bedroom, before suddenly being flashed with TV static as Canon Squidward appears in front of it. Squidward quickly closes the door and complains about Randomland being a nightmare.

The Hash-Slinging Slasher

SlashSlinging-iconsThe Hash-Slinging Slasher is a folk legend in Bikini Bottom.

Hash Slinger from the back

Backview of the Hash-Slinging Slasher.

Episode (link)

Dehydrated SpongeBob

Icon-driedup Dehydrated Spongebob is the original Spongebob except massively dehydrated, making his first appearance in the famous I don't need it... scene from the official episode Tea at the Treedome. His model is taken straight from the game Battle For Bikini Bottom.

I dont need it spongey

Scene of the episode


Dehydrated SpongeBob's model from Battle For Bikini Bottom.

Scene (link) Videogame (link)


SpongeBoy is a prototype version of the original SpongeBob SquarePants.

The Flying Dutchman


Gallery (General)

External Links


Special Files

