Heavy Water: And Other Stories

Front Cover
Random House of Canada, Limited, 2000 - 208 pages
3 Reviews
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"Heavy Water and Other Stories demonstrates Martin Amis's stylistic brilliance with nine stories that are witty, funny, and sardonic. Frankly entertaining in its satirical take on the human condition in modern times, whole worlds are created - or inverted. In "Straight Fiction everyone is gay (apart from the beleaguered "straight" community); in "Career Moves screenwriters submit their works to little magazines and poets are flown first-class to Los Angeles.

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LibraryThing Review

User Review  - saschenka - LibraryThing

9 short stories, many preambles to later novels; heavy use of 'irony' re one-dimensional plots: poems instead of screenplays as major hits, gay culture preferenced instead of straight, etc. Not worth a second read, just random ideas the author apparently had to get out of his system. Read full review

LibraryThing Review

User Review  - kirstiecat - LibraryThing

This barely gets the 3/5 stars I am giving it and I am really starting to think Martin Amis is a little over-rated. One thing I can definitely say is that I have enjoyed his novels more. There are ... Read full review

About the author (2000)

Martin Amis, son of the novelist Kingsley Amis, was born August 25, 1949. His childhood was spent traveling with his famous father. From 1969 to 1971 he attended Exeter College at Oxford University. After graduating, he worked for the Times Literary Supplement and later as special writer for the Observer. Amis published his first novel, The Rachel Papers, in 1973, which received the prestigious Somerset Maugham Award in 1974. Other titles include Dead Babies (1976), Other People: A Mystery Story (1981); London Fields (1989), The Information (1995), and Night Train (1997). Martin Amis has been called the voice of his generation. His novels are controversial, often satiric and dark, concentrating on urban low life. His style has been compared to that of Graham Greene, Philip Larkin and Saul Bellow, among others.

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