The Meaning Behind The Song: Real Recognize Real (Pills) by Lupe Fiasco - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Real Recognize Real (Pills) by Lupe Fiasco


The Meaning Behind The Song: Real Recognize Real (Pills) by Lupe Fiasco

Title Real Recognize Real (Pills)
Artist Lupe Fiasco
Writer/Composer Lupe Fiasco
Album Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor (Advance/Pre-Release Leak)
Release Date April 2006
Genre Rap
Producer N/A

Real Recognize Real (Pills) by Lupe Fiasco is a thought-provoking rap song that delves into the dark realities of society. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the harsh truths that exist in our world, from the deception and camouflage of frauds to the destructive nature of the streets and the game.

In the first verse, Lupe Fiasco emphasizes the importance of recognizing who is genuine and who is fake. He compares the dollar bill, which represents wealth and power, to the exercise of our ills. He warns us to be careful about who we trust and believe, as there are those who are skilled at hiding their true intentions. He also touches upon the allure of materialistic possessions, such as Caprice Classics with matching wheels, which are used to impress others.

The chorus, sung by Willie Hutch and Lupe Fiasco, further emphasizes the theme of being “out there.” This phrase implies the dangers and harsh realities that exist outside our comfort zones. It serves as a cautionary reminder of the struggles and temptations that individuals face in their daily lives.

In the second verse, Lupe Fiasco personifies the streets as a seductive and deceptive entity. He describes it as a demon in a dress with a lust for money and a disregard for the well-being of others. He vividly portrays the streets engaging in promiscuous acts and bearing the names of slain boyfriends as tattoos on her body. Lupe Fiasco highlights the destructive nature of greed, ignorance, and envy that thrive within this environment.

Continuing with the chorus, the repetition of “out there” serves to emphasize the cyclical nature of these dangerous circumstances. It reminds us that the streets have a grasp on individuals and can be challenging to escape.

In the third verse, Lupe Fiasco shifts his focus to the game, referring to the music industry and the system in general. He personifies the game as a beast, with blunts for fingers and hollow tips for teeth. He illustrates the pervasive presence of wiretapping, drug use, and criminal activity within this industry. Lupe Fiasco also touches upon the negative influence of rap music, heroin, and the marriage between the game and the streets.

The fourth verse takes a positive turn, exploring the concept of righteousness. Lupe Fiasco presents the contrast between the negative aspects of society and the power of righteousness. He highlights the importance of teaching the younger generation the value of self-respect and critical thinking. He praises those who courageously stand up against drugs and negative influences, such as the pistol-packin’ old lady mentioned in the lyrics.

Personally, Real Recognize Real (Pills) by Lupe Fiasco resonates with me on multiple levels. The song’s raw and honest portrayal of societal issues forces me to reflect on the realities that exist outside my own bubble. It serves as a reminder to be discerning and cautious about who I trust and believe in. The song also sheds light on the cyclical nature of destructive environments and the difficulties individuals face in overcoming them. Overall, it is a powerful piece of music that encourages self-reflection and critical examination of our society.

To me, Real Recognize Real (Pills) is a call to action. It urges listeners to be vigilant and to recognize the difference between what is real and what is counterfeit. It serves as a reminder that material wealth and external appearances do not define a person’s character. Instead, it’s important to value integrity, self-respect, and the well-being of others.

In conclusion, Real Recognize Real (Pills) by Lupe Fiasco is a thought-provoking rap song that delves into the harsh realities of society. Through powerful lyrics and vivid imagery, the song encourages listeners to question the authenticity of the world around them and to prioritize righteousness over materialistic pursuits. It serves as a reminder to be cautious, perceptive, and discerning in a world full of deception.

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