41 Facts about the movie The Amityville Horror - Facts.net
Brandice Banuelos

Written by Brandice Banuelos

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Gravereview.com

The Amityville Horror is a legendary horror movie that has captivated audiences for decades. Released in 1979, it is based on a true story that sent shockwaves through the small town of Amityville, New York. The film follows the experiences of the Lutz family as they move into a seemingly idyllic suburban home, only to discover that it is plagued by evil forces.

With its spine-chilling plot, atmospheric setting, and memorable performances, The Amityville Horror has become a cult favorite among horror enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into 41 fascinating facts about this iconic movie, including behind-the-scenes stories, trivia, and secrets. So buckle up and prepare to dive deep into the creepy and mysterious world of The Amityville Horror!

Key Takeaways:

  • The Amityville Horror, released in 1979, is based on a true story of a haunted house, inspiring a successful franchise and influencing the horror genre for decades.
  • The movie’s eerie atmosphere, real-life inspiration, and lasting impact make it a classic must-watch for horror fans, despite mixed reviews from critics.
Table of Contents

The Amityville Horror was released in 1979.

The Amityville Horror is a classic horror film that was released in It was directed by Stuart Rosenberg and based on the novel of the same name by Jay Anson.

The movie is based on a true story.

The Amityville Horror is inspired by the real-life events that occurred in the town of Amityville, New York, in The Lutz family claimed to have experienced supernatural phenomena while living in their new home, which was the site of a gruesome murder a year earlier.

The house used in the film is the actual Amityville house.

The filmmakers decided to shoot the movie in the real Amityville house to add to the authenticity and eerie atmosphere of the film. The house, located at 112 Ocean Avenue, became an iconic symbol of the horror genre.

James Brolin and Margot Kidder star in the film.

The Amityville Horror features James Brolin as George Lutz and Margot Kidder as Kathy Lutz, the couple who moves into the haunted house. Their performances were highly praised for portraying the increasing terror and psychological torment experienced by their characters.

The film was a box office success.

The Amityville Horror was a commercial success, grossing over $86 million worldwide. It became one of the highest-grossing independent films at the time and ensured the enduring popularity of the horror franchise.

The movie spawned numerous sequels and remakes.

The success of The Amityville Horror led to the creation of a franchise consisting of sequels, prequels, and remakes. Some of the notable films include Amityville II: The Possession (1982), The Amityville Horror (2005), and Amityville: The Awakening (2017).

The film was met with mixed reviews from critics.

Upon its release, The Amityville Horror received mixed reviews from critics. While some praised its atmospheric tension and chilling moments, others criticized its lack of originality and reliance on horror movie clichés.

The movie features a memorable score.

The Amityville Horror’s haunting musical score, composed by Lalo Schifrin, adds to the overall sense of dread and suspense in the film. The music has since become synonymous with the horror genre.

The Amityville house became a tourist attraction.

After the release of the movie, the real Amityville house attracted a significant number of curious visitors and horror fans. People would flock to the location to catch a glimpse of the infamous house and experience its eerie aura.

The film has had a lasting impact on the horror genre.

The Amityville Horror has become a staple in the horror genre and has inspired countless other haunted house films. Its influence can be seen in movies like The Conjuring series and Paranormal Activity.

The Amityville house has been the subject of controversy.

Over the years, the authenticity of the events that inspired The Amityville Horror has been widely debated. Some believe the Lutz family’s claims, while others dismiss them as an elaborate hoax.

The movie’s tagline is “For God’s sake, get out!”

The tagline of The Amityville Horror perfectly captures the sense of urgency and terror that permeates the film. It has become a memorable and often quoted line in the horror genre.

The film was shot on a relatively low budget.

The Amityville Horror was made on a modest budget of around $4.7 million. Despite its limited resources, the movie managed to create a chilling atmosphere and deliver effective scares.

The Amityville Horror was initially met with skepticism.

When The Amityville Horror was first released, many people believed that the movie was nothing more than a work of fiction. However, the film’s success sparked a renewed interest in the real-life Amityville case.

The Amityville house remains a well-known landmark.

Even decades after the release of the film, the Amityville house continues to be recognized by horror enthusiasts and tourists alike. Its distinctive architectural style and dark history make it an iconic location in pop culture.

The movie was based on a best-selling book.

The Amityville Horror novel, written by Jay Anson, was a best-seller upon its release in The success of the book paved the way for the adaptation into a feature film.

The real Amityville house has been renovated.

After the Lutz family moved out of the Amityville house, it underwent various renovations to remove its association with the paranormal. The distinctive exterior windows, which resemble eyes, were also changed to appear less menacing.

The film explores themes of possession and supernatural forces.

The Amityville Horror delves into the terrifying concept of demonic possession and the influence of supernatural forces on individuals and their living environment. It taps into primal fears and the unknown.

The movie has become a cultural phenomenon.

The Amityville Horror and its subsequent sequels and remakes have embedded themselves in popular culture. References to the film can be found in other movies, television shows, and even in music.

The Amityville Horror is considered a classic horror film.

Despite the mixed reviews upon its release, The Amityville Horror has gained a cult following and is regarded as a classic within the horror genre. Its enduring popularity speaks to its impact and lasting appeal.

The film features a creepy basement.

Within the Amityville house, the basement plays a significant role in the escalating terror. It becomes a focal point for supernatural occurrences and chilling encounters, adding to the overall sense of unease.

The Amityville house has changed owners multiple times.

Since the Lutz family left the Amityville house, it has changed hands numerous times. Each new owner must grapple with the property’s dark history and the curiosity of outsiders.

The movie’s success led to a surge in haunted house films.

Following the release of The Amityville Horror, there was a surge in films centered around haunted houses and supernatural occurrences. It set the stage for future horror movies to explore similar themes.

The Amityville case has inspired documentaries.

Aside from the numerous fictional adaptations, the Amityville case has also been the subject of several documentary films. These documentaries examine the events, evidence, and controversies surrounding the real-life haunting.

The movie features paranormal investigators.

In The Amityville Horror, a pair of paranormal investigators, played by Rod Steiger and Don Stroud, are brought in to assess the supernatural occurrences plaguing the Lutz family. Their presence adds to the suspense and tension in the film.

The film’s release coincided with Halloween.

The Amityville Horror was released in theaters in the United States on July 27, 1979, just in time to capitalize on the summer box office. However, its horror genre elements also made it a popular choice for screenings around Halloween.

The Amityville house has a distinctive architecture.

The Amityville house’s unique Dutch Colonial Revival style, complete with its signature “eye” windows, sets it apart visually from other houses in the neighborhood. This distinctiveness contributes to its eerie allure.

The film’s success led to a resurgence of interest in the horror genre.

The commercial success of The Amityville Horror revitalized the horror genre in the late 1970s. It paved the way for other successful horror films in subsequent years, ushering in a new wave of frightening storytelling.

The Amityville house has been modified by subsequent owners.

Throughout the years, the Amityville house has undergone various modifications and renovations by different owners. These alterations have changed the appearance of the house, making it look different from its on-screen portrayal.

The movie’s marketing campaign emphasized its “based on a true story” aspect.

To promote The Amityville Horror, the marketing team capitalized on the fact that the story was inspired by real events. This helped generate intrigue and attract audiences who were fascinated by the paranormal.

The Amityville Horror has been parodied in other films.

As a well-known horror film, The Amityville Horror has been parodied or referenced in other movies and television shows. These parodies often play with the house’s haunted reputation for comedic effect.

The film’s success led to the publishing of additional books.

The popularity of The Amityville Horror movie prompted the release of additional books based on the Amityville case. These books further explore the events, providing different perspectives on the haunting.

The Amityville house has been renamed.

To distance itself from the notoriety associated with the Amityville case, subsequent owners have changed the house’s address from 112 Ocean Avenue to 108 Ocean Avenue.

The movie features creepy supernatural occurrences.

In The Amityville Horror, the Lutz family experiences a range of chilling paranormal phenomena, including unexplainable noises, shadowy figures, and disturbing dreams. These occurrences serve to heighten the movie’s suspense and horror.

The Amityville case has spawned conspiracy theories.

Due to the controversial nature of the Amityville case, it has become the subject of various conspiracy theories. Some speculate that the events were fabricated for financial gain, while others suggest a government cover-up.

The film’s success inspired a book series.

Following the release of The Amityville Horror, a series of fictional novels based on the haunted house premise were published. These books expanded the Amityville universe and continued to captivate readers.

The Amityville house has been extensively renovated.

Over the years, the Amityville house has undergone significant renovations to change its appearance and erase any traces of its connection to the supernatural. The house’s exterior no longer resembles its on-screen depiction.

The movie’s director incorporated real-life audio recordings.

Director Stuart Rosenberg incorporated actual audio recordings from the Lutz family’s experiences into the film. This adds an additional layer of authenticity and makes the events feel more unsettling.

The Amityville case remains a subject of fascination.

Decades after the events took place, the Amityville case continues to capture the interest and curiosity of people around the world. It remains one of the most famous and controversial paranormal stories in history.

The movie’s success led to a resurgence in haunted house franchises.

The commercial success of The Amityville Horror spurred the creation of other haunted house franchises in the horror genre. These films often follow similar themes of supernatural occurrences in old, haunted houses.

The Amityville Horror remains a must-watch for horror enthusiasts.

Even after all these years, The Amityville Horror is still a must-watch for horror aficionados and fans of supernatural thrillers. Its blend of psychological terror and paranormal elements ensures its place in the pantheon of classic horror films.


In conclusion, The Amityville Horror is a legendary horror movie that has captivated audiences for decades. With its compelling storyline, iconic haunted house, and intense performances, it has achieved cult status in the horror genre. From its true story origins to its impact on the future of horror cinema, this movie has left an indelible mark on pop culture.The Amityville Horror serves as a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of supernatural horror. Its chilling atmosphere, jump scares, and psychological terror make it a must-watch for any horror enthusiast. Whether you’re a fan of the original 1979 film or the 2005 remake, The Amityville Horror continues to haunt the nightmares of audiences around the world.If you haven’t experienced the spine-tingling terror of The Amityville Horror, it’s time to dim the lights, grab some popcorn, and prepare yourself for a heart-pounding journey into the unknown. Just be warned, once you’ve entered the world of The Amityville Horror, you may never look at a haunted house the same way again.


Q: Is The Amityville Horror based on a true story?

A: Yes, The Amityville Horror is based on the real-life events that transpired in a house located in Amityville, New York.

Q: Are there any sequels to The Amityville Horror?

A: Yes, there have been multiple sequels and spin-offs released over the years, including The Amityville Horror Part II, Amityville 3-D, and The Amityville Horror (2005) remake.

Q: Is The Amityville Horror a haunted house film?

A: Yes, The Amityville Horror revolves around the haunting of a house known as 112 Ocean Avenue, where gruesome and paranormal activities occur.

Q: Who directed The Amityville Horror (2005) remake?

A: The 2005 remake of The Amityville Horror was directed by Andrew Douglas.

Q: Is The Amityville Horror a classic horror movie?

A: Yes, The Amityville Horror is considered a classic horror movie due to its enduring popularity and influence on the genre.

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