LinkedIn profile picture templates

Grow your career by making great professional connections online. Showcase your personality with an eye-catching LinkedIn profile picture made with templates from Canva’s gallery of polished designs.

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LinkedIn profile pictures by Canva

In the digital age, connecting with potential colleagues is possible with just a click. But with so much competition out there, how can you stand out? Begin by showing your best digital foot forward on LinkedIn. Need to update your professional page? Browse Canva’s LinkedIn profile picture templates for ideas and inspiration on how to show a polished and capable persona at a glance.

Your LinkedIn profile picture says a lot about you. If you’ve taken the time to choose the right photo and display it in the right frame, it shows that you make an effort and care about the smallest details. No worries if digital design is not your forte: our free LinkedIn profile picture templates are there for you to grab and customize. Whether you’re in corporate, tech, creative, or recruitment, we’ve got the appropriate LinkedIn profile picture template to match your industry.

You can create a signature evergreen design and have a few seasonal layouts to change into. By signing up for a free Canva account, you can even save your customized LinkedIn profile picture templates and edit them whenever the need arises.

Ready to update your profile picture? Get creative on Canva’s online editing platform. We’ve got drag-and-drop tools that can help you come up with a stunning LinkedIn profile picture design in minutes. Feel free to insert your title or designation in a subtle yet readable font. Enhance your picture with our easy-to-use photo editing tools. Add graphic elements to bring out your personality, or simply change the colors.

Designing something for your entire team’s profile pictures? Give them editing access to your LinkedIn profile picture frame template and let them put their own spin on it. When you’re ready to share your profile picture online, you can do it straight from Canva—whether you’re uploading only on LinkedIn, or on all your other social media platforms.