👍 Facebook Emoji List | EmojiAll

Facebook supports all emojis. In addition to use emoji through the emoji keyboard of device (mobile phone, computer, etc.), users can also use the smiley button [😀] below the content box to open the emoji keyboard for selection when posting a post.

At the same time, Facebook provides animated "emoji" reactions to posts, you can use these emojis to make simple replies to others posts.

Note💡: These emojis are designed by Facebook itself, and not available as a standardized Unicode emoji. Among to these emojis, emoji [Care] is an additional option in response to COVID-19, it shows a hugging face holding a red heart❀. [Care] was added in march, 2020, you can use it to show the careness and concern to your friends👫.

Emojis will show the Facebook version on the computer💻. However, in mobile device such as smart phone or tablet, emojis will display the version of device's system📱.

The following is a list of Emoji pictures designed by Facebook, which is divided into 10 parts according to 10 categories. Each category lists the Emoji to which the category belongs, including the Emoji picture and the corresponding short name.

You can click on the picture or text to enter the dedicated page of this Emoji, and view the description, usage examples, technical data, pictures of other vendors and more detailed information of this Emoji.

If you are using a mobile phone, you can press and hold the Emoji picture to display the menu, and then choose to download or share the picture.

If you are using a computer, you can right-click on the Emoji picture to display the menu, and then choose to download or copy the picture.

FacebookEmoji images list provided by Facebook

Categories: 😂 Smileys & Emotion

Categories: 👌 People & Body