Insight into Greatest Stars of New Millenium & Rey Mysterio DVD Content | Wrestling DVD Network

Insight into Greatest Stars of New Millenium & Rey Mysterio DVD Content

April 22, 2011 by Daniel Bee

A synopsis for both Rey Mysterio: The Life of a Masked Man and Greatest Stars of the New Millenium WWE DVDs have been added to retail sites like Amazon.

First up, the upcoming 3-Disc Mysterio DVD which is due for release on July 12th in North America:

For the first time ever, Rey Mysterio sits down and reviews his historic career, reflecting on his greatest matches and moments.

This all-new interview features exclusive and candid comments from the Ultimate Underdog on his Sports Entertainment path through ECW, WCW, and WWE; his rivalries with Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, CM Punk; his thoughts on battling men almost twice his size, and his emotional Cruiserweight, Intercontinental, and World Championship runs.

Judging by this, the format sounds to us very similar to the Shawn Michaels: My Journey DVD.

As expected, Greatest Stars of the New Millenium (released July 26 on DVD and Blu-ray) looks to follow the same format as the previous Stars of 90’s release.

The Greatest Stars of the New Millennium profiles 15 superstars that dominated the ring for the first decade of the 2000s.

Each star is profiled and one of his greatest matches is included. Stars examined will include Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Batista, and more.

Both WWE DVDs are available to pre-order now.

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  1. Steven says:

    Also want the John Cena vs Chris Jericho from Armageddon 2008 or Survivor Series 2008, either one is fine because they both put on a great show.

  2. Steven says:

    I hope the 2 matches I want on the Greatest Stars of the New Millennium WreslteMania 23 HBK vs John Cena, and the Money in the Bank match from Mania 23 Jeff’s sick legdrop on Edge on the ladder just awesome.

  3. hanif says:

    I hope that the Greatest Stars DVD features Jeff Hardy, he was a star near the end of the decade.

  4. LukeRyan says:

    Can’t wait for the Rey DVD, can’t believe so much of the internet are clamouring for him to retire?! He can still go, his match at ‘Mania was one of the best on the show and he made the Eliminaton Chamber in Februrary awesome. He’s one of the best, can’t wait for a new set, persoanlly, because he continues to have amazing matches to this day.

    That being said, I would prefer a documentary, but oh well

  5. Banjo says:

    Here are the matches I would showcase on the Greatest Stars of the New Millennium:

    Hell in a Cell – Armageddon 2000
    Team WWE vs. Team Alliance – Survivor Series 2001
    Elimination Chamber – Survivor Series 2002
    Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show – Vengeance 2003
    JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T vs. The Undertaker – Armageddon 2004
    John Cena vs. Umaga (Last Man Standing) – Royal Rumble 2007
    Rated-RKO vs. Batista & The Undertaker – Smackdown 2007
    John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels – WrestleMania 23
    Batista vs. The Undertaker (Hell in a Cell) – Survivor Series 2007
    Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. JBL – Backlash 2008
    Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho – Judgment Day 2008
    Batista vs. Shawn Michaels (Stretcher Match) – One Night Stand 2008
    Chris Jericho vs. Batista – Cyber Sunday 2008
    Edge vs. Jeff Hardy – Royal Rumble 2009
    Randy Orton vs. John Cena (Iron Man Match) – Bragging Rights 2009

  6. Chris Smith says:

    Mysterio needs to leave at any rate. When he finally does get that long overdue knee surgery (Seriously he’s been putting it off for over a year now) hes going to be out for six to eight months. I respect him for all the work he puts in with injured knees but I’m hoping they do an injury angle where Cody Rhodes takes him out. I’d rather see Rey take the next year off, than wait too long for surgery and end up in a wheelchair.

  7. Daniel Bee says:

    On the schedule we use it states July 21st but looks like the 2 and the 1 are the wrong way around :p Must be the 12th, with Stars of the New Millenium later that month on the 26th. Changing article now.

  8. MickEiA says:

    He had a doco on his first DVD set about Mexico and his childhood but not one that covers his career

  9. Anonymous says:

    If the rey mysterio dvd is like the Shawn Michaels-My Journey set then that is going to be so disappointing. I mean Rey already has a dvd like that? Why do the same thing twice? how about a documentary?

  10. Rob L says:

    I kind of hope Rey is on the way out.. Sin Cara seems more explosive and I think he could fill Rey’s shoes pretty well.

  11. Tim says:

    Yeah you got the wrong date up there. The Rey Mysterio set is released on July 12, Capitol Punishment on July 19, and Greatest Stars on July 26 all Tuesdays.

  12. Ricky Schmidt says:

    July 21st (my birthday!) is a Thursday, though. Are they really releasing a DVD on a Thursday?

  13. Tim says:

    I think the 15 Stars on the ‘New Millennium’ set will be; John Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho, Batista, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Big Show, Kane, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio and CM Punk.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I think Rock should be on that greatest stars of 00’s even though he was there from 00-04 he was so big during that time he can easily have a spot on there covering his fueds with Austin II/III and HHH, Last match in 2004 and heel turn so much can be covered in those 4 years also it can cover his return a little.

  15. Daniel Bee says:

    If the synopsis is anything to go by Rey’s will probably be a sit down interview in between matches.

    Might mean that, Evan..

  16. gavinotts says:

    i hope rey will have a bio

  17. Does the Mysterio DVD mean his career is coming to an end? It happened with HBK.

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