What is Candy Toxton's full name?

Florence Tockstein

Candy Toxton nickname(s):

Susan Perry

Candy Toxton date of birth:

November 12, 1925

How old was Candy Toxton when died?


Where was Candy Toxton born?

Vienna, Missouri, USA

When did Candy Toxton die?

December 28, 2005

Where did Candy Toxton die?

Rancho Mirage, CA, USA

Candy Toxton body shape:


Is Candy Toxton gay or straight?


What is Candy Toxton's ethnicity?


What is Candy Toxton nationality?


Where did Candy Toxton go to school?

St. Teresa High School, East St. Louis, Illinois

What is Candy Toxton's occupation?


Candy Toxton claim to fame:

The $64, 000 Question

Short Biography

Born in Vienna, Missouri, Candy Toxton moved with her family to East St. Louis, Illinois, when she was young. She attended St. Teresa High School and after graduation became a model in St. Louis. While in New York, an agent from the Charles Feldman agency spotted her and convinced her to take acting lessons. The agent got her bit parts in six movies and she was signed to a contract by Harry Cohn of Columbia Pictures. Cohn changed her stage name to Susan Perry.