Cancer Insights | Medical Reference Charges for Common Cancers | HSBC HK

Reference Medical Charges for Most Common Cancers in Hong Kong

Cancer treatment can be expensive, especially those with new drugs for chemotherapy and target therapy. Some cancers may spread and recur, resulting in unexpected spending beyond calculations, draining life-time savings and creating substantial financial burdens. Apart from the physical sufferings, great psychological stress often hit those in these circumstances. 

You can prevent these from happening if you reduce your own risk of cancer, and prepare for financial security well in advance. It is vital to take sufficient protection for yourself and your loved ones - while you are still healthy - to protect against financial burdens in case of cancer treatments. To be better financially prepared, here are some reference medical charges for some common cancers in Hong Kong:

Colorectal Cancer

Item Reference charges (approximately HKD)
Colonoscopy 34,5901
Operating Theatre and Associated Materials Charge 35,6722
Doctor’s Fee* 192,6002
Hospital Charge 189,4922
Total 417,7642

* Doctor’s fee includes anaesthetist’s fee.
† Hospital charges include room charge for 11 days in standard ward, medicine and injection fees, investigation and examination fees, treatment and associated material charges, meals and beverage charges, sundries charges, etc.

Lung Cancer

Item Reference charges (approximately HKD)
Histopathology 3,8603
Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery, Lobectomy 136,0504
Targeted Therapy (Erlotinib and Gefitinib) 14,000 - 16,000 per month5

‡ Fee includes room charge for 6 days in standard ward, essential pre-operative investigation, instrument, equipment and consumable for operation, post-operative care, surgeon’s fee and ward round fee, anaesthetist’s fee, additional cost of hospitalisation incurred (excluding surgeon’s fees and anaesthetist’s fee) due to complications arising from the specified operation.

Mammary Cancer

Item Reference charges (approximately HKD)
Breast Biopsy 6,3001
Operation Theatre Charge 23,8404
Doctor’s Fee 47,5004
Anaesthetist’s Fee 12,0004
Hospital Charge** 20,9504
Total 104,2904
Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Operation Fee for Breast Cancer Stage-2 Or Above (Each for Approximately 100,000) 400,0006
Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer Stage-2 Or Above 300,0006
Hormone Targeted Therapy 1,000,000 - 2,000,0006

¶ Doctor’s fee includes fees for operating surgeon and ward round.
** Hospital charges include admission fee, accommodation for standard ward, consumable for operation and associated materials, nursing procedures, investigation and examination fees, medication, meals and beverage, sundries, etc.


People in general may only think of surgical and hospitalisation expenses when it comes to cancer treatment. Very often, they may have overlooked other expenses incurred by other pre/post hospitalisation treatment such as:

Item Reference charges (approximately HKD)
Targeted Therapy 400,000 – 2,400,0007
Immunotherapy 850,000 – 3,600,0007



  1. Hong Kong Adventist Hospital
  2. St. Paul’s Hospital
  3. Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
  4. Union Hospital
  5. Hong Kong Cancer Fund
  6. Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation
  7. Reference from the rate card of Hospital Authority and six private hospitals in April 2016 by Hong Kong Cancer Fund


The information on this page is for reference only. It is not intended to constitute a recommendation, and it is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. You should not act on any information on this page without seeking specific professional advice.