16 Regina George Quotes That Prove She's The Ultimate Mean Girl

Updated June 5, 2024 16 items



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Vote up the quotes that have you saying, “Get in loser, we're going shopping.”

Regina George is one of the most viral and quotable comedic villains from modern-day cinema. The “Queen of Mean” teaches viewers just how low teen psychological warfare can go in the 2004 cult classic Mean Girls. Almost every word that comes out of her mouth in the 97-minute film has turned into a viral meme or catchphrase.

Regina's insults have created a new meaning for the word "bully." Her unique brand of abuse, quick thinking, and creative slander make for the ultimate mean girl.

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    23 VOTES

    'Boo, You Whore.'

    Playing phone tag, Regina asks Karen if she will hang out with her. Karen gives an unconvincing cough, claiming she's sick.

    Regina responds by insulting her friend's lack of acting skills and leaves a shocked Karen on the other line. 

    23 votes
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    17 VOTES

    'Cady, Will You Please Tell Him His Hair Looks Sexy Pushed Back?'

    In the cafeteria, Regina needs to come up with a fast excuse to lay claim to her man by asking Aaron Samuels why he wears his hair styled like that instead of pushed back. She does this knowing Cady’s feelings for him, and tries to force Cady to agree with her and compliment him.

    In the next scene, Cady says she wants “to kill her.”  

    17 votes
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    29 VOTES

    'So You Agree, You Think You’re Really Pretty?'

    After each of the girls take turns complaining about specific areas of their looks, Regina compliments Cady, and they all patiently wait for the queen bee to criticize herself in some way.

    Cady thanks Regina, but instead of saying, “You’re welcome,” the queen questions if Cady thinks she’s pretty and has self-confidence. Let the war games commence! 

    29 votes
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    17 VOTES

    'Stop Trying To Make Fetch Happen'

    Gretchen’s regularly used catchphrase for something great is “fetch.” After the girls' risque Christmas talent show performance, Gretchen comments that Cady is into fellow mathlete Kevin Gnor.

    Regina then brings down both Cady and Gretchen with her snarky quote. 

    17 votes
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    12 VOTES

    'Get In Loser, We’re Going Shopping'

    Who can forget the iconic scene where Regina pulls up to the school entrance in her convertible and asks Cady to go shopping? Or rather, instead of asking, she demands Cady get in the car to help her shop for a much-needed new wardrobe.

    This scene comes straight out of high school and spawned a phrase people still use today when picking up their friends. 

    12 votes
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    10 VOTES

    I Can’t Go To Taco Bell. I’m On An All-Carb Diet. God, Karen, You Are So Stupid!

    At one point when Regina is raging, Karen suggests they do something fun, like go to Taco Bell.

    Regina points out the stupidity in her plan (even though the Mexican fast food chain does have a slew of carb-containing items on its menu).

    10 votes
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    9 VOTES

    'They Say You’re A Homeschooled Jungle Freak Who’s A Less Hot Version Of Me.'

    When everything comes to a head with Regina and Cady dueling it out in the street, Regina wants to take a jab at Cady while also complimenting herself. Moments later, she gets struck by the infamous bus.

    The scene quickly became a viral GIF used for a variety of situations.

    9 votes
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    9 VOTES

    'Is Butter A Carb?'

    When on her “diet,” Regina asks her crew if butter is considered a carbohydrate.

    No, butter is not a carb. It’s a fat. 

    9 votes
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    7 VOTES

    'I Gave Him Everything. I Was Half A Virgin When I Met Him.'

    While being consoled by Gretchen and Karen, Regina mentions that she seemingly lost her virginity to Aaron… then finishes her thought.

    Although she is wrong for cheating, she still wants to be the victim and garner sympathy.

    7 votes
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    6 VOTES

    'I Really Want To Lose 3 Pounds.'

    When Cady offers Regina her Swedish Kälteen protein bars to slim down, Regina says she wants to lose 3 pounds, perhaps the first and only time she shows insecurity.

    Unbeknownst to Regina, however, the bars will actually provide the opposite effect and make her gain weight. 

    6 votes
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    0 VOTES

    'My Pores Are Huge.'

    While looking in the mirror to critique herself, Regina is perfectly made up, but considers her facial pores to be unflatteringly “HUGE.”

    Viewers critiquing their own skin and pore size will often bust out this line. 

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    0 VOTES

    'I Love Her, She's Like A Martian!'

    Who would consider being compared to an alien a compliment? Pretty much no one.

    It's another classic Regina warfare technique to point out how Cady is unusual.

    0 votes
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    0 VOTES

    'You Can Take That Fake Apology, And Shove It Right Up Your Hairy...'

    Luckily (well, maybe not for Regina), the bus hits Regina before she can finish her jab at Cady.

    Viewers are usually shocked when they see the scene for the first time, but the “shove it” phrase caught on quickly, with people even filling in the blank, and of course, making it into a GIF. 

    0 votes
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    0 VOTES

    'Then It’s Settled, So You Can Go Shave Your Back Now.'

    On Cady’s first day at a regular school, classmate Jason asks her if she "wants her muffin buttered.”

    Regina steps in to provide an insult and shoo him on his way, taking a jab at Jason’s apparently excessive amount of hair.

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  • 15
    0 VOTES

    'Whatever, I'm Getting Cheese Fries.'

    If Regina George can eat cheese fries, then so can the rest of us. The quote has been printed on T-shirts, and spawned videos of people just eating cheese fries.

    Are cheese fries a carb?

    0 votes
  • 16
    3 VOTES

    'That Is The Ugliest F**king Skirt I’ve Ever Seen.'

    Regina giving a compliment to a classmate? Blink, and you’ll miss the moment. However, Regina quickly confirms to Cady that she lied.

    Bringing someone up just to tear them down is classic Regina. 

    3 votes