The Meaning Behind The Song: My Heart Bleeds No Longer by Unearth - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: My Heart Bleeds No Longer by Unearth


The Meaning Behind The Song: My Heart Bleeds No Longer by Unearth

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
My Heart Bleeds No Longer Unearth Buz McGrath, Ken Susi & Trevor Phipps The Stings of Conscience January 16, 2001 Metalcore Adam Dutkiewicz

Unearth’s song “My Heart Bleeds No Longer” from their album “The Stings of Conscience” holds a powerful message within its lyrics. The song is a reflection on the personal growth and liberation from a toxic relationship or influence. It expresses a sense of breaking free from the negative hold that someone had over the narrator’s life.

The opening lines, “Shut out and burned by your lies, Now it is time to make you learn,” reveal the frustration and betrayal the narrator experienced from being deceived by someone they trusted. The following lines, “My heart bleeds no longer for your pathetic views, My heart beats on stronger with my own resolution,” speak to the narrator’s decision to no longer allow this person to dictate their thoughts and beliefs.

The lyrics further suggest that the narrator had been bound by this toxic influence for a significant amount of time, stating, “Bound down for so goddamn long, I have seen so many follow you, I fell victim to your clouded ways.” This highlights the impact that the manipulative person had on not only the narrator but also others who blindly followed them. It emphasizes the importance of finding the strength to break free and find one’s own path.

The chorus of the song declares the intention to end the reign of this toxic influence, as the narrator proclaims, “It is my intention to end your reign, I know so many who would want to see you burn, I aim war at you, I did not give into your hold.” This line signifies a newfound determination and refusal to succumb to the control and manipulation.

The lines, “I live again alone, Pass through the sea of ashes kept, My heart bleeds no longer for your love,” further solidify the narrator’s liberation. They have found strength within themselves to move forward, leaving behind the remnants of a destructive relationship.

Personally, “My Heart Bleeds No Longer” resonates with me on many levels. Throughout my life, I have encountered toxic relationships and influences that held me back. This song serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience needed to break free from such negativity.

There was a time when I found myself constantly seeking validation and approval from someone who had a toxic influence on my life. I was blinded by their manipulations and lies. However, as I grew older and wiser, I realized the need to take control of my own happiness and well-being.

Listening to this song became a way for me to channel my frustration and anger, but also find empowerment. It reminded me that I had the power to reject the negativity and toxic behavior that had been holding me back. The lyrics served as an anthem of liberation, inspiring me to reclaim my own identity and forge my own path.

Unearth’s “My Heart Bleeds No Longer” carries a powerful and relatable message. It encourages individuals to break free from toxic influences, reclaim their own power, and find strength in themselves. Through its lyrics, the song speaks to the universal experience of overcoming adversity and personal growth. It serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment for those facing similar struggles, reminding us that our hearts can bleed no longer, and we can rise above the darkness.

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