LinkedIn Cover Image Size & Banner Size Guide | Figma
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LinkedIn Image and Banner Size Guide

LinkedIn Image and Banner Size Guide

Every marketer understands the value of using different channels to reach different audiences. For those who are in a Business-to-Business (B2B) industry, LinkedIn is one of the most important platforms to have an engaging presence on.

In addition to providing individuals a place to build a personal brand, LinkedIn is the best place to begin for brands and companies looking to increase their online presence. It’s also proven to be useful for finding qualified leads, accurate audience targeting on ads, and of course, networking with fellow professionals.

With the emphasis on professional connections on LinkedIn, creating a sharp profile and advertisements that convert is more crucial than ever. Keeping the best design practices in mind and careful planning around LinkedIn’s image dimensions will ensure that your brand stands out among the 660+ million users on the platform.

In this LinkedIn marketing guide, we’ll discuss the best practices and image dimensions used on LinkedIn for building both your personal and business LinkedIn profiles. We will also dive into how to approach advertising on the platform and the fundamentals of standing out in a more professional setting like LinkedIn.

LinkedIn business page

In this section, we’ll break down how to create and design an optimal LinkedIn business page. LinkedIn business profiles serve a different purpose than personal profiles. Beyond extending your digital brand, a strong profile allows you to interact with your customers and employees in a professional setting.

That means that extending your brand presence on LinkedIn will increase your brand’s visibility, connect your business with your employee network, and, if you choose, learn more about your own customers.

For starters, a simple logo is a great choice for the profile photo. Your background photo can be a number of things, but try to make the color palette match your logo to make the page header look seamless. Beyond that, you can use your cover image to highlight different events, keep it abstract, or convey your core product offering.

How to create a company page on LinkedIn

How to create a company page on LinkedIn:

  1. On the top right corner of your homepage, click on the ‘Work’ icon and select ‘Create a Company Page’ from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the type of business/institution that best represents your organization and fill out the initial details like your profile picture. LinkedIn recommends your company profile photo be 300 x 300 pixels, (which is a notable difference from the personal profile photo image size).
  3. Click ‘Create page’ and get started!

Company cover photo

LinkedIn business profiles are governed by slightly different rules than LinkedIn personal photos. Businesses tend to gravitate towards incorporating their logos into their LinkedIn banners. You don’t see as much variety as you do on personal pages. Furthermore, the LinkedIn banner size for a business page is different from the LinkedIn cover photo size on a personal profile. A business’s recommended LinkedIn cover photo size is 1400 x 425 pixels, a subtle but important difference.

You can preview your LinkedIn profile using this free LinkedIn Social Media Mockup from the Figma community. Test out how your images look in the LinkedIn UI and make any adjustments that you need before publishing your images.

LinkedIn mockup toolLinkedIn mockup tool

LinkedIn life tab

Underneath the Overview tab on a LinkedIn Business page, you can find LinkedIn’s Life tab which showcases a variety of aspects of a company’s culture to specifically targeted audiences. The LinkedIn Life tab can get a cover photo of its own. This particular LinkedIn image size is 360 by 120 pixels.

The parameters on LinkedIn image posts can be complicated to untangle as the site continues to evolve, offering new options for personal accounts and businesses. There’s a reason why so many people rely on LinkedIn for career advancement, even if the rules governing its images are uncharted territory for most.

LinkedIn ads

Once you’ve set up your profile, it might be useful for you to incorporate LinkedIn ads into your growth plan. LinkedIn’s Ad targeting allows users to get very specific with their audience. Businesses that need to target based on job type, seniority, industry, and title can reliably do so with the LinkedIn Ads platform.

In this section, we’ll outline how to get started with LinkedIn advertising, ad dimensions on LinkedIn, the various ad formats, and how to design them.

How to start advertising on Linkedin

  1. On the top right corner of your homepage, beside the “Work” icon is the “Advertise” icon. Click on it.
  2. Create an account, and select the type of campaign that you want to run. You can pick between self-service or managed campaigns.
  3. Choose your ad format and upload your creative, which you can build for free using Figma. Then, add your ad copy and targeting, and set your budget in order to successfully launch.

LinkedIn ad sizes

Now that you’ve made your LinkedIn ad account, you’ll need to keep the four main ad sizes in mind. Since you’re paying for the audience's attention now, it’s important to stick to best design practices so that you’re capturing the interest right away. The extra care in following LinkedIn’s guidelines will result in better conversion rates, and allow you to run a more efficient campaign. Ad creatives are also an item that you don’t want to be artificially resized; it’ll be noticeable to your audience and reflect poorly on your brand.

For single-image ads, LinkedIn recommends you stick to a size of 1200 x 627 pixels. LinkedIn single-image ads are best if you have a simple CTA and are aiming to retarget a specific product or service, rather than tell a story with your post. Single-image ads also work well because you can invest more time in designing one strong creative, which will often leave a better overall impression. If you want to find out how your ads will look on the platform, you can use the community’s LinkedIn Ad Mockup made by Rahul Bathija.

LinkedIn Ad mockupLinkedIn Ad mockup

LinkedIn’s carousel image ad size is 1080 x 1080 pixels—a 1:1 aspect ratio. Carousel images are used to tell a story or display an array of products. There is less opportunity to highlight one product, but more likely that your audience will spend more time clicking through the ad if they’re interested.

There are a number of different sizes for LinkedIn videos, but the 3 main options are landscape (1920 x 1080 pixels), square (1080 x 1080 pixels), and vertical (1080 x 1920 pixels). For more information on specific formats and sizes, you can refer to LinkedIn’s official video sizing resource. Videos are a great tool to capture an audience’s attention, tell the story of your brand, shine a light on company culture and, of course, can be used if you have a specific feature that you want to highlight.

LinkedIn Sponsored InMail dimensions work best at 300 x 250 pixels. This feature is best for highly targeted audiences, where you can set up a more customized message and image that will be sent directly to their inbox. Aim to pair your image design with the messaging, in order to create a cohesive message that is easy for your target audience to understand.

LinkedIn design tips

With a vast variety of ad formats, media types, and audience targeting, it’s safe to say that no one size fits all on LinkedIn advertising. The most important concept to remember when designing LinkedIn social posts and ads is to design with consistency. It makes your ads more recognizable and builds up your brand equity over time.

Beyond the branding, your image and ad design should capture the audience’s attention and describe the core product offering. Pairing this with minimal text, your logo, and a CTA is a common approach that businesses use. However, it’s important to experiment to see what works for you. If you want to learn more about how companies are approaching their ads, you can check out their archives on their business page under the ‘Ads’ section.

Want to plan your LinkedIn ads and images? Use our free LinkedIn Ads Mockup to figure out how your ads will look on the platform. Try it today and find out why marketers are using Figma to design and mockup their ads.

LinkedIn personal account

LinkedIn personal accounts are governed by similar principles as business pages. You’re still representing a brand, except now, it’s your personal brand rather than a business. Keep your profile professional and display your experience in a way that fits your industry.

The two images that you will need for your Linkedin personal profile are a profile photo and a background photo. Image sizing and design are crucial to your professional representation for both.

LinkedIn profile photo size

Selecting a LinkedIn profile photo is different than any other social media platform. You want to convey a sense of professionalism and distinction. Headshots are preferred as they provide a more personalized feel than a distant full-body shot. Keep your headshots up to date. Showing up to an interview after posting a picture from a decade earlier will make for a jarring first impression.

Finally, make sure to have the right sized image for your photo to avoid it becoming artificially resized. LinkedIn recommends the profile photo image size to be 400 by 400 pixels for the best results.

LinkedIn background photo size

If you have a personal LinkedIn page (as opposed to a business one), you may be uncertain about what you should use as your LinkedIn background photo, which is also referred to as a LinkedIn cover photo. Opinions vary on the topic; most people stick to the auto-generated image, but you can also choose an image of personal significance or one that relates to your field. If you want to create a custom design for your background photo for free, try using Figma.

Regardless of what route you decide on, be sure to use the appropriate LinkedIn cover photo size for a personal LinkedIn page: the optimal LinkedIn cover photo size for personal profiles is 1584 by 396 pixels. But, don’t be alarmed if you have trouble with those dimensions: LinkedIn cover photos are even trickier than Twitter headers, so an image without much text is a good practice to incorporate.

How to build your LinkedIn profile

Getting started with your personal profile is easy: simply go to LinkedIn’s homepage and enter your basic information to create a profile. Once you’ve uploaded your profile image, and background photo, it’s time to start adding your experience. The best way to think about this is to replicate your resume. Share your experience in chronological order, as well as your education background, and volunteer experience. Try to also include brief descriptions of the company and your work to help give viewers some more context about your experience.

LinkedIn stories

LinkedIn Stories are one of the newest features on the platform. Like “story” features on other social platforms, LinkedIn Stories gives users the opportunity to share content viewable to their connections and followers. For business pages, LinkedIn Stories are viewable to everyone, including people who follow the page.

LinkedIn Stories can only be posted from the platform’s mobile app, so it’s important that stories are designed to capture attention immediately and are concise.

LinkedIn story sizes

Stories on LinkedIn provide a unique opportunity for both individuals and companies on LinkedIn to engage with their audience and contribute to the professional exchange of ideas. With that being said, users typically only view 40-60% of a story on any given platform before clicking through, so ensuring the correct dimensions and sizing on your LinkedIn stories is crucial.

The recommended dimensions for a LinkedIn Story are 1080 x 1920 pixels. It’s useful for those posting a LinkedIn Story with a specific message or goal to plan and design them ahead of actually posting them.

How to post a LinkedIn story

Using LinkedIn’s mobile app, click on the “My Story” icon that is below your profile photo right under the search bar. You can record/capture a photo right in the app, or upload an image or video from your camera roll. Users are also able to share their stories with any first-degree connections using LinkedIn messaging as long as it’s within the 24-hour window of posting the story.

Social Media KitSocial Media Kit

What’s next?

Now, you’ll be able to start posting and creating ads on LinkedIn that you’ll feel confident about. If you want to get access to pre-sized social media sizes for your LinkedIn profile, check out this Social Media Kit. Whether you’re using LinkedIn to advertise your brand or to personally network with other professionals, your profile and page will stand out and engage your target audience better if you follow the principles laid out in this guide. The next step is to focus on another great frontier for undervalued attention. Check out our YouTube social media size guide next!

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Google Display Ads

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