Roger Earl of Foghat: The Interview -

Roger Earl of Foghat: The Interview

Roger Earl Of Foghat Interview

Roger Earl Feature Photo by Steven Sirois

I was sixteen years old in 1978 when I walked through the doors of Long Island’s Commack Arena with my seven-dollar general admission ticket in hand. It was a warm summer night. It was also a night I will never forget because I managed to slip through the crowds and stand in front of the stage to witness the almighty Foghat do their thing. I didn’t mind my skin and bones being crushed against the front of the stage. Why should I mind? I was watching firsthand one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all time playing in front of their home crowd.

Over forty years later, I would do it all over again and just might get the chance. Fueled by the killer drumming of founding member Roger Earl, the great band Foghat is at it again with the release of their brand new album Sonic Mojo. Foghat is out there playing shows to support the album because that’s just what they do. Roger Earl has no intentions of ever stopping. That’s good news for Foghat fans because that’s one band we are hoping never quits.

Foghat’s new album entitled Sonic Mojo will be released on November 10, 2023.  The album features Roger Earl on drums, Bryan Bassett on guitar, Rodney O’Quinn on bass, and Scott Holt on lead vocals. Bryan Bassett has been a member of Foghat for over twenty-three years. He was also a member of the band Wild Cherry and Molly Hatchet. Rodney O’Quinn joined Foghat in 2015. Rodney had spent many years as a member of the Pat Travers Band. Scott Holt is the newest member, having joined the group in 2022. Scott Holst had sung with Buddy Guy for over ten years.

The band’s new album, Sonic Mojo, is Foghat’s 17th studio album. It has been over seven years since the group released a new studio album. It is being released on Foghat Records. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of the CD format or you’re an old-school vinyl head. Foghat is releasing the new album in both formats.  A special purple vinyl edition is also being released in 180-gram vinyl with a triple gatefold. In our interview, Roger shows off the vinyl release, and it looks beautiful.  There is a Foghat store setup where you can purchase any configuration of the new album and other cool Foghat merchandise.

Foghat Store

As a long-time fan of the band for over forty-five years, it was a thrill to get the opportunity to interview Roger Earl. We spoke for about an hour about the state of the band in the present and diving into many of the band’s past glory days. As you will see in the video, Roger Earl is a joy to hang out with. He is incredibly friendly and has the uncanny ability to make you feel at home. When Bryan Bassett joined in on the interview, I felt like I was just hanging out with my friends, talking music. This was a fun one.

Roger Earl Of Foghat Interview

Roger Earl Feature Photo by Steven Sirois

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