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What happened to Emerald Heart?


Hello DDMC,

I never expected myself to actually post here again. But after what happened yesterday, I felt the need to post about why Mari was actually banned from Discord, and why Emerald Heart is now cancelled. This is not a post designed to cause drama, but rather to settle the dust once and for all. So, I kindly ask the moderators to not censor this post, and let it serve as an answer to many people's questions.

So, who reported her?

For starters, I was the one who reported Mari, not a random member false reporting her like she had claimed at first when she saw that Discord had banned her account. And the reason for her banning is something very serious that I'm going to walk you through.

What Happened

It all started back in November 3rd 2019, when Mari and I first began messaging each other on Discord. I was 15 years old and she was 22 years old at that time. For the first few days, it went on pretty fine with a growing friendship between us, doing 'hugs' and 'cuddles' messages along the way. But after a little more than a week after talking constantly in DMs, she did this.

WARNING: I am sorry for having had the cringy speech patterns that you're about to see in the screenshots I post.

r/DDLCMods - Basically, she did a “kisses on cheek” message. Which in itself was unusual for a "friendship".
Basically, she did a “kisses on cheek” message. Which in itself was unusual for a "friendship".

That one message alone had sparked my feelings for this woman. I guess you can see what direction this is heading towards. Anyways, during that time I had actually asked a friend older than me if it was right to confess my feelings to Mari and to get into a relationship with them. They had told me that age doesn't matter in love, but when I asked another friend of mine IRL, they questioned it and said confessing my feelings to her is fishy. I had disagreed with them at that time, but looking back, I wish I didn’t. Instead I took the advice of the former.

After weeks of messages consisting of “cuddling”, “hugging”, “holding hands”, and “kisses on cheek”, my confession happened on December 1st 2019.

At first, she had rejected me.

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

Then, on that same day, she went on questioning why would someone love her, etc.

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

But then, the following day, she said that she had feelings for me.

r/DDLCMods - This shows that she was suppressing herself
This shows that she was suppressing herself

Oh, and if you were thinking that there was some sort of “age mix-up” in this conversation, allow me to disprove that.

Her admitting having feelings for a 15 year old child

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

And this is her confirming that she is indeed 22 years old.

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

Regardless of having feelings for me, we mutually agreed to just stay as friends. As proven here:

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

But then...

r/DDLCMods - So much for wanting to stay as friends.
So much for wanting to stay as friends.

This marks the beginning of our “relationship”, and is where things started to go south quickly.

First of all…

r/DDLCMods - She literally didn't mind going out with a minor
She literally didn't mind going out with a minor

During the relationship, she also described her sexual dreams about me twice, to which in one of them she even said that she got pregnant and we had a kid.

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?
r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

The worst part about this is that Mari had acknowledged the fact that what she was saying to me in DMs was very wrong, but yet she continued on with the relationship and groomed me even further.

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

All of this proves the fact that Mari was indeed grooming me in DMs, and that she had to get reported at some point. To which I did months later in June of this year after the relationship had ended in early January.

With the help of my friends, I gathered the necessary message links, IDs, screenshots, and her user ID from the DMs and reported her to Discord with the reason of sexualizing a minor. When the Discord Trust and Safety team looked at the evidence through message links, they deemed them damning enough to justify the report and they banned not only Mari’s main account, but also the two alts that she had created to bypass her ban.

After Mari found out the true reason of why she was banned by Discord, she went into contact with people on reddit VIA DMs. One of the people that she wanted to talk with was me. At first I was expecting her to at the very least admit that she had groomed me and that what she did was very wrong, but that never happened. Instead, she kept pulling the victim card on me, saying that all she wanted to do was help me and that she never actually loved me. That is the equivalent of saying that she was being a pedophile and grooming me as a joke, and it wasn’t even remotely okay to do that. Here’s how the conversation went:

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

r/DDLCMods - What happened to Emerald Heart?

At that point, I had enough of her. I blocked her on reddit as she showed me that she’s just going to continuously victimize herself, and never own up to being in the wrong for grooming a minor. After all that has gone down, Mari’s mod, which is Emerald Heart, has now been cancelled and will not get picked up by other people due to the stigma that it now holds of being created by a pedophile.


This is all that happened, from beginning to end that explains everything regarding Mari and what I went through with her. I honestly felt like I did the right thing which everyone agrees with for once, which is getting a pedophile out of this community. I just sincerely hope that she’ll never come back here again, and that no other minor will get groomed by her in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

- DatBlackScientist

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This was a very brave thing for you to do, Scientist, I'm proud of you, and I apologize that you had to go through that. Stay strong, brother.


Good job for exposing her.

u/RoIsDepressed avatar

proud of you lad, you're a king and a half



u/ThreeBodyBeing avatar

much poggers this is great. I'm a part of the server nuke btw lmao

u/Noa-AT avatar

I can imagine it took a lot of courage to come out and expose her. You did the right thing. Good stuff man.

As for Mari, I understand you're going through a lot. Just know... you did this to yourself pog.

u/noahsmyth avatar

Major respect for how you came out and made a statement. I hope you're doing better.

u/MRnobody911 avatar

stay strong brother, you did the right thing

u/LonesomeDev avatar

Hope you're doing better, King

fucking pog


Happy for you my dude. Glad you can start moving on.

u/Tormuse avatar

Hi everyone, I got a request to tag this post as NSFW. Also, I feel like I should say a few words. To be clear, this is a situation that needs to be taken seriously, since no one should be subjected to any form of sexual abuse. Please be aware that we have reviewed the evidence, taken action against u/Mari_YuriLover, and reported her to appropriate authorities.


I recognize that emotions are running high right now, and while we would like to express emotional support for u/DatBlackScientist, please keep in mind rule 1 of this subreddit, to remain civil and not descend into fights and personal insults. I'm seeing some fighting breaking out here, and if it gets any worse, I may lock this post.


Also, I'm seeing some people encouraging "doxxing" Mari, or otherwise trying to carry out some kind of vigilante "justice" against her. Please don't. You will only be interfering with official investigations, and helping her to pretend to be a victim.


While it's not our intent to silence or censor people who talk about this, we may remove discussion that we deem inappropriate for the circumstances.


EDIT: This post is now locked, since people are still fighting after I told them to stop.


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"Team Mari"

Imagine forming a "team" about a pedophile.

And calls for people to "stop talking" about this? Seriously? She groomed a child.


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I need to do research? I was the initial reporter. I've seen this unfold from literal ground zero. I've got all the information I need.

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What research needs to be done? Get the message IDs of what was said to DBS? Discord did their own investigation based on the message IDs(not simply screenshots), and thus banned Mari for what happened. The evidence is laid out for all to see, and it doesn’t look too good for Mari.

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Good on you, man.

Proud of you for having the bravery to out this piece of shit trash human being and sending her into the pits of Hell, POGGERS LFG!

u/iditvsidit avatar


She had it coming.


Congrats for the victory royale my dude


u/Natsuki___oof avatar


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When her discord server is as torn down as her reputation

imagine being a pedo... couldn't be me

Holy crap, dude. I never would have thought that Mari was a pedo.

Well done for calling her out on her scummy actions. She knew full well she was taking advantage of a minor, and yet she proceeded to groom you anyway. I hope you recover well soon, pal. I really do.


I'm surprised that Mari of all people would be a pedo. I'm sorry about the kind of damage that you've been through and you have done something that most people wouldn't do. You've done the right thing to do so. God bless you man.

u/mmikosu avatar


Well, kudos for DBS for exposing an scummy person like that, and this be a lesson for everyone of us to not be silent and expose those who are make you suffer.

As for you, Mari, I will not forgive you that you also were flirty enough with a dear friend of mine that I had give my big as fuck effort to protect and keep safe. Also, for when you were mean enough to me and a friend of us in common when I asked him to ask you kindly and in my behalf to use Kotonoha in YLA: Karma bites back. Kotonoha will come to Yuri Lavender Adventure and you can't stop me now.

u/clydeoasis avatar

amazing man, good job


Farewell, Mari. Hopefully this can open your eyes and make you realise what you did. Although I doubt it.

u/Staryxz33 avatar

I'm glad you took a pedo out of here. Great job.


You did the right thing by stepping forward. Thank you for doing this.

Thanks for warning, I hope you wouldn't have similar "relationship" in life, stay strong sir.

Why is it that there are a lot of pedos (I've encountered) through ddlc mods. I've met at least 3 now.

u/lacweal avatar

Absolute respect.

u/Nightmare_Mirri avatar

Stay strong dude.
Everyone should know about this and I'm glad you made this post.

u/thisismypr0naccount0 avatar

Up the boys. Stay strong, bro

Super proud of you for this dude, you did the right thing exposing her. I'm sure this is a big weight lifted off your shoulders.

Keep your head up, we're here for you

u/Ballhead456 avatar

Good on you for getting rid of her, if you want you can go and pursue legal justice so she can’t do it to anyone else.

u/LonelyBoi124 avatar

Keep your head up, king!


u/ThreeBodyBeing avatar

y'know Mari, I would say you're a little piece of garbage, but I would just feel bad for the garbage.


I'm proud of you. Y'know, something like that almost happened to me and it didn't.

Wow... i don't know what to say bro, but you sure did the correct thing reporting her.

u/SendyCatKiller avatar

Stay strong dude, you did the right thing.

Now thats fucked up mate


Someone has the nerve to try to groom a minor online? That's so messed up. Great respect for you man.

We win <( ̄︶ ̄)>


I was really excited about this mod :( But anyway you did the right thing

u/thisismypr0naccount0 avatar

Woah. That's disgusting, although I know that needn't be said. Honestly, well done for doing this

u/charizardfan101 avatar

Was the mod shit tho?

u/LuigiFan04 avatar

It doesn't really matter, does it?

u/charizardfan101 avatar

I'm just asking because if the mod had any sort of potential than I feel like it's a waste to just abandon it, at least name it differently or something

u/Ballhead456 avatar

Yeah I agree, I think it would just be hard for someone to pick up a project, and then go and release it without having it be looked at as something bad.

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u/NathanL3 avatar

I'll admit: I may have my dislikes for you and so did my brother, Nick ~ BUT after reading all of this, I will say you got courage, young man and we apologies. There will be people who got your back, and there will be few/some who are against it (facts) and unless lawyers/court is involved, I think this is far from over, mate. If only Emerald Heart Volume 2 came out, but this is more important and reasons why/what's going on. Usually, I'm that type of person who doesn't want to take sides, because it'll cause cyber/virtual wars, but I'd choose your side. Stay safe, take a break and try not to worry too much. As for EH creator, you made your bed; now sleep from it!

u/Cyanide1236 avatar

Disclaimer: I am in no way defending Mari in regards to what she did. What she did was seriously wrong and it was right of her to be reported to the respective authorities.

Now, why is this a disclaimer? Because while I condemn all paedophilic actions that happened, I do not approve of the method in which this community decided to react. Especially with DBS here.

DBS decided to take the appropriate action and report her to Reddit, Discord, etc. That's fine. What I will not accept is the way he decided to publicly humiliate a person like this, and incite a riot against her. I scroll down this post to see all these Reddit awards given and a lot of one sided support for DBS with a lot of "poggers" reacts. What followed was a complete raid of her Discord server and a premature end to her mod. This is no different from a public lynching, which is merely a habit of a society long past and should not happening in such a modern, developed and optimally-would-be-civil society like ours. Her own Discord server showed overt disapproval, which we all should know is justified and expected. She was banned and has been ostracised from her own community. That is expected. But everything that happened afterwards was uncalled for. Raiding the server and publicly harassing her? No matter how low she went, we do not have a right to take justice into our own hands.

While I was indeed disgusted by the content of the screenshots to the extent I couldn't bear to read, you have to recognise that she was still a person who was working diligently on a mod that was received relatively well during its beta, with a lot of work from other artists gone into the creation of various wonderful assets that I have seen in the Discord server. Everyone here on this thread is on such an emotional high, they fail to see the amount of inflammation this is causing on a human being, no matter of who or what wrongs this person has caused, despite having received punishment.

And finally, the most controversial thing I have to say, is that I am not going to take the fact that DBS was the pure victim here at face value, a lesson which must be learnt to avoid becoming swayed in a fickle manner by the forms of literature. You, DBS, must have been through tough times, even outside of this context. I understand that. But you're 15. At 15 years old, a person is mature enough to make decisions, albeit rather prematurely. You even took part in the movement by Pobaw against the copyright infringement rules upheld by DDMC. It almost feels like you were luring Mari in on purpose to make it seem like you wanted this treatment. Once again I shall repeat, what Mari did is unacceptable. If she wanted to help DBS with issues, she should not have done it in such a sexual way to a minor. But for what reason did you decide to continue with this engagement like as if you were truly attracted to her?

I am asking everyone in this community, whether it's the people in this thread, or formerly part of the Emerald Hearts community, to view this situation rationally. I implore you to see all parties involved not as pure criminals or victimised minors, but as human beings. As Tormuse has written on this thread, this is leaning into the realm of doxxing, which is something I will not accept. If you read this far down, regardless of whether you think I'm right or that I'm also a criminal for taking this stance, I thank you for at least giving a shot into considering about what I think about this.


That is some hardcore victim blaming. At 15, you are a MINOR and therefore cannot consent. DBS has no fault in this.

Pedophiles deserve to be publicly shamed. The last thing anyone should care about are the fee-fees of a child groomer.


Yeah because brutally hanging and chocking someone to death is no diffrent than simply outing a pedophile and fucking around in her discord server.


But you're 15. At 15 years old, a person is mature enough to make decisions, albeit rather prematurely.

The point of having the legal age of consent be 18 is because minors make decisions like this PREMATURELY and are therefore exploited by people who ARE +18.

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"Discord is filled with people like her. Just report and block her. Then, you move on. "

Blocking and reporting just doesn't seem to do it from those who defend her to possible alts trying to breach the place.

"It's weird yeah but did it really need to be posted here and get so many awards bruh if I can get expose pedophiles and get karma for free lets go lol. I'm glad ur done with her, but I feel like here wasn't the right place to expose someone."

Sure the karma and upvotes were prevalent here but that's a side effect and out of all places to expose her this one was one of the most important since Mari was the only story writer as far as I know and due to her actions the mod was then canceled and that would raise questions which are answered here (In terms of the current situation and general future of EH).

"Sheesh, why is DDLC always linked to drama??"

I wouldn't consider myself up to speed when it comes to the drama of the DDLC/DDMC communities but as far as I know and hear it seems to just be a lot of infighting.


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u/Ballhead456 avatar



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bro... are we the same person

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u/Tails_chara avatar

Sigh. Been there, seen that. You forgot about one thing, like all of you. Im not even talking about Mari now - you just tore apart a small community, becouse you all went on some wild rage. So, are you proud of yourselves? You are no better than those who burned books few centuries ago... "heroes".

bruh who gives af about a small community, when a fucking pedophile is grooming a minor. how many chromosomes do you have?

u/LonelyBoi124 avatar

So you have the nerve to compare some people who exposed a pedophile and nuked her Discord to literal book burners?

How much dumb fuck juice have you had to drink today?

u/Tails_chara avatar

So, you are trying to tell me, that deleting this serwer was necessary? Like you think we were all a bunch of pedos sharing photos each day? It couldnt go more civilized way? Thats what you are trying to say? "We had to piss of few people who liked that server, just becouse we have "right" to do this?" Or i dunno, maybe its due to fact that you dont have any respect for anything... Nah, that last one cant be true, can it?

You acted like book burners, witch burners... far away from civilized world.

u/LonelyBoi124 avatar

Who called you all pedos? I haven't seen anyone say that, yet you put words in my mouth 🤔

And regardless of what they are, some of the fuckers on that server had the nerve to shit on Scientist after all he went through and defend the pedophilic bitch. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and I'm sure not a single person will lose any sleep over pedophile defenders being put out of a server. They were the ones who acted uncivilized first, so doesn't it make sense for them to reap what they sow?

But imagine you thinking I care you called me uncivilized 😔

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This community is already on life support and should have died months ago when the subreddit initially split to the DDLCMods website fiasco. This community shouldn't exist, and the parts that do are already so tribal and riddled with toxicity and incompetence that it doesn't even matter. This entire drama right here, right now, about Mari, is less about the DDMC itself and more just outing a genuine piece of shit pedo, and your attempt of.... whatever this is.... is disgusting. I'm also like 99% sure you're a Mari alt considering how similar your speech pattern is but whatever /shrug

u/Tails_chara avatar

Mari alt? I dont think so, since if you are not aware of that, i was talking a bit in #polish channel on that discord. And as i said, targeting Mari is one thing, but behaving like a bunch of animals is not excused by "fighting a pedo", which has nothing to do with actual fighting, you just pissed of more people.

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yeah I'm proud of myself for aiding in the exposure of a pedophile/groomer

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