Les Claypool VS Flea | Page 3 | TalkBass.com

Les Claypool VS Flea

Discussion in 'Bassists [BG]' started by TheJetsFan4Eva, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Emilym80

    Emilym80 Guest

    Sep 15, 2011
    Flea, craziest chops in rock? Whaaaa-? I'm going to have to go with the guys voting for Geddy (even though this is Flea vs Les) on that one :confused:
    Anyway, I think this is going to come down to preference, as per usual, because if you like RHCP more than Primus, odds are you're going to think Flea's better and vice versa. I'm personally going to vote for Les here, purely because I think he's a little more original and inventive and has great stage presence. Nobody can do "the stomp" quite like Les :bassist:
  2. DigitalMan

    DigitalMan Bring Back Edit/Delete

    Nov 30, 2011
    Bay Area, CA
    "Better" sounds like a word best left for 10 year old violin recitals. At least at that level it has some discernible meaning.
  3. Muziekschuur


    May 25, 2009
    I would enjoy them both.... when watching a gig. Though Les Claypool seems "lost" lately. And Flea seems in "the moment".
  4. dalkowski

    dalkowski It's "rout," not "route." Supporting Member

    May 20, 2009
    Massachusetts USofA
    Um, no. :smug:
  5. macheted01


    Sep 2, 2010
    Both great players. I get tired of Les real fast though.
  6. Zabbo1978


    Aug 9, 2011
    So the real question is:

    Who is a better singer? Les Claypool or Anthony Kiedis?

    ODDBALL Inactive

    Mar 2, 2005
    Salida, CA
    I usually sit out of these kinds of threads, but I can’t on this one.

    I am sorry but Les has more talent in his pinky finger than Flea has in his whole body.

    Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a great Flea bassline. But I just love me some Claypool, he just inspires me to try and be different. Think outside the box.

    My two cents, anyway. Just read my signature. ;)

  8. MarTONEbass

    MarTONEbass Supporting Member

    Jun 19, 2009
    Norton, MA

    I would also add that Les writes a whole bunch of the Primus stuff and sings while he plays some ridiculous lyrics and bass lines. Flea just plays bass.
  9. T. Alan Smith

    T. Alan Smith Guest

    Sep 9, 2001
    Since everythings been said already, I'm just gonna say that these two were who I was listening to when I was learning bass guitar, and therefore tremendous influences on my playing.
  10. Roy Vogt

    Roy Vogt

    Sep 20, 2000
    Endorsing Artist: Kiesel, Carvin, Accuracy, Hotwire, Conklin Basses, DNA, Eden
    As someone said earlier, the winner here is the OP who has a grandpa that is hip enough to even know who both these guys are and the grandpa who is that aware about bass. That's cool!
    I couldn't resist the Bambi vs. Godzilla clip, sorry guys! ;)
  11. Audiophage

    Audiophage Guest

    Jan 9, 2005
    I've actually never seen this topic on an internet forum before. Especially not on a bass related forum.
  12. ZBirdV8


    Feb 26, 2012
    Detroit Michigan
    There is unrest in the forest
    There is trouble with the trees...
  13. Tupac


    May 5, 2011
    What? The only thing Les wins in is slap chops and stage pretense, but only because he's the singer. His slap lines are very unique, but I wouldn't call them as creative as Flea's considering they're usually not even pleasing to the ear. He seems more concerned about how to make a song in an interesting way, rather than what the song sounds like...
  14. Definitely

    Definitely Inactive

    For the Claypools have no rockin',
    And the folks just talk about Flea...
  15. rob_thebassman


    Jul 26, 2010
    Normanton, UK
    playing bass since 2005
    Les all the way!
  16. Claypool is more talented (from a purely chops perspective), but I prefer Flea.
  17. Steve9842008


    Jul 20, 2008
    Never was too impressed/"wowed" by Flea. Primus changed the way I listened to music and opened up my ears to a whole new world of sounds/bands. I doubt I would have even thought about picking up the bass if it wasn't for Les Claypool. Les is far more technically and creatively talented.

    I've seen him over 25 times or so, whether it be Primus or a solo variation.

    Flea used to go to Primus shows back in the late 80s/early 90s. He would go up to Les after shows and always go on about how mind-blown he was about his playing.
  18. ZBirdV8


    Feb 26, 2012
    Detroit Michigan
    The trouble with Les Claypool, his melody is trite.
    Flea is just to thumpy he cannot play it light.
  19. skwee


    Apr 2, 2010
    There is no versus.
  20. Wizardjones

    Wizardjones Guest

    Apr 10, 2012
    I second this.

    Flea is just so humble(From the interviews I have seen)that you can't help but respect the guy's technique and talent. Heck, I am sure Flea even Idolizes Les Claypool's style because it is indeed unique and very nice. However, honestly I think Flea can play mostly anything if given the challenge. He just plays what fits with RHCP's style from what I can tell.