億達清潔用品有限公司 - 關於我們
提示: 詢價庫有0件產品。
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2024年2月8日(廿九)至2024年2月18日(初九)為本公司農曆年假, 19/2(初十) 星期一開市





Eastern Detergent Manufactory Limited  was established in 2002, we specialized on trading the wholesale and the retail sales of stainless steel products. Our stainless steel production factory was located in Guangzhou, which has above 10 years of manufacturing experience. We produced new and original different series of trashcan with reasonable price, and we always welcome for ordering any new pattern of trashcan. Furthermore, we obtained the customer faith due to our outstanding performance on producing the special orders.

HKCLEAN supplied all approving materials to the government, each public-operated organization, estate management, hotels and schools. We also welcome government apparatus by the P-CARD payment.



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電郵: info@hk-eastern.com
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