1. computer_junkie's Avatar
    A customer came into my store today and she posed an interesting question to me - How do you operate a Blackberry without a battery?

    I took her battery-less Blackberry Pearl 8100 and connected it to the charger however I was not able to get past the screen that shows the empty battery and line across it.

    Please help me answer this question. Thanks so much.
    07-18-10 02:43 PM
  2. jeffh's Avatar
    You can't operate a BlackBerry without a battery. I tried, hoping to be able to swap batteries while on the wall charger to avoid the long reboot time. It won't work. The phone reboots anyway. Apparently the BlackBerry draws too much current in normal operation for the wall charger to power it without the battery.
    07-18-10 03:11 PM
  3. MobileMadness002's Avatar
    You operate the BB without a battery the same way you drive a car with no gas. You dont.
    07-18-10 05:48 PM
  4. Aacidus's Avatar
    You can operate WinMo phones without a battery... just throwing that out there.
    07-20-10 02:34 AM
  5. blkmz3's Avatar
    best quote of the day mobile.. lol

    I looked at the title of this thread. Are you serious! I dont think you qualify to be using a bb.
    07-20-10 01:52 PM
  6. pcgizmo#IM's Avatar
    best quote of the day mobile.. lol

    I looked at the title of this thread. Are you serious!
    +1 - first thought I had was hamster power???
    07-20-10 01:53 PM
  7. BergerKing's Avatar
    The battery contains part of the operational circuitry. It has more than 2 contacts for a reason. Ergo, remove that circuit, it doesn't work.

    "You can operate WinMo phones without a battery... just throwing that out there."

    This is amusing in so many ways.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    07-20-10 01:56 PM
  8. blkmz3's Avatar
    I wonder what kind of store this guy works at with customers like this.. lol
    07-20-10 01:57 PM
  9. slashd0t's Avatar
    You can operate WinMo phones without a battery... just throwing that out there.
    Yeah but you're still stuck with a WinMo phone...
    07-20-10 02:04 PM
  10. Tech_Nomad's Avatar
    Please tell me that the OP is joking. He has to be pulling our leg because if he was a halfway sentient crackberry addict, he would be able to answer this without posting the question.

    Of course, I suppose in his defense, I didn't know the answer.. But I never even thought about using a phone without a battery.. *slaps forehead

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    07-20-10 02:13 PM
  11. jeffh's Avatar
    I agree the question as posed by the OP sounds silly, but it would be really useful to be able to swap batteries on wall-power and not have to endure the reboot time.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    07-20-10 02:52 PM
  12. Superted87's Avatar
    Up until two years ago most phones were operable without the battery (just using the charger), the next gen of smart phones are not as energy efficient.
    11-07-12 02:15 PM
  13. Jay Joffe's Avatar
    I guess it never occurred to you that one might find oneself with a blackberry that might or might not work and one doesn't want to add to one's collection of useless objects by getting a new battery only to find out that the blackberry's problem was not the problem but rather it was the blackberry itself. Given that you didn't think of this, perhaps you should rethink your qualification to make off-hand comments.
    glossywhite, otaku2 and rolfep like this.
    04-23-15 02:49 AM
  14. KevinWong90210's Avatar
    Are you positive there is *no* way to operate a Blackberry without a battery?
    12-29-16 06:31 PM