Why use OpenStreetMap? | OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap Welcome Mat

Welcome Mat for OpenStreetMap community and Foundation. OpenStreetMap is the free and editable map of the world, created and maintained by a huge international community. Anybody can create an account and start editing on OpenStreetMap.org within minutes.

These guides are licensed under (CC-by) if you would like to contribute or have any feedback on these, please feel free to raise an issue in this repository.


Why use OpenStreetMap?

Does your organization want to work with OSM? Find what you need to know!

Why use OpenStreetMap?

Free and Open

OpenStreetMap is published under an open licence, that allows anyone to access, use and share the data. This creates a level playing field allowing a diverse variety of individuals, communities and organisations to contribute towards creating a shared resource.

Global Reach

OpenStreetMap provides global map data in a unified tagging schema, although there are some local variations. Data is available for every country in the world, and in many places, the data quality is excellent. And since it’s open, you can also help improve quality.

Local Knowledge

OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge and empowers people across the globe to edit. The barrier to entry is low, and there are many ways to contribute that do not require access to the latest technology. The result is a map made by local experts.

Continuous updates

OpenStreetMap has no data releases. Contributions to the map are ingested immediately. You determine how fresh you want your OpenStreetMap data, up to the minute if needed.


As OpenStreetMap contributors, we together hold the keys to the future of the map. Your contributions, be it in map data, novel tools, new people and insights, evangelism or training, help determine the course of OpenStreetMap, and make it a better map for you and everyone else.

Giving Back

By building against a shared resource, your organisation can benefit from updates provided by OpenStreetMap’s global community.