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Titular Character

Voiced by: Dickie Jones, June Foray (1954 read-along book, 1955 American Motors commercial), Peter Westy (Who Framed Roger Rabbit), Kevin Brando (Disneyland), Michael Welch (House of Mouse), Seth Adkins (Kingdom Hearts), Elan Garfias (Kinect: Disneyland Adventures), Nick Carson (2001-2006, Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]); Joseph Ricci (Mickey Mouse), Griffen Campbell (Once Upon a Studio); Benjamin Evan Ainsworth (live-action remake); Mark Lesser (European French dub); Carlos Alberto Mello (Brazilian Portuguese dub); Selma Lopes (Brazilian Portuguese, singing); Inga Tidblad (1941 Swedish dub); Johan Halldén (1995 Swedish redub)
Portrayed by: Elijah Wood (education series), Seth Adkins (Geppetto), Benjamin Evan Ainsworth (live-action remake, human form)

The young puppet protagonist, given life by the Blue Fairy. If he proves himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, then he will one day become a real boy.

  • Abnormal Limb Rotation Range: He can rotate his body a full 360 while his head stays in place. Justified seeing that he's a puppet.
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Pinocchio's appearance as a puppet is far cuter in this movie than in the illustrations of the original book.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: His literary counterpart was little more than a Bratty Half-Pint and a Jerkass, although he gets better by the end. Here, Pinocchio is little more than an innocent and easily misguided Cheerful Child.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: He's a puppet that can move on his own.
  • Artificial Family Member: Crafted out of wood by Geppetto who treated him like a son. The Blue Fairy can also be seen as his mother since she gave him life.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Oooh, a candle...
  • Badass Adorable: He is implied to be the only child to have ever escaped the Coachman's clutches.
  • Become a Real Boy: His main goal is to prove to the Blue Fairy that he deserves exactly this, which essentially makes him the Trope Namer.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's as cheerful and well-meaning in the console game as he is in the film, but he does kick the Coachman off a cliff.
  • Born as an Adult: Downplayed, as it's more along the lines of Born as a Young Child.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Sets into motion a bid for freedom from their captor Monstro. His father warns him how mad this'll make the whale, and sure enough the pursuing monster does all he can to not let him escape, alive. Pinocchio ends up killed as a result of escaping from Monstro.
  • Character Development: Once he is given life by the Blue Fairy, Pinocchio acts his age; he is very whimsical, childlike, naive, and impressionable. Because of his youthful ignorance, he can be seen as rather mischievous and often lands himself into trouble, albeit unintentionally. This is seen several times throughout the film, and the trait, unfortunately, makes Pinocchio an easy pawn in the schemes or motivations of various antagonists. Even so, as the film progresses, Pinocchio notably learns from experiences and takes them into account; eventually becoming selfless, sensible, brave, and obtaining impressive leadership qualities.
  • Composite Character: A downplayed example. In the original book when Pinocchio turned into a real boy he left his original wooden body to be a human and acknowledge who he was as a puppet. Here when he turns into a real boy he simply just becomes a boy instead of leaving his wooden form.
  • Constantly Curious: Try to explain a simple concept like sleeping to Pinocchio, and he will ask "why" until there are no explanations left.
  • The Cutie: While the film explores the wrong-doings he does, it's for the most part founded by naïveté, Horrible Judge of Character, and ignorance as opposed to true malice. Once he realizes what he had done was wrong, he feels regretful, and by the end of the film, he's definitely a full-fledged cutie as he pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to save his father.
  • Despair Event Horizon: In one children's book based on the film, after his adventure in Pleasure Island he becomes depressed and starts to despair of ever becoming a real boy after that... and then a message comes in informing him about Geppetto.
  • Determinator: Towards the film's climax, he faced off against a whale as big as a castle to protect his father.
  • Disney Death: He's fatally wounded while escaping from Monstro, but it's brought back to life when The Blue Fairy turns him into a real boy.
  • Extremely Protective Child: Pinocchio sacrifices his life to get his father to safety, away from Monstro.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Due to being a puppet.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He sacrifices himself to help his father Geppetto. A feat that proves his worth to become a real boy.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: What typically gets him into trouble. He seems to think he can trust absolutely everyone he comes across. Worse yet, he often trusts people that he's well aware have double crossed him before.
  • Ignorant About Fire: He lets his wooden finger catch fire from touching a candle and gleefully shows it to his father, due to the fact he can't feel the burning pain. Thankfully Geppetto turns it off before it gets any worse.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Blue eyes to match his friendly, naive personality.
  • Kid Hero: He's the main protagonist.
  • Made of Good: Made by the kindly Geppetto, and brought to life by the good Blue Fairy, there isn't a drop of malice in him. Pinocchio's problem is he lacks the wisdom to know right from wrong.
  • Meaningful Name: Pinocchio's name means "Pine Seed" in Italian. This means that he is definitely made of pine wood, and the Blue Fairy also calls him "little puppet made of pine" before bringing him to life. Even the full version of the song "Little Wooden Head" describes him as made of pine!
  • Morality Pet: To Lampwick; the young delinquent may have been a bad influence on Pinocchio, but he did genuinely like him. He seems to consider Pinocchio a true friend of his.
  • Nice Guy: He's happy-go-lucky, brave, innocent, sweet, and carefree.
  • Outside-the-Box Tactic: He employs a plan crazy enough to work towards the end.
  • Pinocchio Nose: Trope Namer, Pinocchio's nose increasing in size whenever he lies. But to make it more comedic, it also grows leaves, flowers, and a bird's nest (complete with eggs that hatch baby birds).
  • Primary-Color Champion: He wears a a yellow hat with a red feather, bright red short overalls with yellow buttons, and a light yellow shirt. He also wears a big blue bow tie. And he's the titular main protagonist.
  • Protagonist Title: He's the main character in the movie, which is named after him.
  • Pyromaniac: Granted, it was a necessity to escape Monstro's clutches, but crazily surreal considering he's made of wood.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: He has black hair and fair skin, even after turning human.
  • Sole Survivor: He is the only survivor from the Coachman.
  • You Don't Look Like You: His attire has Bavarian/Tyrolian influences (the Lederhosen short pants and hat with a feather most notably), far from looking like his Tuscany counterpart from the original tale by Carlo Collodi and its originally attached illustrations by Enrico Mazzanti.


    Jiminy Cricket 
Voiced by: Cliff Edwards (1940-1971), Clarence Nash (briefly), Hal Smith (Read Along Book, I'm No Fool ... With Electricity and Disney Discovery Series), Eddie Carroll (1973-2010), Phil Snyder (2010-2014), Joe Ochman (currently), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (live-action remake)
Dubbed by: Roger Carel (European French)
Dubbed by: Ênio Santos (Brazilian Portuguese)
Dubbed by: Ove Sprogøe (Danish)
Dubbed by: Torsten Winge (speaking), Nathan Görling (singing) (1941 Swedish dub), Jan Modin (speaking), Bertil Engh (singing) (1995 Swedish redub)

A homeless cricket who takes the job of being Pinocchio's conscience, giving him moral advice... which is usually ignored.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: The Cricket in the book is not as cheerful and pleasant as this version; the former was rather blunt when scolding Pinocchio.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: The relationship between Pinocchio and the Cricket was mostly distant, but in this film they are very close.
  • Ascended Extra: In the original story, he was a nameless cricket who was squashed by the title character early, appeared later as a ghost and had two more appearances after that. In the Disney version, he was given the name Jiminy Cricket and promoted to narrator.
  • Berserk Button: He gets furious when Lampwick calls him a grasshopper.
  • Breakout Character: He has become a representative of Disney second only to Mickey himself, and about on par with Tinker Bell. Primarily from the 1940s to 1980s, where he became the host to Fun and Fancy Free and several TV specials, on top of being depicted as the Ghost of Christmas Past in Mickey's Christmas Carol. His status as this has largely died down as of the 1990s and 2000s, though he still gets the occassional spotlight role, such as getting an episode dedicated to him in House of Mouse.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Starts name-calling Monstro "blubbermouth" and "big moose". Monstro doesn't even notice him.
  • Character Development: Prior to meeting Pinocchio, Jiminy was sort of a realist and did not believe in fairy tales and wishes. Of course, after the adventure with him and the little wooden boy, Jiminy's view of the world changed greatly. He also goes from leaving Pinocchio each time the boy doesn't listen to him – first after Stromboli's show, then again on Pleasure Island – to showing him Undying Loyalty by following him to the bottom of the sea and even trying to follow him into Monstro's belly.
  • Charlie Brown Baldness: Some shots show him to have two strands of hair under his hat, loosely resembling the antennae of an actual cricket.
  • The Conscience: Trope Codifier. The conscience to the title character.
  • Covert Pervert: He unthinkingly agrees to become Pinocchio's conscience due to being besotted by the Blue Fairy, who he wants to impress throughout the movie. He goes from angrily not watching Pinocchio's show to excitedly watching it with eyeglasses on when he sees the French girl puppets doing the kick dance.
  • The Cynic: Averted. Even at the start of the film, where you would expect him to be weary and downtrodden given that he's essentially homeless, his dismissal of wishes and fairy tales are counterbalanced by his genuine feeling that Geppetto's wish is still "a very lovely thought," and his Cuteness Proximity with a not-yet-alive Pinocchio. He starts off as a realist at worst.
  • A Day in the Limelight: He's a pivotal character in Fun and Fancy Free.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Oh, he definitely has his moments.
    Jiminy Cricket: Go ahead, make a fool of yourself, then maybe you'll listen to your conscience.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: At the end of the film, after Pinocchio turns into a real boy, he steps out to thank the Blue Fairy, who rewards him with a solid gold badge declaring him an official conscience.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: By his own admission, Jiminy used to be one. Then Pinocchio came to life, and he starts believing more and more in the fantastic from that point onwards.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: One of many contributions to making him not look like an actual cricket.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: First in ragged street clothes, then in a dapper black tux for the remainder of the film.
  • Got Me Doing It: While searching for Geppetto, Pinnochio calls out to him as, "Father!" Jiminy does so too before realizing, "Wait, he's not my father!"
  • Homeless Hero: Jiminy Cricket starts out as a drifter, dressed in shabby clothes, sneaking into Geppetto's shop to warm himself by the fire.
  • Honest Advisor: Acts like this to Pinocchio.
  • I Am Not A Weasel: He is greatly offended when Lampwick calls him a “grasshopper”.
  • Informed Species: Ward Kimball started by envisioning him looking like an actual cricket, but was told by Disney to make him cute, so he slowly whittled away at any and all cricket-like appendages until Jiminy became, in Kimball's words, "a little man with an egg head and no ears. And the only thing that makes him a cricket is because we call him one."
  • Leitmotif: He has a rather jaunty theme, first heard when he goes to the fireplace.
  • Mars Needs Women: Jiminy seems to have a preference for human(ish) women.
  • Meaningful Name: At the time "Jiminy Crickets!" was a common Minced Oath for "Jesus Christ!". (Disney had even used it that way before, in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.) It's meaningful because Jiminy's job is to give moral guidance to Pinocchio and protect him from temptation, just like Jesus does for Christians.
  • Morality Chain: As Pinocchio's conscience, it's his job to guide him along the straight and narrow.
  • Named by the Adaptation: He was just "the talking cricket" in the book.
  • Nice Guy: Being an official conscience, Jiminy is rather wise and optimistic. He can be a bit aggressive when upset, but means well.
  • Not So Above It All: For all his attempts to keep Pinocchio on the straight and narrow, he's shown to have some problems with keeping his own Pride and Lust under control. His first question when being assigned to be Pinocchio's conscience is if he gets a badge. It's worth noting, though, that Jiminy's character changes over the course of the film—he gradually becomes more interested in Pinocchio's well-being, to the point where he's willing to risk his life to travel with him when the puppet goes looking for Monstro. Tellingly, at the end of the movie, he steps outside to speak with the Blue Fairy—not to demand a reward, but sincerely thank her for her kindness.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • When the Blue Fairy appears to rescue Pinocchio from Stromboli, Jiminy immediately attempts to hide and tells Pinocchio to leave him out of it in fear of looking bad in front of her.
    • His reaction when he realizes the horrible secret behind Pleasure Island's donkeys.
      Jiminy: Boys...? So that's what- PINOCCHIO!!!
  • Only Sane Man: He serves as the voice of reason for Pinocchio, but he's often ignored.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: He is a constant source of Bathos throughout the film, which is said to be the key to making the film work as a whole.
  • Precision F-Strike: During his Screw This, I'm Outta Here moment... and that was before the Analogy Backfire made him realize what was happening to the boys on Pleasure Island.
    Jiminy Cricket: Ha, ha, ha! Go on, laugh! Make a jackass out of yourself! I'm through! This is the end!
  • Punny Name: The name is a play on the exclamation "Jiminy Cricket!", a Minced Oath for "Jesus Christ!".
  • Significant Monogram: No coincidence, since his name comes from a Bowdlerization of "Jesus Christ".
  • Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Considered by many to be not only the first non-human Disney sidekick in a long line of many, but also the first wisecracking sidekick who used (what was at the time) modern humor and colloquialisms.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: More or less. In the book he's killed early on, squashed with a mallet by an annoyed Pinocchio, but then reappears as a ghost, and then has two other appearances where he's a living cricket again. This never happens in the movie.
  • Species Surname: Jiminy Cricket. He is (ostensibly) a cricket, so it's expected.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even though he sometimes gets exasperated by Pinocchio, he doesn't hesitate to follow him into whatever dangers he ends up in.
    Jiminy: I might be live bait down there, but I'm with you!
  • Walking the Earth: Was this prior to finding Geppetto's workshop.

Voiced by: Christian Rub, Tony Pope (1992-2002), Jeff Bennett (2004 - current); Teddy Bilis (European French dub)
Portrayed by: Tom Hanks (live-action remake)
Dubbed by: Joaquim Motta (Brazilian Portuguese)
Dubbed by: Carl-Gunnar Wingård (1941 Swedish dub), John Harryson (1995 Swedish redub)

A kindly old woodcutter and toymaker who was never able to have a son of his own. One night, he wishes upon a star, and Pinocchio comes to life.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Here, he is a full-on Nice Guy. In the book, Geppetto, while still a loving father, was more of a Grumpy Old Man.
  • Adaptational Wealth: The Geppetto of the books was notoriously poor, to the point of not even having logs for fireplaces or having to forfeit his only jacket to buy Pinocchio a schoolbook. This Geppetto has a much more decent livelihood as the many machines on his house show, and it's never once implied that he has financial troubles.
  • Bumbling Dad: Downplayed. He's a bit absent-minded but is still a caring and devoted father to Pinocchio.
  • Composite Character: His red nose comes from Antonio a.k.a Master Cherry.
  • Cool Old Guy: Geppetto is a genius woodcarver and also appears to have some musical talent, as he not only creates a number of music boxes, but is seen playing a concertina. He is also a kind man who enjoys bringing happiness to others.
  • Doomed Defeatist: He's tried and failed to escape Monstro so many times, he's convinced himself it's impossible, even in the face of his son's determination and optimism. Even when Pinocchio initiates a plan by smashing and burning some furniture to create smoke that will force Monstro to sneeze them out, Geppetto doubts that it will ever work. It's only when Pinocchio's plan became successful, Geppetto finally tags along in helping Pinocchio row away from the vengeful whale.
  • For Happiness: All his life Geppetto has brought so much happiness to others, the Blue Fairy herself admitted he deserved to have his own wish granted.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: If even half of the objects in his workshop are his creations, then he is truly a master of miniature mechanics and clockwork.
  • Good Parents: He doesn't care Pinocchio has gone and slightly-transformed himself into a donkey, so long as they're still together, is all that really matters.
  • The Hermit: He lives alone with his kitten Figaro and goldfish Cleo.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Disney was actually not sure how to design Geppetto until after casting Christian Rub for the role.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: He has blue eyes and a kind, gentle soul.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: He has a kitten named Figaro, whom he does love, although early on, he uses the not-yet-brought-to-life Pinocchio to playfully torment the kitten.
  • Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: He loses his shoes and socks in the water as he and Pinocchio prepare the raft to escape out of Monstro.
  • Manchild: In the most positive and endearing way. He's an older man, but he still holds onto the wonder, playfulness and boundless optimism of a child.
  • Manly Tears: Cries over Pinocchio after the latter pulls a Heroic Sacrifice saving him from Monstro.
  • Nice Guy: His kindness and generosity get him noticed by the Blue Fairy.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Goes through this after Pinocchio dies saving his life from Monstro. Luckily subverted as the Blue Fairy brings Pinocchio back to life as a real boy.
  • Papa Wolf: He searches everywhere for his missing son, though he ironically manages to put himself in greater harm's way and now needs rescuing himself. Even after losing their raft despite managing to escape from the bowels of Monstro, Gepetto was willing to let himself drown while telling Pinocchio to swim for shore.
    Gepetto: Pinocchio... swim for shore! Swim for shore! Save..... yourself.
  • Pietà Plagiarism: In at least one of the numerous book versions of the film, a distraught Geppetto cradles Pinocchio's lifeless body after the deadly escape from Monstro.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Geppetto wears glasses and is a genius woodcarver.
  • Truly Single Parent: He carved Pinocchio out of wood, so he definitely qualifies.

Voiced by: Clarence Nash (film and animated shorts), Frank Welker (1999-present)

Figaro is Pinocchio and Geppetto's pet cat. Outside of Pinocchio, he's also Minnie Mouse's pet cat.

  • Adapted Out: While Pinocchio, Geppetto, Cleo and Jiminy are present in the Kingdom Hearts series, for some reason, Figaro is not, though he did show up in the manga.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Here, he's a rather spoiled but still adorable Jerk with a Heart of Gold. In the shorts, he becomes more of a malicious Jerkass. And then...
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Starting in Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas, Figaro starts acting sweeter and nicer compared to his Jerkass behavior in the film and his shorts. This is especially notable in Minnie's Bow-Toons, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and any modern animated content starring Mickey and friends.
  • Ascended Extra: To a lesser extent than Jiminy Cricket. He is based off an unnamed cat that Geppetto had in the book, which was mentioned when Pinocchio lost his feet. In the film, he has a name and a larger role in several scenes, although, unlike Jiminy Cricket, he's still a secondary character.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Non-anthro example, being a rambunctious kitten.
  • Breakout Character: Again, just like Jiminy, though obviously not to the same degree. Figaro is one of the earliest Disney characters to gain popularity next to Donald Duck that don't feature Mickey Mouse. After Pinocchio, Figaro got his own series of shorts in the mid-40's along with Pluto. Nowadays, Figaro still makes apperances in modern animated shows and works starring Mickey & Friends (such as Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and it's three follow ups).
  • Cute Kitten: One of the earliest Disney cats minus the kittens from Three Orphan Kittens, and the earliest from the Disney Animated Canon itself.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: Yes, even Figaro has his version at least in the "Figaro & Frankie" short. Unlike Pluto or Donald, Figaro has a male angel while the bad angel isn't present. Possibly because the bad angel is already controlling Figaro's mind and thoughts.
  • Jealous Pet: He's initially jealous of the attentions of Geppetto when Pinocchio was made, but later grows to love the boy as family.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Spoiled and temperamental, but affectionate towards Geppetto and can also be nice.
  • Named by the Adaptation: In the book, Geppetto did have a cat, but it didn't have a name.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: He may be a bit of a Spoiled Brat, but he is still an adorable kitten with the personality of a small child.
  • Shout-Out: Appropriately for an Italian cat, he's named after a famous opera character.
  • Silent Snarker: While he isn't silent, he does express emotions around Pinocchio, Cleo and Geppetto.
  • Single Tear: Figaro cries a single tear twice: the first time occurs while he, Cleo, and Geppetto are trapped inside the whale while starving to death, and the second time occurs during Pinocchio's Disney Death.
  • Spoiled Brat: His supervising animator, Eric Larson, envisioned him as having the personality of a 4-year-old boy.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Downplayed. The eyes were likely to help evoke the stereotype of cunning cats, but Figaro himself is generally not particularly crafty.


Pinocchio and Geppetto's pet goldfish.

  • Canon Foreigner: Unlike Jiminy and Figaro, she has no literary counterpart.
  • Foil: To Figaro. This is most notable in the "Figaro and Cleo" short.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Her name can also be a male's name.
  • Nice Girl: Affectionate, innocent, sweet, and loyal.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: She's a very cute-looking and feminine goldfish.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: She has what appears to be lipstick and eyeshadow.
  • The Voiceless: She often reacts or responds to a situation through silent smiles and water twirls, though we do hear a content sigh when she lies down to go to sleep, plus coughing noises after Geppetto dips Pinocchio's burning finger into her bowl.

    Blue Fairy 
Voiced by: Evelyn Venable, Rosalyn Landor (1999 - current); Évelyn Séléna (European French dub); Selma Lopes (Brazilian Portuguese dub); Anna Lindahl (1941 Swedish dub), Jasmine Wigartz (1995 Swedish redub)
Portrayed by: Cynthia Erivo (live-action remake)

The Fairy who brings Pinocchio to life. She also aids Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket throughout their adventures, both directly and from afar.

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: In the original novel, the Blue Fairy had turquoise/blue hair. In the Disney version, her hair is blonde while her dress and headband are blue.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: A beautiful fairy who's equally beautiful on the inside.
  • Big Good:
    • Fulfills Geppetto's wish merely because of his selfless and caring personality, following with her encouraging Pinocchio to choose the path of good if he wishes to become a real boy. In a later scene, she also admonishes Pinocchio for lying, saying that one lie will lead to another and a good person should be honest.
    • She is arguably this for the entire Disney canon, in role analogous to Maleficent’s Big Bad. The Blue Fairy takes an iconic form as the Star which appears for the opening credits of every Disney film.
  • Blue Is Heroic: She is the Blue Fairy and acts as the Big Good. At the Disney Theme Parks she was the grand marshal of the Main Street Electrical Parade until 2010, but retains this role at Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights at Tokyo Disneyland, and reappeared in the 50th Anniversary Edition of Disneyland's parade in doll form.
  • Demoted to Extra: Her role in the film is significantly downplayed in favor of Jiminy Cricket's compared to the book.
  • Deus ex Machina: She helps Pinocchio out twice after bringing him to life, first by magically unlocking Stromboli's cage, and then delivering a note on Geppetto's fate after he comes back from Pleasure Island. The first instance is consistent with the book, while the second was suggested by Frank Thomas for the sake of quickly informing Pinocchio where his father was.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: Jiminy is definitely a fan.
  • Fairy Godmother: She is a magical being who, fulfilling Geppetto's wish, transforms Pinocchio into a living creature and later into a real boy.
  • Fairy Sexy: A slender fair-skinned blonde that wears an elegant glittery blue dress. When she offers the position of conscience to Jiminy Cricket, he is somewhat dumbstruck by her beauty. Additionally, she was modeled after Jean Harlow, noted blonde bombshell of the era.
  • God's Hands Are Tied: When Geppetto wishes Pinocchio to be a real boy, she simply gives the puppet life, but this is not a case of a Literal Genie. This wish now involves two people, not just one. To become real, Pinocchio has to earn it for himself.
  • Good Is Not Soft:
    The Blue Fairy: A boy who won't be good, might just as well be made of wood.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Blonde, beautiful, angelic.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Literally—in addition to voicing the Blue Fairy, Evelyn Venable was the live-action model for her.
  • Leitmotif: Her scenes are accompanied by an instrumental version of "When You Wish Upon a Star".
  • Ms. Fanservice: The closest thing the film has to one, given that she's a strikingly beautiful blonde woman and acts a little bit flirtatious towards Jiminy.
  • Nice Girl: Due to her role as the Big Good, she has a kind and pure heart.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: She has the most realistically designed appearance in the film, with everyone else being more on the stylized cartoonish side.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: She appears as a full sized woman with exceptionally large wings. Naturally, she's dressed in blue.
  • Supernatural Aid: In the original story, the puppet came to life of his own accord.
  • The Tease: Isn't above laying on the charm when necessary, like when she got up close to Jiminy, batting her eyes and coyly smiling at him, clearly aware of the effect she has on men.
  • True Blue Femininity: Her hair in the novel, and her dress and headband in the film.


    In General 
  • Green and Mean: Most of them have green somewhere on their designs. They're also all evil-doers, sans Lampwick (especially compared his competition).
  • Karma Houdini: In the theatrical release, none of the villains have any comeuppance for preying on children. Even Monstro is depicted as a living force of nature, so him crashing is an Uncertain Doom. As Jiminy puts it, the world is full of temptation. Earth has many threats to contend with. Pinocchio's goal isn't to right the wrongs of the world, but to know right from wrong, and stay far away from such evil-doers.

    John Worthington Foulfellow (a.k.a. Honest John) 
Voiced by: Walter Catlett, Alan Dinehart (Christmas Carol), Corey Burton (Disney on Ice), Randy Crenshaw (Legacy Collection); Keegan-Michael Key (live-action remake); Michel Roux (European French dub); Magalhães Graça (Brazilian Portuguese dub); Georg Funkquist (1941 Swedish dub), Bo Maniette (1995 Swedish redub)

A sly anthropomorphic red fox and one of the antagonists. A professional con artist who tricks Pinocchio twice in the film.

  • Adaptational Karma: Inverted. In the book, the Fox and the Cat end up in misery (well, technically they already were from the start), but in this film, Honest John and Gideon are apparently left to continue their life of con artistry. (Although if the book "Mouse of Glass" is to be believed, at one point he and Gideon were going to get theirs, but the scene got abandoned while still in the planning stage.)
  • Adaptation Personality Change: In the album An Adaptation of Dickens' Christmas Carol, Performed by The Walt Disney Players, he and Gideon are the money collectors that visit Scrooge at the beginning of the story, when the canon versions would only do such a thing as a scam charity. It's no wonder that Mickey's Christmas Carol replaced them in those roles with Rat and Mole.
  • All There in the Manual: His actual name, J. Worthington Foulfellow, is only used in the original theatrical trailer. In the film, he is just called "Honest John".
  • Amusing Injuries: Getting his head jammed within his own squashed hat.
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: He wears spats, but no shoes.
  • The Barnum: He is a natural at what he does which goes from lying and swindling to selling into slavery.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Monstro, the Coachman, and Stromboli.
  • Book Dumb: Not very educated, clearly illiterate, but certainly Street Smart. For someone who is not even able to spell "Pinocchio", he's fairly smart and clever.
  • Bumbling Henchmen Duo: He and Gideon are a pair of comedic henchmen who work first for Stromboli, then for the Coachman.
  • Con Man: He and Gideon make a living by tricking and swindling others in order to get money. Though ironically he gets swindled himself by Stromboli, who pays him with only a small bag of money for Pinocchio, despite how unique and priceless a living puppet should be.
  • Cunning Like a Fox: As to be expected from a cartoon one.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • He's perfectly fine with conning small children out of their money and freedom, and if one scene is to be believed, with doing hits too. However, when the Coachman mentions taking young boys to Pleasure Island, he's absolutely horrified, also because of the infamous and notorious reputation of the place and its illegality among adults and authorities. And when the Coachman assures them that the boys won't return as themselves and makes a Nightmare Face for emphasis, the fox cowers in fear. But as John and Gideon realize, they're now too far into the Coachman's proposition to back out now.
    • Even though it's implied he's willing to commit murder, it does seem that John prefers words over violence. When Gideon tries to force Pinocchio to come with them through violent means (i.e. smashing him over the head with a mallet) he reprimands him and considers it "crude" to do things like that.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Jiminy Cricket. While Jiminy's role is to keep Pinocchio on a straight and narrow path as his conscience, Honest John tricks the wooden boy to step from that path, with Jiminy lampshading this when he calls the fox the temptation he warned Pinocchio about. Visually, both Jiminy and John have similar clothes and mannerisms to mimic upper class high rollers, but are tattered from actually being homeless.
  • Evil Duo: The clever, cunning partner of the Dumb Muscle Gideon.
  • False Friend: To Pinocchio. He even lampshades this to the Coachman at the tavern.
    Honest John: And the dummy fell for it! Hook, line, and sinker! And he still thinks we're his friends.
  • Faux Affably Evil: As to be expected from a conman, he can be very charming and easily win Pinocchio's trust and friendship, but he has no scrupules tricking him and selling him to Stromboli for his own again.
  • Foul Fox: An anthropomorphic fox who has no problem conning children out of their money and freedom, and it's implied he's willing to do hits too.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Something not particularly weird for anthropomorphic animals.
  • The Heavy: He's the one responsible for bringing Pinocchio into conflict with all the other villains except for Monstro.
  • Ironic Name: He is nicknamed "Honest John", but isn't even remotely honest. Averted with his last name.
  • Karma Houdini: He doesn't receive any punishment for conning children for personal gain and (reluctantly) helping the Coachman in his scheme. A cut sequence had him and Gideon get caught after encountering Pinocchio a third time.
  • Large Ham: Honest John's flamboyant gesturing.
  • Loveable Rogue: Downplayed. He is cool and charming enough to be likable, but he's clearly not supposed to be a sympathetic character.
  • Meaningful Name: J. Worthington Foulfellow.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Honest John and Gideon were only known as "the Fox and the Cat" (originally "the Cat and the Fox") in the book.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Does 'Foulfellow' seem like a nice name to you?
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: He was modelled on John Barrymore.
  • Opportunistic Bastard: His life as a Con Man consists of strolling around in the streets with his stooge, looking for easy pickings from easy to fool suckers and not unlike his enticing song to Pinocchio looking above all for the chance to make it big be it from random victims to shady employers.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: The fact that he insists on calling himself "Honest John" should raise some red flags as to his actual level of honesty.
  • Villain Song: "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee". It's cheerful, but it's sung by Honest John to convince Pinocchio to work for Stromboli and to go to Pleasure Island. It also has the unique distinction of being the first Disney villain song in the Disney Animated Canon!
  • Villainous Friendship: With his Bumbling Sidekick Gideon, obviously. Also, both of them appear to be on friendly terms with the Coachman, and probably with Stromboli as well.

Voiced by: Mel Blanc (hiccups, Lux Radio Theatre), Alan Dinehart (Christmas Carol)

Honest John's mute and crafty anthropomorphic feline sidekick.

  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Like his boss.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He may be dim and goofy, but he is also a brute whose answer to everything is to whack it with his mallet.
  • Bumbling Henchmen Duo: He and Honest John are a pair of comedic henchmen first to Stromboli, then to the Coachman; though Gideon is the one who does the majority of the bumbling.
  • Bumbling Sidekick: To Honest John.
  • Cats Are Mean: Gideon is a cat and, like his boss, a bad guy, though a violent vagabond and low-life without the craftiness usually associated with his species.
  • Evil Duo: The dumb, bumbling, violence-prone sidekick to the clever, cunning Honest John.
  • Foil: To Pinocchio. Both are The Ditz to their respective partners. Where Pinocchio is a puppet brought to life, can speak and has a desire to get educated and become real boy; Gideon is a real cat but is a mute, is illiterate and has no qualms about living life as a stupid crook. Pinocchio is easily swayed by temptation and abandons Jiminy frequently, but changes for the better; Gideon in contrast can't even be scared straight by a literal devil and continues crime with no character development, but sticks with Honest John through all their scams.
  • Furry Confusion: He's a fully anthropomorphic clothes-wearing cat, in the same film as the slightly anthropomorphic yet much more realistic pet kitten Figaro.
  • The Illegible: When he writes out a 'Doctor's report' on Pinocchio, it's just a bunch of scribbled and zigzagging lines.
  • Karma Houdini: Like Honest John, he's not seen suffer any consequences for trying to ruin Pinocchio’s life twice.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Honest John and Gideon were known as "the Fox and the Cat" (originally "the Cat and the Fox") in the book.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Resembles Harpo Marx in appearance and mannerisms.
  • The Silent Bob: Apart from his three hiccups, Gideon is mute. He is a bit more vocal in the Lux Radio Theatre production, but even then it's only some drunken giggles.
  • Simpleton Voice: In the "Disney On Parade" shows, Gideon has a dimwitted voice.
  • Smash Mook: He wields an enormous mallet. Too bad it's only good for hitting Honest John on the head.
  • The Speechless: He was originally meant to be voiced by Mel Blanc, but in the end, all of his dialogue was cut, and ultimately, Blanc's only contributions to a Disney movie were hiccups.
  • Suddenly Speaking: In the Disney on Parade shows from the late 1960s and early 1979s. Gideon is able to speak full sentences and has his own lyrics for the "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee" musical number.
  • Violence is the Only Option: Either he clobbers someone, or John clobbers him for trying to. It's not his fault that he doesn't have the intelligence to think of other subtler options, other than getting what he wants through brute force.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: He's mute, so he prefers to let his huge wooden mallet do the talking when Honest John's diplomacy looks like it's about to fail.

Voiced by: Charles Judels, Thurl Ravenscroft (Disney on Parade), Ray Templin (Disneyland); Pierre Garin (European French dub); Castro Gonzaga (Brazilian Portuguese dub); Benkt-Åke Benktsson (1941 Swedish dub), Stephan Karlsén (1995 Swedish redub)
Portrayed by: Giuseppe Battiston (live-action remake)

"And when you are growing too old, you will make good... FIREWOOD!"

A large, sinister owner of a traveling marionette show who forces Pinocchio to perform onstage to make money.

  • Adaptational Villainy: The puppeteer in the original story, although still intimidating, is talked out of burning Pinocchio and gives him some coins to help Geppetto out. In the film, he's far more cruel and simply wants to exploit Pinocchio and states that he'll use him as firewood after he can't perform anymore.
  • Adaptation Name Change: In the book, his name is Mangiafuoco (Fire-eater). In the Italian dub of the movie, he keeps his original name from the book (as do all the other characters), but he's first introduced as "Stromboli nicknamed Mangiafuoco".
  • Angrish: Stromboli unleashes quite a bit of this.
  • Bald of Evil: Half bald, in this case, but he's still cruel.
  • Beard of Evil: A long black beard.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Monstro, the Coachman, and Honest John.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He first appears to be a short-tempered but pleasant funny guy, but as Pinocchio discovers after the show finishes, he's actually a cruel Fat Bastard.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Geppetto. Both are adults who work with puppets. Unlike Geppetto who acts like a caring father to Pinocchio, Stromboli is abusive to Pinocchio and just wants to use the puppet to make money.
  • Evil Is Hammy: "Going-a home-a to your father!" He's a villain in a Disney movie, after all.
  • Evil Puppeteer: A Faux Affably Evil puppeteer who abuses Pinocchio.
  • Fat Bastard: Very fat and definitely a Jerkass.
  • Face Palm: "Going-a home-a to your father! Be back in the morning!", no you're not.
  • Foreign-Language Tirade: He goes into a basically unintelligible rant in Italian when counting the coins thrown on stage and finding a metal washer.
  • HA HA HA—No: Upon hearing Pinocchio say he's returning home to Geppetto, he begins laughing heartily, with Pinocchio even joining in- which cuts off immediately as Stromboli tosses him in a cage.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He curses in Italian-sounding gibberish when he gets upset.
  • Hoarding the Profits: Stromboli makes a lot of money from Pinocchio's performance and keeps it all for himself. When he discovers a slug, he gives it to Pinocchio as his pay. Since Pinocchio Really Was Born Yesterday and doesn't know any better, he gladly accepts it. When Pinocchio tells Stromboli that he's going home to tell his father, Stromboli traps him in a birdcage and explains his motive.
    Stromboli: You will make lots of money... for me!
  • Karma Houdini: Stromboli doesn't get any punishment other than not being able to use Pinocchio for his show - he even gets to keep all the money from the first night.
  • Laughably Evil: Stromboli can be quite entertaining with his hammy Italian accent and rants of angrish. W.C. Fields was once heard to comment that the character "moved too much", but Fields was noted to be a harsh critic.
  • Roguish Romani: Stromboli, despite his Italian name, covers a lot of Romani stereotypes, being the scheming owner of a traveling puppet show who kidnaps the child protagonist. He is even explicitly referred to as a "gypsy" at least once.
  • Sadist: He bursts into laughter at the thought of chopping Pinocchio into firewood.
  • The Show Must Go On: Even he appreciates in the midst of Pinocchio's bumbling that this is live entertainment - the show must go on at all costs.
  • Suddenly Shouting: He deliberately does this for dramatic effect.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He intends to chop Pinocchio into firewood once he's become too old and worn to continue performing and making him money and even shares this plan in advance with him.

    The Coachman 
Click here to see his true demonic face.
"They never come back...as BOYS!"
Voiced by: Charles Judels, Ray Templin (Disneyland); Pierre Collet (European French dub); Orlando Drummond (Brazilian Portuguese dub); Benkt-Åke Benktsson (1941 Swedish dub), Jan Modin (1995 Swedish redub)
Portrayed by: Luke Evans (live-action remake)

The devious and sadistic owner and operator of Pleasure Island, who enjoys turning unruly boys into donkeys.

  • Adaptational Karma: In the video game (which isn't strictly canon); in the film and in the book he does not receive any punishment, but in the video game, one of his boy-turned-donkey victims kicks him into the sea.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Downplayed. While the Coachman in the novel was no kinder in actuality, he did a far better job at hiding his true intentions than his Disney counterpart, coming off as a kindhearted Santa Claus-esque man, which significantly helped him with luring boys into his trap. In the movie, he doesn't even try to shroud his true character, even when he's around the boys he's luring to Pleasure Island, donning a knowing smile that clearly indicates he is up to no good while on the coach to Pleasure Island, and has a look of sadistic pleasure (pun intended) as he watches the boys eagerly disembark from the ferry to Pleasure Island.
  • Ambiguously Human: He at one point gives a Nightmare Face to Honest John and Gideon that makes him resemble the devil. There's also the fact that, unlike the other human characters, he only has four fingers instead of the more realistic five.
  • Asshole Victim: His fate in the console video game is well deserved for all the vile things he has done, especially after receiving no comeuppance in the movie, which makes his fate in the game all the more cathartic.
  • Ax-Crazy: Shown when he tells Honest John and Gideon that the law won't be a problem, then pulls out a Bring My Brown Pants Nightmare Face for the ages.
  • Bad Boss: He's pretty cruel to his henchmen.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: With the sole exception of Pinocchio, Lampwick and the other boys successfully turn into donkeys and are sold into human trafficking.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Monstro, Stromboli, and Honest John. While John is unscrupulous, Stromboli violent, and Monstro being a territorial animal, the Coachman is by far the most truly evil of the group.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Far more so than Honest John and Gideon. The Coachman does seem like a Nice Guy originally at a glance. In actuality, calling this monster a Jerkass is a major understatement.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: He never actually shares any lines with Pinocchio, leaving it unclear as to whether or not he even notices that Pinocchio wasn't among the boys who got transformed into donkeys. And even if he did, losing one boy out of a boatful of them probably isn't going to be a major inconvenience for him.
  • Child Hater: He has no scruples with seeing boys turn into donkeys and whipping them into slavery, so he fits.
  • Devilish Hair Horns: The tufts of hair on the sides of his head spike up into horns when he pulls his infamous Nightmare Face, leaving very little ambiguity to his moral standing.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Regardless of how much the young boys at Pleasure Island misbehaved by drinking, smoking, and... playing pool, it still does not make the Coachman forcibly transforming them and subjecting them to a Fate Worse than Death okay.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Only known as "The Coachman;" some picture book adaptations of the movie name him as "Barker," but how canon those are is debatable.
  • Evil Brit: One that's pure evil, at that, complete with the deep voice and Cockney accent.
  • Evil Counterpart: To the Blue Fairy. Unlike her, whose goal is to teach children life's values and being good, The Coachman corrupts already-naughty children to make 'em more misbehaved so that they could turn themselves into donkeys and thus he can sell 'em to the highest biddder. It's also hinted that he, like the fairy, may not be human but some sort of demon-like being.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Horribly subverted. While the Coachman truthfully assured to both Honest John and Gideon that they don't need to commit murder to earn some money from him, he clearly states that his business provides a Fate Worse than Death to the disobedient boys, something which Honest John and Gideon are terrified to hear about.
  • Evil Is Hammy: As expected from a Satanic Archetype, aside from the deal-making.
    "They never come back... as BOYS!!!" (Cue the Evil Laugh)
  • Eviler than Thou: Established non-verbally. The Coachman can be seen drumming his fingers and cleaning his pipe, politely bored and unimpressed by Honest John bragging about petty crime, waiting for his turn to speak and tremendously one-up Honest John on the subject of diabolical schemes.
  • Evil Is Petty: He makes a living by fooling children to become donkeys. And then mocks them for falling into his trap.
  • Evil Laugh: He does a maniacal laughter during his meeting with Honest John and Gideon.
  • Evil Old Folks: In this case, pure evil.
  • Evil Plan: To lure disobedient little boys to Pleasure Island so they’ll turn into literal jackasses and to sell them in slavery for profit. It works.
  • Fat Bastard: Exaggerated. He's not just fat and mean, he's obese and evil.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Overlapping with Ambiguously Human, his four-fingered hands distinguishes him from the other human characters.
  • Glamour Failure: Most of the time, he appears as a chubby, mostly harmless-looking Englishman, but when he tells Honest John and Gideon that the law won't be a problem and utters his famous line, the glamour drops and what comes out will scare you shitless.
  • Hate Sink: A ruthless and terrifying child kidnapper who lures children to his Amusement Park of Doom, Pleasure Island, where they transform into donkeys and never hear from their loved ones again. And the worst part is that, unlike other Disney villains, he never gets punished for his actions.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He looks human at first glance, but he only possesses Four-Fingered Hands, and his Nightmare Face implies he's something terrible trying to look the part but missing out on a few minor details.
  • Human Traffickers: As someone who spirits children away to a secret island where he sells them into slavery, the Coachman has the dubious honor of being the only human trafficker in a family film.
  • Jerkass: One of the absolute worst ones in Disney. He takes delight in ruining children's lives and acts nasty to everyone who isn't a fellow criminal.
  • Karma Houdini: The Coachman is probably still out there, turning naughty boys into donkeys. Though you do get to fight him and give him a Disney Villain Death in the video game, and a Mickey Mouse comic does portray his island as decrepit (presumably beyond repair), plus conspicuously absent while other villains show up.
  • Karmic Death: As mentioned in Adaptational Karma, Pinocchio and one of the boys who was turned to a donkey cause him to lose his footing and fall to his death in the video game; a fitting death for someone who tried to ruin Pinocchio and the other young boys’ lives out of pure greed and sadism.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While Honest John, Gideon, and Stromboli only want wealth at the end of the day, the Coachman is a devilish slavedriver who runs an amusement park that magically turns young boys who use the attractions into donkeys. The ones that lose their voices are then sold to salt mines and circuses. As for the ones who can still talk... well, they're penned up on Pleasure Island, presumably until they are fully transformed... or worse. And he gets away with it, too! Which is unique, considering every other villain falls to the hero. It is also implied from his Nightmare Face that he isn't completely human. This may be because of his choice of targets: Bad boys and little punks who should be at school, making him some karmic boogeyman.
  • Knight Templar: It's possible that to him, he's punishing his donkeys for being naughty little boys, albeit with no mercy.
  • Lack of Empathy: He never shows pity or compassion for his victims. When poor Alexander begs to be set free, the Coachman nonchalantly and very harshly throws him in the pen with the other donkeys who can still talk. Then the other donkeys beg him to be sent home, crying that they "don't want to be donkeys," but he viciously cracks his whip and shouts to be quiet.
  • Nightmare Face: One for the ages, and it comes out of freaking nowhere. Red with a Slasher Smile and unnaturally huge eyes, it instantly turns the Coachman from a merely cunning human into something utterly demonic, and it will scare the living shit out of you — even 80 years later.
  • Precision F-Strike: When ordering his guards to secure the island with every one of his current victims inside.
    The Coachman: Give a bad boy enough rope, and 'e'll soon make a jackarse of 'imself... [cue the Evil Laugh]
  • Sadist: He takes great pleasure in turning innocent children (such as "The Stupid Little Boys") into donkeys, enjoying their pain with whipping them, and also selling them into slavery.
  • Satanic Archetype: The Coachman may or may not be a demon. He tempts little boys to live a sinful life, then imprisons them forever. Just as the Blue Fairy rewards people for their good deeds, he punishes them for their misdeeds. And of course, there's his Four-Fingered Hands and the devilish Nightmare Face.
  • Slasher Smile: "They never come back... as BOYS!!!" You'd think, merely reading that line, that it would be pure Narm, but what emerges in place of the Coachman's human face makes it nothing short of terrifying.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: His plan to turn the transformed donkeys into slaves is the most frightening thing about the film. That's saying a lot considering the other evil/destructive characters in this film.
  • The Sociopath: He has no sense of guilt or empathy, right or wrong, and is very manipulative and cruel.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: Part of what makes this character so terrifying by Disney villain standards is that he basically looks like a normal, grandfatherly old man. There's no clear visual indication of his supernatural nature (except for the somewhat subtle tell of his four-fingered hands) until he makes his Nightmare Face.
  • Undisclosed Funds: Money is no object to him, and promises to pay John and Gideon well for delivering bad boys to him. With the cost of maintaining his evil hideout, plus beer and cigars for hundreds of children, coupled with the huge amount of gold he pays his underlings; you've got to wonder how much of a profit he is actually turning and if Coach isn't more in the trafficking business just For the Evulz.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: He turns children into donkeys for his own benefit. Granted, Stromboli is pretty mean too and Monstro is scary, but neither can match the Coachman for pure evil.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: He's a white-haired and pure evil child kidnapper.
  • Whip of Dominance: He always carries a whip with him, and while he obviously makes use of it in his titular job as a coachman, he makes far more use of it when his true nature as a child slaver and starts to prominently to cracking the whip in an intimidating fashion to both the frightened donkey-turned-boys and also the order his around his minions.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He arranges for naughty little boys to be turned into donkeys and sells the ones who can't talk anymore into slavery afterwards. God only knows what he's doing to the ones who can.

    Monstro the Whale 
Voiced by: Thurl Ravenscroft

Monstro is an enormous whale and the antagonist in the third act.


Voiced by: Frankie Darro, Clarence Nash (donkey sounds); Jason Marsden (Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Edition UK - Pleasure Island Carnival Games) Jean-Francois Maurin (European French dub); Milton Rangel Filho (Brazilian Portuguese dub); Håkan Westergren (1941 Swedish dub), Samuel Elers-Svensson (1995 Swedish redub)
Portrayed by: Lewin Lloyd (live-action remake)

A naughty boy that Pinocchio befriends on his way to Pleasure Island.

  • Adaptational Jerkass: He was still a slacker with his studies in the novel and a disruptive influence in class according to conversations between him and Pinocchio, but the movie greatly strengthens his more rebellious traits by having him engage in activies such as vandalism, destruction of property, playing pool, drinking, and smoking.
  • Adaptational Name Change: In the book, he was known as Lucignolo ('Candlewick'), and his real name was Romeo.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Once he realizes he's turning into a donkey, he screams for help and pleads Pinocchio to "call that beetle, call anybody". He cries out for his mother just as he loses his voice.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: More like "Alas, Poor Jackass". While Lampwick was a real piece of work, he's still a child and Pinocchio's friend, and once he finds out he's turning into a donkey, the last words out of his mouth are him begging for help and screaming for his mother.
  • And I Must Scream: Implied at the end, having completely turned into a donkey and lost his ability to speak, Lampwick is last seen on-screen braying hysterically and flees from Pinocchio to presumably be sold into slavery.
  • Animal Motif: Has pointy ears and pronounced buck teeth and is a jackass long before being turned into a literal one.
  • Asshole Victim: Deconstructed, Lampwick may have been a bad kid, but to be turned into a voiceless animal and sold into slavery is far too cruel fate for a youth that could've still changed.
  • Animorphism: Turned into a donkey.
  • Anti-Role Model: Lampwick is a perfect example of the kind of child the Coachman is targeting. A loudmouthed delinquent that openly disrespects authority figures and is easily tricked by adults planning to exploit him.
  • Bad Guys Play Pool: Despite barely being a teenager, if that, Lampwick shows remarkable skill at pool, given the numerous trick-shots he plays. Makes you wonder how often he frequented bars.
  • Body Horror: Seeing his transformed face in the mirror instantly has him running about in a panic. When his hands turn into hooves and he's forced onto all fours, he screams for his mother to save him before losing his voice entirely. Terrified, he trashes the pool hall and flees the scene.
  • Brats with Slingshots: He's practicing using one on the Coachman's coach when he first meets Pinocchio, though we never see him actually use it (it should be noted that it is a traditional symbol of unthinking destructiveness).
  • The Corrupter: To Pinocchio. Lampwick gets him to start fights, smoke, break things, and play pool.
  • Delayed Reaction: He grows long ears, a tail, and a muzzle and all the while is completely oblivious to his transformation. It is theorized he was simply too intoxicated to notice these curious features appearing, and it is not until he accidentally brays that he realizes something is wrong. By the time he sees his reflection, it is far too late for him to stop the change.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Implied, as he cries out for his mother when he's turned into a donkey.
  • Evil Counterpart: Downplayed Trope, while not exactly evil, Lampwick is a jerkass, Bratty Half-Pint version of the naïve, Nice Guy Pinocchio.
  • Evil Redhead: Although he isn't evil; just a Jerkass and all-around mischief-maker.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Or rather, Ink-Suit Animator; he was designed as a self-caricature of his animator, Fred Moore.
  • I Want My Mommy!: The last thing that happens before he's turned into a donkey is calling for his mother.
  • I Will Only Slow You Down: A deleted scene has Lampwick try to escape with Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricker, only to start transforming and get caught by one of Coachman's goons. Before transforming completely, Lampwick yells for Pinocchio to escape without him as its too late for him now. This scene made it into several book adaptations.
  • Jerkass: Fitting for a young delinquent, he's a quite rude and obnoxious kid.
  • Jerkass to One: Despite being friendly to Pinocchio, he's a complete jerk to Jiminy Cricket.
  • Jerk Jock: In a way, as he was able to shoot a pool ball from an awkward angle and somehow was able to cause the cue ball to make a group of pool balls stack on top of each other.
  • Morphic Resonance: While all the boys on Pleasure Island turn to donkeys, he seems to be about halfway there from the start with his prominent front teeth and large ears.
  • Pet the Dog: For all his bratty tendencies, he does seem to genuinely like Pinocchio.
  • Precision F-Strike: After Jiminy's Screw This, I'm Outta Here moment, he delivers one peppered with Analogy Backfire just as it's starting to kick in.
    Lampwick: Hear that beetle talk, you'd think something was gonna happen to us! "Conscience"... phooey! Where's he get that stuff? "How do you ever expect to be a real boy?" What's he think I look like, a jackass?
    Pinocchio: You sure do!
  • Rage Against the Reflection: As he begins to turn, he sees his donkey features in a mirror and panics. When he is fully gone, the mirror is one of many things he breaks while frantically bucking.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Pinocchio. Lampwick represents what Pinocchio could be if he didn't have a conscience.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Possibly. In the books, Lampwick dies from hunger and exhaustion after being overworked. We do not see his fate in the film.
  • Street Smart: Subverted. He thinks he's this, but he was dumb enough to fall for the Coachman's scheme and loses his humanity.
  • Tempting Fate: "What's he think I look like, a jackass?"
  • Too Dumb to Live: Like the countless other naughty boys before him, he is easily lured by the promise of free food, alcohol, cigars, no school or parental authority, and endless fun at absolutely no charge. He doesn't even bat an eye when Pinocchio asks what happened to all of the other boys when the park has seemingly become deserted. He pays a huge price for having fallen for the Coachman's deceit, losing his humanity for his one night of reckless abandon.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: He encourages Pinocchio to behave much like the other children on Pleasure Island.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: It was never shown onscreen what happened to Lampwick after becoming a donkey, who was likely caught and sold by the evil Coachman, though it is also possible he escaped the island. In an earlier draft that made it into books based off the movie, he joins Pinocchio and Jiminy in their attempt to escape Pleasure Island, but gets captured by the Coachman's minions and tells Pinocchio to escape without him.

    The Stupid Little Boys 
A group of naughty young boys, including Lampwick and Alexander, who went to Pleasure Island.

"I wanna go home to my mama!"
Voiced by: Dickie Jones; Bernadette Lompret (European French dub); Ingrid Borthen (1941 Swedish dub).

He was a naughty boy who went to Pleasure Island. Like all of the other boys who went there, he did all kinds of bad behavior, such as fighting, smoking, drinking and gambling (to name a few).

  • Adapted Out: He doesn't appear at all in the 2022 remake.
  • I Want My Mommy!: He cries out for her after being forced to reveal he can still talk, so the Coachman sends him off into a pen with the other boys who haven't yet turned completely into donkeys.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Was intended as this, but it falls flat because his other scene didn't make the final cut. Originally, there was going to be a song during the ride to Pleasure Island where the bad boys, Alexander among them, would sing about how much fun they're going to have. Had this been kept, then when Jiminy reaches the dock and we learn that even this kid was turned into a donkey, the realization that Pinocchio's next would hit much harder. (It should be noted that he was voiced by an uncredited Dickie Jones, who was also the voice of Pinocchio.)
  • Shapeshifting Failure: He and several other boys can still talk despite being donkeys.
  • Uncertain Doom: We don't know if the boys who can talk will be able to talk indefinitely, or if they'll gradually lose all vestiges they were human. Either way, they'll be sold off to the salt mines, or the Coachman will keep them on Pleasure Island, to work the rest of their lives away repaying the debt of one rowdy night's fun.
