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Live Reporting

Sam Drury

All times stated are UK

  1. Post update

    Video content

    Video caption: Sir Mo Farah finishes fourth in final race of career

    For all the fantastic performances we saw today, so much of the focus and excitement was on Mo Farah and the final race of his remarkable career.

    He finished fourth, cheered on heartily by the crowd for the whole route.

    You can read our report on an emotional farewell here.

    Coverage continues on BBC One and iPlayer. Thank you for joining us on a special day for a legend of British sport.

    Having won 12 global medals, 10 of them gold - including four Olympic golds - Mo Farah has crossed the finish line for the final time.

  2. World record for Keith Turner

    One more record to bring you before we go as Keith Turner, and his guide Jim, cross the line and break the world record for untethered blind runner - the first ever at the Great North Run.

    He was guided by Jim ringing bells for the full 13.1 miles - what an effort!

  3. Post update

    Tamirat Tola stormed to victory in 59 minutes 58 seconds in the men's race.

    The Ethiopian was one minute 22 seconds clear of Belgium's Bashir Abdi in second with another Ethiopian, Muktar Edris, in third.

    Tamirat Tola wins the Men's Elite Race of the AJ Bell Great North Run 2023 through Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and South Shields. Picture date: Sunday September 10, 2023.
  4. Post update

    Kenya's Peres Jepchirchir was victorious in the elite women's race. She led from start to finish.

    It was a really dominant display from the Olympic marathon champion.

    Peres Jepchirchir wins the Women's Elite Race of the AJ Bell Great North Run 2023 through Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and South Shields. Picture date: Sunday September 10, 2023.
  5. Post update

    Samantha Kinghorn dominated the women's elite wheelchair race.

    The Briton finished in 49 minutes 21 seconds, more than two minutes clear of Eden Rainbow-Cooper in second.

    Samantha Kinghorn wins the Women's Elite Wheelchair Race of the AJ Bell Great North Run 2023 through Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and South Shields. Picture date: Sunday September 10, 2023.
  6. Post update

    That's almost it for today but before we leave you, let's run through the winners in the north east today...

    Britain's Daniel Sidbury emerged victorious in the men's elite wheelchair race.

    The 29-year-old clocked 42 minutes 48 seconds to deny David Weir a 10th Great North Run win.

    Weir was second in 44:16.

    Daniel Sidbury wins the Wheelchair Elite Race of the AJ Bell Great North Run 2023 through Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and South Shields. Picture date: Sunday September 10, 2023.
  7. Post update

    The elite races may be over but there are still thousands of people running the 13.1-mile course between Newcastle and South Shields for some fantastic causes.

    It's a great day for it, although I fancy plenty wouldn't have minded it being a few degrees cooler...

    Great North Run 2023
  8. Post update

    Mo Farah took the acclaim of the crowd after finishing the last race of his career.

    And what a career it has been - 10 global gold medals! A true British sporting great.

    Sir Mo Farah, 2023 Great North Run
  9. Post update

    Comedian Lee Ridley on BBC One: "Today I'm doing the Great North Run on behalf of Smile for Life. They support disabled children and try to give them the best start in life. It's a charity close to my heart. I'm proud to be their patron.

    "The Great North Run is very important to the region. It's something Geordie's should do at least once in their lives."

  10. 'Running is everything to me'

    Mo Farah speaking on BBC One after finishing his career with a fourth placed finish in the Great North Run: "It's amazing support. I wanted to come out here and celebrate. Without the crowd I wouldn't have got through it. It's very important to have a race like this. Without the support and community in Newcastle, it wouldn't be the same."

    Thoughts in his mind: "There was a lot going through my mind today. I wanted to end my career here in Newcastle. I've won it six times and come here off the back of Olympics and World Championships."

    What running means to him: "Running is everything to me. I shared my story of what I went through as a child. Without having something to do and make me happy, it would have been very difficult for me.

    Team behind him: "What we forget is the people behind you, without their support, I wouldn't be where I am. My wife looking after the kids when I'm away. It is very emotional. I get to go and enjoy my time with my wife and kids. Running is all I know. When you win something, you don't quite appreciate it as much as when you lose. I've struggled with injuries these last few years. I wanted to end my career at the Olympics."

  11. Post update

    An emotional moment for Mo Farah as he crosses the finish line for the final time in his career...

    Mo Farah crosses the line in his final race, 2023 Great North Run
  12. Post update

    Mo Farah jogs back down the final straight, ringing a bell and lapping up the adoration of the crowd.

    He's speaking to Gabby Logan now.

    "Without the support of the crowd, I wouldn't have made it," he says. We'll have more from that interview shortly.

    (Although the sound does keep cutting out so we'll bring you as much as we can!)

  13. Post update

    Steve Cram

    Athletics commentator on BBC One

    I think the plan is to send Mo back up the home straight so people can show their appreciation for one of the best athletes that has lived.

  14. Post update

    After taking a moment to try and let it all sink in. Mo Farah stops and poses for pictures by the finish line.

    He walks along the barrier, high-fiving the crowd.

    Great North Run 2023
  15. 'Thank you for the medals'

    Steve Cram

    Athletics commentator on BBC One

    Today, for the very last time, Mo Farah races towards the finish line. The last few strides will be with sadness that he's never going to do this again. Thank you for the medals, memories and excitement you gave us.

  16. Farah finishes in fourth

    Sir Mo Farah finishes his final race, 2023 Great North Run

    It's not the fairy-tale finish he might have wanted but Mo Farah crosses the line for the final time.

    What a career it has been! He roared over the line by the crowd in South Shields and is greeted by the top three.

    A fourth-placed finish for a British sporting legend.

  17. Post update

    Mo Farah is into the final mile of his incredible career.

    Muktar Edris has finished third but all eyes are now on Farah.

    He's moved clear of Ireland's Efrem Gidey so at least he can be confident he won't be beaten in a sprint in his final race.

  18. Tola wins elite men's race

    Ethiopia's Tamirat Tola kicks for home and he just breaks the hour mark.

    A fantastic performance and he finishes in 59 minutes and 58 seconds.

    Bashir Abdi of Belgium is second, a minute and 22 seconds behind Tola.

  19. Post update

    Tamirat Tola is heading towards the finish line now. He has a quick glance over his shoulder to see if anyone has managed to sneak up on him.

    They have not. It's all about the time now for the Ethiopian.

  20. Post update

    Of course, there is far more to the Great North Run than just the elite races.

    Around 60,000 people are running for charity - and why wouldn't you run 13.1 miles holding an inflatable banana?

    Great North Run 2023