How "Factual" would you consider The Daily Wire? : r/benshapiro Skip to main content

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How "Factual" would you consider The Daily Wire?

I have been a long time fan of Ben and regularly check The Daily Wire. I appreciate an outlet explicitly accepting a bias and reporting their clear perspective. I align with that perspective so I may have blind spots where I don't see faults as often. In general though, I view The Daily Wire as reliable but biased. Is this the consensus here? Do other followers view it as less factual and more entertainment commentary?

The source of this consideration comes from beginning to post articles I read to r/politics and if something contains The Daily Wire it gets shut down with hyper aggression but then what I view as equally bias/factual but on the left gets showered with praise. If the cost of posting is a few hundred Karma then that's fine but now I'm curious if others who follow Ben come to a different conclusion about sourcing The Daily Wire. Am I alone in thinking the outlet is pretty good in general on reporting the facts and then articulating the conservative viewpoint?

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The Daily Wire generally doesn’t just make things up out of the blue. It’s not a tabloid saying that the wolf man is hiding in New Jersey. (That’s obviously the Jersey Devil)

But as you have identified, every outlet has a bias and The Daily Wire is open with theirs. What they choose to report on and the facts they use to support the stories/narrative they push will be determined by that bias. This is true for any news outlet.

This is why it’s important to have a well balanced diet of different perspectives so that you can filter out the truth in your own mind. Find local reporters who focus on local issues. Look into who is funding news outlets to identify conflicts of interest. Compare and contrast how people report on the same story. Go directly to the source of studies or data that is mentioned. Ignore hyperbolic statements that are trying to manipulate your emotions or demonize people who aren’t like you. It’s our job as citizens to stay skeptical and make sure we aren’t jumping to conclusions based on bad information.

Good luck.

True words.

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First problem is that you’re trying to post to r/politics… that place is a liberal cest pool and won’t allow any conservative views whatsoever.

Conservative? Anything an inch past Stalin and Mao is alt right to them

u/Elias_freecss avatar

Conservatives = Nazis to them


"Ew BrO a FuCkInG fAcIsT"


They allow conservative views, but they get downvoted there usually. They are generally allowed though, so long as they aren't reinforcing bigotry. IE, transphobia, racism, etc.

This is not true...or their definition of racist, bigoted etc is...modified


I assure you that you can go there and argue for lower tax rates. Anyone saying you can't is lying to you. Go into r/politics and say you want lower taxes. Nothing will happen to you.

By bigotry, I mean like denying trans people their basic identities. Or saying black people are genetically inferior. You can't say that bigoted stuff. You can say general conservative stuff. Build the wall, advocate religion, support Israel, all that's allowed.

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Trying to post in any political subs on reddit that aren't specifically designated as conservative is a huge waste of time and energy. I seriously do not understand why people even bother.


Unfortunately several subs that explicitly say are for conservatives often are moderated/ran but your typical leftist too. It’s getting quite frustrating

True that, reddit is a shit hole, the internet needs a revolution, we need a movement where we make new social media and video sites and conservatives ACTUALLY support them. We keep having these new ones fail because as much as conservatives complain about censorship, they are too lazy and comfortable with the current paradigm to switch.


build your own reddit

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They are factual. No doubting that. Their bias (other than commentary, obviously) really only comes through in which stories they choose to cover.

That is definitely fair. Selective coverage is a real problem that I would guess gets escalated when you explicitly acknowledge your bias and don't try to mask it.

But I will say that they do hit the right when it really matters. They do choose to ignore small issues on the right tho.

All media has selective coverage.

At least the Daily Wire is honest about it, unlike CNN, the New York Times, NBC, CBS, get the picture. And they don't try to mask it - it is as plain as day.

u/thened avatar

They are incredibly selective about what they cover. The job of the Daily Wire is not to inform readers, but to reconfirm the biases of their viewers. Very rarely will you find something on there that makes the GOP look bad, but they will latch onto anything that makes Democrats/the left look bad.

Are you kidding? Shapiro was specifically extremely harsh on trump for quite some time. He continues to be harsh of him for calling the election a fraud. Sounds like you have no idea what they actually publish but simply don’t enjoy that they routinely point out the hyper radicalism of the left.

u/thened avatar

As a leftist I don't consider the left to be hyper-radical at all. They are mostly corporate.

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u/Brief-Preference-712 avatar

Over the years I've definitely found some non-factual information. For example, after the 2018 YouTube HQ shootings, Ben said the shooter had an islamic background, but in fact she's Bahai'i

A few minor mistakes (the vast majority of which are corrected expediently) is nowhere near the same thing as being willingly dishonest as every mainstream news organization is.

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I think the Daily Wire is expressly conservative and will shy away from stories that make conservatives look bad, but what they do report is fact based. Ben does the best out of them all at being unbiased but he still avoids talking about certain moderate topics it would seem.

r/politics is very left leaning though, much like Reddit in general. As far as unbiased goes, I can’t think of a single paper/magazine/broadcast that is unbiased.

Edit: Newsweek is a good example of an unbiased magazine. Not because the specific articles they host are unbiased but because they provide a wide spectrum of thought. I was reminded of Reuters as well. I like Reuters because they are thoughtful in how they word their articles.

AP, Reuters

I must admit Reuters is actually one that I like for unbiased reporting. They have a slight bias by posting more left-leaning articles than right-leaning articles but most articles they post are fact based and the wording is typically unbiased and gives plenty benefit of the doubt.

The AP isn’t as openly left-wing as The New York Times or the Washington Post, but they do adopt left-leaning vernacular adding bias to their typically fact-based stories. They also suffer from posting more liberal articles than conservative ones like Reuters, but where Reuters I believe tries to be fair, AP is far more lopsided in favor of the left.

One I did just think of though is Newsweek. I have seen the spectrum there.

I like Newsweek

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Daily Wire is obviously conservative or right leaning. “Factual” is a relative term, but in many way DW was more critical of Trump and J6 in a surprisingly logical and balanced manner. The contributing personalities are surprisingly intelligent and sometimes join in the criticism of their own books and shows, which is interesting to say the least.

Cast aside bias that exists in all news sources and I will say that DW has some of the most intelligent, self aware, sarcastic, and self deprecating personalities. Yes, they do overlook some weaknesses in the conservative narrative but it is usually highly consistent and thought provoking.

I think The Daily Wire is very reliable. My only request of them would be that they provide sources or references for all of the information so that I can slam my leftist friends with them.

That is a good point I'm glad you said. I've had to do a lot of research after the fact when challenged on Daily Wire claims. Now in most every case I can find where they are getting source data but a more robust source catalog maybe archiving data reference points and citations would be sooooo helpful.

That's the exact situation I've been in so many times. Then I spend a ridiculous amount of time finding the actual source and by then everyone acts as though it's yesterday's news and they don't care. If you're not on it immediately then there's no point in having the conversation.

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u/DangerSnowflake avatar

I am not doubting the Daily Wire (too much) but did you just say it is reliable, unless you like sources? Because then how can you know it’s reliable?

That's not what I said. Sometimes they mention the source and sometimes they don't. Sometimes I find information they mention but not always and quite often it's difficult to find when I do. I'm saying it would be nice if they provided more links or other references for the informative they share. That way, when I'm challenged by raging leftists, I can show them the info. It won't change their mind but at least they won't be able to say that I just pulled the info out of my ass (which is their go to).

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u/cypherhalo avatar

I consider them factual and have generally found myself to be well informed when it comes to current events thanks to listening to them. That sub is left leaning so they will never accept DW.

u/mark-o-mark avatar

Quibble point: arr/politics is not left leaning, they are full on radical leftist.

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The stories they post are reliable and accurate - however they are selective in the topics that they chose to publish. With that being said, don’t make the Daily Wire your only news source, however the news it has is reputable.

The Daily Wire is completely factual. Now, it does show everything through a partisan lense. But that’s ok because they don’t pretend to be bi-partisan like CNN or MSNBC.

I'd consider it to be very factual and reliable. Ben Shapiro is a really good political commentator and debater.

The Daily Wire has a conservative bias that they openly advertise.

Which op stated

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u/Psychological_Will67 avatar

I generally consider them pretty reliable but I do keep the obvious bias in mind. They don’t try to hide their bias though, and I definitely don’t think they ever seek to intentionally deceive their audience.

u/apowerseething avatar

Because Reddit is biased towards the left so obviously they will oppose Daily Wire. I'd say they are quite good.


I’m not sure I would describe the bias as a problem, and to Ben’s credit in particular, compared to the rest of the staff I’ve observed (which is not comprehensive and is anecdotal), Ben will tell you what the Left’s position is some of the time. However, he typically continues a “left vs right” paradigm and doesn’t go after RINOs much at all from what I see. I think his personal bias is he’s accepted USA as the world police and does believe it’s better the US than another.

However, (and this is my bias), by not focusing on topics like the WEF, he doesn’t actually challenge the erosion of strength or the source of political malfeasance.

Appreciate all the good feedback. Thank you all!


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Lol check my posts I have posted a bunch of daily wire without issue. It is on the approved list for the sub. It does get trashed in downvotes but you can post.


DW does a very good job in presenting news in a conservative way. But it doesn’t report on ALOT of shit because it reflects badly on republicans or conservatives in general.

When B Shap went on Bill Mahers show Bill put it perfectly when he said “I loved you’re new book, but where’s the other half?” Because Ben really only rails against the flaws of democrats and mostly ignores the flaws of republicans. Yeah sure he would say some bad stuff about Trump when he had to but he mostly just ignored all of the stupid crap DT said and focused on democrats.

I still like listening to Shapiro, I haven’t missed anything he has put out in a while but I feel like I’m missing half the story when he covers a topic. Ben has even said on multiple occasions to listen to “Pod Save America” to get the other sides prospective, which is hard to choke down but at least he is being honest when he says he is a conservative host and covers issues in a conservative light.

Daily wire reporting is great. But they are also biased. Ben specifically is very biased. That doesn’t make him less credible then opposing sources. It’s great to hear both sides view. That’s why I like breaking points

I would say just as factual as louder with crowder. Everything is based in a fact and if it isnt it is stated as such. With that being said, daily wire is explicitly a conservative platform so there is a bit of a bias on how things are covered and what is covered but again it’s al based on fact.

The Daily Wire is generally pretty factual. Not perfect (like any news outlet), but generally the reporting is pretty inclusive of everything that happened from a conservative perspective. I would say their weakest thing is sourcing. Most of their sources are very conservative and sometimes lack sources from the other side.


read this book and you'll see how all right wing media is pathologically disconnected from reality. there is no debate here; this book purely uses statistical data points to prove so

I am intrigued but $25?! I'll sleep on it a few days and maybe look at the audiobook

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