SAXON's BIFF BYFORD: 'There's Been A Massive Resurgence In Metal' - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

SAXON's BIFF BYFORD: 'There's Been A Massive Resurgence In Metal'

January 12, 2024

In a new interview with Metal Pilgrim, SAXON frontman Biff Byford spoke about the renewed popularity of the heavy metal genre in the past couple of decades. He said: "Yeah, I think there's been a massive resurgence in metal, and especially that New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, the British metal thing. So, yeah, I think we're all riding a wave at the moment that's looking good for bands. A lot of new bands, like BURNING WITCHES and things, now they're doing quite well. So, hopefully they can come up with a 'Number Of The Beast' or 'Wheels Of Steel' or something, or a 'Crusader' that gets them into the stratosphere. That's what they need. Whether you can do that these days, I don't know. But back in the day, it was all about getting a record deal. These days it's all about getting a million views on Instagram, which is the same thing. It's still promotion."

Asked if he thinks it is still possible for a metal band to skyrocket in this environment, Biff said: "I think it's possible, yeah. There's been some bands. AMON AMARTH are doing really well. GHOST have gone stratospheric. They're not really metal, but they've got metal roots. So it definitely can happen if you've got the right songs. You just have to have a lot of luck — a lot of talent and a lot of luck."

After interviewer Vladyslav Stadnyk noted that only a couple of bands from a particular geographical region usually become successful enough to sustain themselves while others fall by the wayside, Biff said: "That's the lottery. That is the music business. You can write the best songs in the world, and if nobody's heard them, then you may as well just play them at your local pub or to your mum and dad or something because you have to get it out there. Back in the day, the record company got it out there. Now, basically, young bands have to get it out there themselves — or go on tour with bands like us and get in front of an audience that already exists. That's one of the ways to do it — to go on stage in front of the headline act and blow them off, as we used to say back in the day. It's always good for the fans. Obviously if you're sat in the dressing room and somebody's going down incredible, you're, like, worried. 'What's happening here?' But you have to step up and take it and do better. This is what it's all about."

SAXON's 24th studio album, "Hell, Fire And Damnation", will be released on January 19, 2024 via Silver Lining Music.

Produced by Andy Sneap (JUDAS PRIEST, EXODUS, ACCEPT) and Byford, with Sneap mixing and mastering, "Hell, Fire And Damnation" strides the perfect line between confident, current power, and gloriously irreverent flexing of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal muscle which SAXON co-created.

Last year, SAXON guitarist Paul Quinn announced that he was stepping back from touring with the band. As a result of his decision, SAXON canceled its April 2023 South American tour as well as the appearance at the Monsters Of Rock cruise. Quinn has since been replaced on the road by DIAMOND HEAD's Brian Tatler.

Brian has already joined fellow guitarist Doug Scarratt, drummer Nigel Glockler, bassist Tim "Nibbs" Carter and Byford for several European shows but will continue to be a member of DIAMOND HEAD.

Byford and Quinn are the sole remaining original members in SAXON's current lineup.

Originally from South Yorkshire, England, SAXON has gone on to sell about 23 million albums and has produced such classic songs as "Denim And Leather", "Princess Of The Night", "Wheels Of Steel" and "Power And Glory".

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