Trilogía The Century: La caída de los gigantes / El invierno del mundo / El umbral de la eternidad by Ken Follett | Goodreads
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The Century Trilogy #1-3

Trilogía The Century: La caída de los gigantes / El invierno del mundo / El umbral de la eternidad

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Pack digital con los tres volúmenes de la aclamada trilogía «The Century» de Ken Follett.

«Esta es la historia de mis abuelos y de los vuestros, de nuestros padres y de nuestras propias vidas. De alguna forma es la historia de todos nosotros.» Ken Follett

La caída de los gigantes

Una gran novela épica que narra la historia de cinco una alemana, una inglesa, una galesa, una rusa y una estadounidense, durante los años turbulentos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, la Revolución rusa y la lucha de hombres y mujeres por sus derechos.

El invierno del mundo

Los hijos de las cinco familias son ahora los protagonistas de esta novela que se desarrolla entre los años anteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría. El nazismo, la invasión de la Unión Soviética, el ataque a Pearl Harbor, la guerra civil española y el desarrollo de la bomba atómica son algunos de los acontecimientos que marcarán sus vidas.

El umbral de la eternidad

El final de la gran historia de las cinco familias cuyas vidas se han entrelazado a través del siglo XX. La familia estadounidense, la alemana, la rusa, la inglesa y la galesa participan en los acontecimientos sociales y políticos que marcaron las agitadas décadas de los sesenta a los noventa, y son testigos de ellos.

La crítica ha dicho... «Alta política y bajas pasiones (y viceversa) conforman un folletín de grandes dimensiones que confirma a Follett como relojero mayor del reino del best seller.»Qué Leer

«Ken Follett no es un escritor, sino un fenómeno social.»El Cultural de ElMundo

«La saga atrapa y la intensidad de los personajes te sumerge en el relato. Un trabajo de plena coherencia, cohesión y pulcritud.» Ramón Ventura, El Periódico de Catalunya

«Fascinante... fluye con un dramatismo que te engancha y de un ritmo magistral, hazañas de personajes, histrionismo familiar e intriga internacional.»The New York Daily News

4003 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 5, 2014

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About the author

Ken Follett

394 books54.4k followers
Ken Follett is one of the world’s most successful authors. Over 170 million copies of the 36 books he has written have been sold in over 80 countries and in 33 languages.

Born on June 5th, 1949 in Cardiff, Wales, the son of a tax inspector, Ken was educated at state schools and went on to graduate from University College, London, with an Honours degree in Philosophy – later to be made a Fellow of the College in 1995.

He started his career as a reporter, first with his hometown newspaper the South Wales Echo and then with the London Evening News. Subsequently, he worked for a small London publishing house, Everest Books, eventually becoming Deputy Managing Director.

Ken’s first major success came with the publication of Eye of the Needle in 1978. A World War II thriller set in England, this book earned him the 1979 Edgar Award for Best Novel from the Mystery Writers of America. It remains one of Ken’s most popular books.

In 1989, Ken’s epic novel about the building of a medieval cathedral, The Pillars of the Earth, was published. It reached number one on best-seller lists everywhere and was turned into a major television series produced by Ridley Scott, which aired in 2010. World Without End, the sequel to The Pillars of the Earth, proved equally popular when it was published in 2007.

Ken’s new book, The Evening and the Morning, will be published in September 2020. It is a prequel to The Pillars of the Earth and is set around the year 1,000, when Kingsbridge was an Anglo-Saxon settlement threatened by Viking invaders.

Ken has been active in numerous literacy charities and was president of Dyslexia Action for ten years. He was chair of the National Year of Reading, a joint initiative between government and businesses. He is also active in many Stevenage charities and is President of the Stevenage Community Trust and Patron of Home-Start Hertfordshire.

Ken, who loves music almost as much as he loves books, is an enthusiastic bass guitar player. He lives in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, with his wife Barbara, the former Labour Member of Parliament for Stevenage. Between them they have five children, six grandchildren and two Labradors.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews
Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,091 followers
December 9, 2016
Dad always says 'Reading Geography, History and Politics makes you really Enlightened'
Well, I'm glad to find this trilogy, Mixing Historical events, Political Geography with interesting good Drama and rich characters..
To the United Kingdom, the arrogance of the Lords and Earls, their coal mines and its workers...their Huge manors and its servants.
To Germany, and the hasty decisions to go into a meaningless war that would destroy everything,from small love relations to huge nations relations.
To Russia and the tyrannical tsar and the corrupted police, The people dreaming of immigrating to US,to escape from poverty.. for a better life..
And to America , the political conflicts with Mexico..Alliance for its own interests...even if that'd mean go into War...
Yes...The War of Giants is on...
The Fire of the Great War which start for meaningless reasons devours the men and the fortunes of the nations..As if the tyrants Giants needed more reason to throws men and money to the feed the fire of Wars..which as soon as it begins..everyone forget why did it started..
The Russian Revolution ,with all the "Down with the Tsar" and "Bread, Peace, and Land."..shouldn't they also ask for Freedom?
And England, Germany ,Russia and France still in vicious war ...and thousands of men dying every day..
Even Woodrow Wilson ,The American president find a way in...sending million of young solider into the fire of the war..

And you'd read all these the lives of different characters, different nationalities..Welsh , English , German ,Russian and American..
Different classes.. Lords ,Earls , princesses and ladies, Servants and Miners, Workers and union organizers,Diplomats , Corrupted Cops and Revolutionists , Businessmen and Journalists...And Liberal and
All those mixing with Real historical characters such as Woodrow Wilson the American president, King George V, David Lloyd George ,Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Leon Trotsky.

All those and more in the Book One of The Trilogy, The Century Trilogy..
First I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of War movies, almost hating them, And I didn't know much before about the World War One except it was called The Great War back then.

And of course, if you checked my books, I hate reading Big Novels unless it got some Magic Wands waving or a Dragon hiding somewhere..or about a supernatural events..
And I have to admit that I only got this box set as a deal price on amazon just cause it's looks pretty elegant, and I'm a collector as you may know..
But Ken Follett really success in making me LOVE reading this Drama, Political and Wars mixing enchantingly easy, and exciting all the same with the story as if I'm living it with the characters.

By the first few pages - or the first quarter- you may feel the fate of the characters is very obvious and predictable ..But by the end of Book one you may find some of your predictions made it, But many didn't..because the stories really get complicated and exciting..and make you feel really that's nothing is predictable.

By the Great War many ties and connections will fall , others will built..
You'll see how it all started, how stupid and arrogant the Giants of the Century; governments ,Kings and Tsars was, and how that was responsible for their giant fall by the great war they made..

The Drama was so good because of the lovable characters..and the Historical ones appeared in the story carefully, so it wasn't weak and faint appearance in the drama or exaggerated and over 'acted'.
And it was really good what Ken Follett write by the end of the book about the real characters:
My rule is: either the scene did happen, or it might have; either these words were used, or they might have been. And if I find some reason why the scene could not have taken place in real life, or the words would not really have been said--if, for example, the character was in another country at the time--I leave it out.

Sex and The Giants

What really almost annoyed me was the over describing of sex scenes, but it didn't occur many times later which was okay, that's why I didn't lowering my rating. also because it wasn't in a vulgar as some other writers, he even write it like 'educational' way sometimes, eh English..
And also what was good that the consequences was a bit right.

Revolution and Wars

I really enjoyed the revolutions parts, The miners one was so real also exciting , reminded me a bit with Hunger Games but as real.
And the Big Chapter of the Russian Revolution in March 1918 which echo in my mind strongly with the Egyptian's One in January 2011

And It was unusual for me to like the War story and how it started from the beginning and checking the geographical location of the Giants and its borders. - The map printed at the back cover of the book is really helpful- That really enrich my knowledge about these countries and times I didn't know much about before.., also about the Political terms and groups I didn't know exactly what's its meanings like Radical Politics,Proletariat,Socialist ..etc.

I didn't like though the parts of the "compacts" and the war technique ,I only read these parts waiting for new event or the turning points of events or was okay anyway.

Still the main lines of how the war started and went on was very easy to follow which meant it's really very good writing. and excellent storyteller.

The Characters

I don't think writing summary for every character would be fun for you to read before reading the novel..

One of the biggest joy I had reading this novel was meeting the characters for the first time and "living" with them day by day ,seeing their fate written , changing and turning from a point to another...from the the Great War at 1914 till the End of it..

And The World Made New..The Final Part of Book One..1918 to 1924
God..What a life...what a history!
Everything echoing through times..
World Made New..
Peace Made...and other War sparks is out there..
Giants Falls...Other Tyrants Born..
Classes Falls, others Rises..

And your favorite characters who you lived with for over 900 pages start new pages of their lives...different ones..
Making you really can't wait to read the Book Two to meet them again and know what will happen next..
What will happen for them in this Giant Century..

Final Note

" keep a photocopy of the characters names pages by your side at least for the first half of the book..
Also I used to imagine characters as stars, that always helps me feel like I'm living the story better..and Here's my imaginary cast , at least the most important ones ,there's more characters but those are the 'Stars' of book One"

Fall of Giants was the my first epic historical drama read..and I really Loved it ,20 reading times ,over than 50 hours..and it really worth it..
I hope you'd Enjoy your reading too..

Mohammed Arabey
from 27 Dec. 2014
to 19 Jan. 2015
Profile Image for Elene ⭐️  Figuer.
165 reviews70 followers
June 21, 2023
Prácticamente material de promoción. Una escueta entrevista a Kent Follett, un minirreportaje que repite letra por letra gran parte de la entrevista, un repaso a la trilogía "The century", un repaso de la biografía de Follett con enlaces de compra... en fin, que Follett no nos descubre el secreto para ser un superventas ni mucho menos.
Profile Image for Anna Maria.
171 reviews
December 25, 2017
Ad always Ken Follett's books are amazing. I really loved reading this page-turner, well written and full of suspenseful moments that kept me reading for many hours. I was a bit disappointed about few characters that in the end are not mentioned like Tanja and Vasilij, I would have liked to know if he managed to tell the world that he wrote his bestsellers with a pseudonym. Anyway this is just a small detail, the book is a real bestseller, even if I loved the first book of this series most of all.
Profile Image for Susana González.
198 reviews5 followers
September 28, 2016
Un libro muy recomendable para quienes se aburren con los libros de historia pero quieren conocer casi todo sobre los principales acontecimientos del siglo XX. Uno de los periodos más apasionantes de la historia, convulso políticamente, con guerras mundiales y la caída de los últimos imperios; con cambios sociales impactantes; con desarrollos científicos y tecnológicos impensables; con florecimientos culturales herederos del siglo anterior como con identidad propia. El fin de un modo de vida y el comienzo de otro.
La trilogía está muy bien para comprender el porqué de los principales hechos históricos de la centuria (teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de lo que se cuenta es novelado, no real) y se lee muy bien, como todos los libros de Follet, aunque, como de costumbre, tampoco podemos esperar una calidad literaria suprema.
Los personajes de la saga están bastante bien acabados y son creíbles y las historias entrelazadas hacen mantener el interés hasta el final.
El primer libro es el mejor, no sólo por la novedad, sino por la manera de relatar las vidas cruzadas. El segundo y el tercero son un poco más flojos, sobre todo el último en el que se dan saltos en el tiempo bastante pronunciados, sin mucho sentido, y se obvian acontecimientos importantes del último periodo del siglo. El primer libro casi merecerías las 4 estrellas, pero no así los siguientes.
Por último, no hay que olvidar que este libro, como en general los de Follet, no está contado desde un punto de vista objetivo, sino desde el punto de vista político de Follet, por lo que si conocemos objetivamente algunos hechos contados en los libros de historia, alguno de los capítulos nos sorprenderá.
10 reviews
October 31, 2021
I finished what I started but I will NOT pick up another Follett book in a long time. The story line was interesting but the “romantic “ parts were God awful. It felt like the editors or the powers that be thought, sex sells so let’s get a ghost writer to inject sex scenes every so often. Insert eye rolling emoji here. In order to write a thousand plus page book three times requires some repetition but I have a good memory and have no patience for page fillers. Get to the point. So, let me finish on a good note with, I really appreciated the different families from different countries and how politics affected them over many generations.
11 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2015

Un libro con información de historia universal (desde antes de la primera guerra mundial hasta nuestros días)y la vida de familias cuyos orígenes son de diferentes países y como con el transcurrir de los años estás se entrelazan.
Una mezcla de personajes reales con otros de ficción
Profile Image for Alex.
12 reviews1 follower
December 21, 2023
This is my favorite book series. I love the way it follows the characters.
Profile Image for Daniel Tounto.
154 reviews5 followers
July 10, 2021
Un Libro de Historia mitad Ficción , mitad Historia . Como siempre Follet sorprendiendo.
Seguimos los destinos de los miembros de cinco familias en Occidente, durante el siglo XX: una familia rusa, una familia estadounidense, una familia británica, una familia galesa y una familia alemana.
El primer volumen trata sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial, el segundo sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el último sobre la Guerra Fría y la historia contemporánea.
Un libro muy recomendable para quienes se aburren con los libros de historia pero quieren conocer casi todo sobre los principales acontecimientos del siglo XX. Uno de los periodos más apasionantes de la historia, convulso políticamente, con guerras mundiales y la caída de los últimos imperios; con cambios sociales impactantes; con desarrollos científicos y tecnológicos impensables; con florecimientos culturales herederos del siglo anterior como con identidad propia. El fin de un modo de vida y el comienzo de otro.
Totalmente recomendable Trilogía y Libro.
La trilogía está muy bien para comprender el porqué de los principales hechos históricos de la centuria (teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de lo que se cuenta es novelado, no real) y se lee muy bien, como todos los libros de Follet, aunque, como de costumbre.
Profile Image for Omar Zambrano.
431 reviews20 followers
April 18, 2022
Buena entrevista

Es una breve entrevista que resume su trato y forma de abordar una historia, de documentarse, de prever miles de escenarios, personalidades, personajes.

Se detalla también todos los libros que tiene este autor y de verdad que es impresionante
Profile Image for Alison.
365 reviews7 followers
April 20, 2023
I read this trilogy before but thoroughly enjoyed the re read. It is a wonderful and totally accessible history of the western world in the 20th century.
Profile Image for Walkiria.
221 reviews6 followers
June 10, 2019
Veamos... Conservo muy buenos recuerdos de Los Pilares de la Tierra, así que tenía por seguro que los libros estarían muy bien escritos y serían fáciles de leer.
Me encantan los libros largos porque siento que uno se encariña con los personajes y estos no fueron la excepción.
Aprendí mucho de historia (mejor que con libros de texto aburridos) y me encontré emocionándome por los logros de cada personaje.

Estoy dividida. Los libros 1 y 2 se quedan en 4/5, pero el último sí que me hizo llorar, supongo que tiene que ver con haber vivido varios de esos eventos históricos.

Cuando se lee ficción histórica, uno de los mayores logros del escritor es que te preguntes si los personajes que lees estuvieron o no en esos eventos.
En esta trilogía da hasta miedo lo real que parecían los personajes ficticios, tanto que varias veces tuve que googlear para ver quienes eran reales y quién no.

Ken Follet es un excelente escritor.

P.D. Necesito una lectura light para equilibrar.
Profile Image for Gustavo  Morales Sánchez.
3 reviews11 followers
January 10, 2016
Una experiencia inolvidable para quienes amamos la llamada historia universal del siglo XX. Tengo una afición particular por las Guerras Mundiales y las dos primeras partes de la trilogía me mantuvieron expectante en todo momento. La última parte es un tanto más floja pero es entendible: es un periodo de tiempo mucho más amplio, con tantos acontecimientos, que la historia se dispersa un poco. A pesar de estos detalles, es una de las obras que más he disfrutado de Ken Follet después de la serie sobre la edad media (Los pilares de la tierra y Un mundo sin fin).

No dejen pasar esta increíble oportunidad de recorrer la vida de 5 familias mientras se escribe el destino del mundo en manos de la alta política, las intrigas diplomáticas, los encuentros bélicos entre super potencias y el ingrediente que no puede estar ausente en los libros de Ken Follet: el amor.
14 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2019
excelente trilogia que abarca la historia del siglo XX vista desde la mirada de la vida de cinco familias que en conjunto permiten visualizar momentos importantes de un siglo apasionante y convulso. muy recomendable
Profile Image for Lucinda Clarke.
Author 26 books155 followers
November 8, 2021
I lost myself for days in this amazing saga, all three books, and they have improved with age and become timeless. A master storyteller at his best. I also learned many interesting historical events I’d not known before. Ones they certainly never told us about at school.
3 reviews
May 22, 2024
I really really liked this series. The writing was good, and I loved how all the characters interact, and all their backstories, especially Grigori. It was easy to see how much research had gone on and I was totally hooked. I also liked Ethel's story and how she helped get votes for women, and George's struggle in the Civil Rights movement.
However I have some problems:
1. It is biased.
Obviously Follet is a Democrat, and in his books every other party is bad (except for the Bolsheviks in Book 1), and in the third book, it is very anti-Russian. Also, Follet seems to LOVE JFK because after his death, he goes on and on about how wonderful he was.

2. (the biggest problem) Too much sex and unrealistic relationships.
I swear, nearly every interaction between male and female has to have some sexual undertones, for example, they'll say, "Now he was looking at her chest admiringly," whilst they talk about politics, or Tania can't have a lifelong friendship with a man and it not end with them having sex.
Also, every relationship ends in sex on the second date, even Maria, who was known to be an iceberg, slept with JFK.
Also, Dave meets Beep when they're 13, he falls in love with her and, SURPRISE!, they marry each other after 10 years apart. Not to mention that Beep aged 13, kisses an 18 year old and rubs herself against his erection and he touches her breasts, which makes him a paedophile, but Follet doesn't see anything wrong with this. DISGUSTING.
And how can I forget Jacky Jakes, the pretty black actress. Lev stages her rape by a theatre owner to shame him into selling his business, then makes her sleep with his son. WHICH DEFINITELY DOESNT MAKE GREG AND LEV RAPISTS. And she was only 16. Then, Greg goes on about how great his dad is for doing this, how powerful and amazing is Lev.
Plus, they fall in love way too fast, e.g.
He gazed back at her. "You are absolutely enchanting," he said in a low voice; then he kissed her again.

This time she pushed him away. "My lord, what are you doing?" she said in a shocked whisper.

"I don't know."

"But what can you be thinking of?"

"I'm not thinking at all."

She stared up at his chiselled face. The green eyes studied her intently, as if trying to read her mind. She realized she adored him. Suddenly she was flooded with excitement and desire.

"I can't help myself," he said.

She sighed happily. "Kiss me again then," she said.
And there she falls in love. *eye roll*

But overall this book is fab, only the sex ruined it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
December 15, 2022
Tal día como hoy, 10 de noviembre, pero de 1989, era el primer día tras la caída del MURO DE BERLÍN. Aún recuerdo las imágenes que se emitieron por televisión, aunque no entendía bien el revuelo de todo aquello.

La TRILOGÍA DEL SIGLO, de KEN FOLLET, nos acerca a los principales acontecimientos del siglo XX, pasando por la I y II Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría, así como la significativa caída del muro. Todo ello a través de tres libros #LaCaidaDeLosGigantes, #ElInviernoDelMundo y #ElUmbralDeLaEternidad.

La historia mezcla personajes históricos con otros de ficción, cinco familias, de diferentes partes del mundo, cuyas vidas transcurren junto a los más importantes sucesos de la historia y las trágicas consecuencias de un siglo belicoso, plagado de intrigas diplomáticas que marcaron y transformaron, para siempre, el orden mundial.

Sería fácil perder el hilo de la trama con tanto personaje y dato histórico, pero nada más lejos de la realidad, pues el autor consigue integrar esos acontecimientos de forma sencilla (y magistral, ¿por qué no?) en sus vidas aparentemente corrientes.
Su mayor éxito, desde mi punto de vista, es conquistar al público mezclando tramas históricas, de intriga, románticas... de forma muy entretenida, como siempre, y con una divulgación sencilla.

Tengo debilidad por este tipo de novela que con un trasfondo #histórico nos cuenta historias más mundanas, aunque l@s detractor@s de su obra lo penalicen por no ser un libro fielmente histórico y caer en tópicos de novelita rosa.

La peor es para mí el exceso de clichés en los personajes, buenos y malos, sin claroscuros, poco realistas, algo previsibles, sin incongruencias y contradicciones de las que, lamentablemente o por suerte (según se mire), están plagadas las vidas reales. Personajes muy de novela.

Recomendable lectura para l@s que aún no han disfrutado de esta historia.

PD. Confieso que, a pesar de que me gusta el autor, tengo pereza por leer lo último que ha escrito.
Profile Image for Sev.
55 reviews7 followers
December 15, 2017
We follow the destinies of the members of five families in the West, during the XXth century: a Russian family, an American Family, a British family, a Welsh family, and a German family.

The first volume is about World War I, the second is about the World War II, and the last one is about the Cold War and contemporary history.

Ken Follett puts his characters in strategic positions, so that we can witness what was happening backstage. It also happens that some characters embody some artistic trend or opinion.

For example: two Russian brothers, workers in a steel factory. One is a righteous kind of person and will take part in the birth of Bolshevism. The other brother, a gambler, flies to the US when trouble comes, where he’ll manage to overthrow the big boss of the local Russian mafia.

I loved this trilogy, the only drawback would be that it is a bit too obvious that Follett « uses » his characters to explore different aspects of history at a given point. None of his characters are « normal citizens » trying to live their lives as best as they can, given the exceptional circumstances. They all have exceptional destinies. I know that this is what Follett was after, but still… sometimes it was a bit too much!

I loved most of Follett’s characters, especially Ethel. I just love her. And I learnt ‘I should say « reviewed ») so much, now I know everything about modern history!

I recommend this Trilogy to all people who love historical novels. It is a magnificent panorama of modern Western history, and the reader is also moved by the development of the characters’ personal stories – especially their romantic lives.

Through these books, I went through hours of intense suspense.

More here: https://labibliothequedesev.wordpress...
21 reviews
April 12, 2021
Spanned a solid century of modern Western history, from the leadup to WW1, the rise of communism and fascism, WW2, and the Civil Rights era and Cold War era. Entertaining, quick read - the author's opinions on the nuance of history are a little too clear (any "old regime" Russian was an evil dictatorial idiot, any aristocratic Englishman was one of the dumb nobility leading the noble working class to their deaths in the war). While I understand he's representing massive events in history through small family stories, it's very narrow viewing of events that could have benefited from a little more nuance. Even Kennedy's affairs and womanizing were somehow treated as a flaw that Follet was obliged to discuss (for plot), a small blemish on an otherwise heroic American hero. Again, that might be true, but after three books of similar treatment of the heroes and villains, I just don't think Follet was interested in creating more depth. The benefit is a quick trilogy that flies through major world events providing just enough context and engaging plot-intertwining to keep anyone interested and wanting to learn more of the history.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
362 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2020
Vijf families in Engeland, Duitsland, Rusland en de VS nemen je mee doorheen de belangrijkste periode van de 20ste eeuw. De kinderen, kleinkinderen en zelfs achterkleinkinderen van zij die de Eerste Wereldoorlog en de Oktoberrevolutie meemaken, beleven van heel dichtbij de andere grote gebeurtenissen: de Spaanse burgeroorlog, WO2, de Cubacrisis, de moord op Kennedy en King, de val van de Muur. Naast het historische element is er ook veel aandacht voor de politieke structuren. Elk systeem krijgt flinke vegen uit de pan, Follett is een Brit en lijkt toch vooral sympathie te voelen voor de sociaaldemocratie in zijn thuisland, niet perfect maar minder desastreus dan de Amerikaanse politiek en het communisme. Ook, vaak iets subtieler gebracht, veel aandacht voor sociale ongelijkheid, racisme, man-vrouw-relaties, homoseksualiteit. Het uitwerken van de relaties is nogal standaard, naar het einde toe weet je ruim van tevoren hoe het zal lopen.
Profile Image for Karla Samman.
295 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2021
¡Una trilogía maravillosa! ¡He disfrutado lo indecible leyendo estas 3 novelas! ¡Cuánta información he adquirido y comprendido de la mano de estas 5 familias! Es como si hubiera vivido todos los acontecimientos importantes del siglo XX de primera mano. Los personajes son entrañables, son humanos y, seguramente, inspirados en el esfuerzo, perseverancia y lucha de un sinnúmero de personas a quienes debemos muchas de las cosas que hoy nos parecen normales, mientras que para ellos eran solo un sueño. Agradezco el talento de Ken Follett y su magistral manera de presentarnos más de 3,000 páginas que se van como el agua. Se saborea, se disfruta, se vive… ¡Genial!
Profile Image for Nessa McDubh.
Author 34 books14 followers
November 27, 2019
Sólo puedo decir una cosa: acabé llorando.
Es una lectura intensa, densa y con muchos detalles tan bien relatados que sientes que estás viviendo en tus propias carnes ambas guerras. Cómo van cambiando los roles de los personajes iniciales, y qué bien entrelaza las vidas de todos ellos en cada libro. A mi que me encanta toda la historia que aconteció en esa época, me dejó enamorada de ésta trilogía. La tengo como oro en paño en la estantería. Es de esas historias que vuelves a leer una y otra vez.
Me quito el sombrero ante usted, maestro Follet.
November 21, 2019
Es una trilogía increíble, los hechos históricos sobre los cuales son narrados los libros son veraces, y a pesar de que las familias presentadas en ellos no existen realmente, está claro que si existieron muchas familias similares a las presentadas en los libros.
La narrativa es encantadora, te envuelve desde el primer momento. Es una forma muy adecuada de enterarse de la historia que sin duda marcó el sigo XX, y cuyos efectos siguen vigentes hoy en día
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477 reviews159 followers
August 31, 2020
Como todos los libros de Ken Follet, esta trilogía histórica es sumamente detallista. Lo bueno, es que te hace sentir exactamente en el lugar de los hechos.

Son libros muy interesantes y entretenidos para todos los que les gustan mucho los libros de historia. Se aprende bastante.

A pesar de que es una trilogía, no necesitas leer uno para entender el otro, por lo que si no tienes el tiempo, puedes elegir el de la época que más te guste!
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10 reviews
January 5, 2022

Para los amantes de la historia, encontrarán en esta novela una buena oportunidad para conocer cómo espectador de primera fila, los acontecimientos más relevantes de los últimos 100 años.
El autor logra entrelazar las historias de familias y sus descendientes, provenientes de distintas latitudes de forma entretenida y con gran suspenso, tomando en lagunas ocasiones, giros inesperados.
8 reviews
May 3, 2023
The first two books in the trilogy were fantastic. I was a bit disappointed with the final book as it felt very much like the author took a political bias that was palpable. I would have preferred a neutral stance. I began to be able to very much predict the last half of the book based completely on the biased presentation that was extremely disappointing considering how great the first two books were. You simply never want to be able to guess the ending before you reach it!
7 reviews2 followers
January 28, 2024
Starts off very well, the first book is all about the history with the characters being used to explain what was happening in the world. The second one has a noticeable shift to being much more about the characters and then also there's some history going on around them. I couldn't finish the third one, it was entirely based on the personal lives of a couple of characters that were not enjoyable reading about. But the first two are definitely worth the read.
1 review
February 24, 2024
I read this not long after I had completed The Clifton Chronicles; I was looking for another family saga across the generations. A lot more detailed; a lot more fact but if you want a big saga following a small number of families through the 1900s, the Century Trilogy is definitely for you. They are detailed though and as a friend of mine says they are heavy on the description - but if you're fine with that then I would definitely recommend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews

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