What Order Does Divergent Go In? Exploring the Film Series and Its Chronological Sequence – Star-Spotlight.com
What Order Does Divergent Go In? Exploring the Film Series and Its Chronological Sequence

What Order Does Divergent Go In? Exploring the Film Series and Its Chronological Sequence

What Order Does Divergent Go In?

Divergent is a popular film series based on the dystopian novels by Veronica Roth. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic Chicago where society is divided into factions based on personality traits. The film series consists of three main movies, as well as a spin-off movie and a TV series. Understanding the chronological order of the films is essential for fans who want to fully immerse themselves in the world of Divergent.

1. Divergent (2014)

The first installment in the Divergent film series is simply titled “Divergent.” It introduces us to the main character, Beatrice Prior, who must navigate the complex society of factions while uncovering a conspiracy that threatens the very foundations of their world. This movie sets the stage for the rest of the series and establishes the key characters and conflicts.

Key points about “Divergent”:

  • Introduces the faction system and the concept of Divergents.
  • Explores the themes of identity, conformity, and rebellion.
  • Features a young and talented ensemble cast, including Shailene Woodley and Theo James.

2. Insurgent (2015)

The second installment in the series is “Insurgent.” It picks up right where “Divergent” left off and follows Beatrice, now known as Tris, as she becomes further entangled in the power struggles within the factions and fights against the oppressive regime.

Key points about “Insurgent”:

  • Expands on the world-building and introduces new factions.
  • Continues to explore Tris’ journey of self-discovery and inner strength.
  • Introduces new allies and enemies, adding depth to the story.

3. Allegiant (2016)

The third and final installment in the main film series is “Allegiant.” It brings the story outside the walls of Chicago and reveals the truth behind the faction system. Tris and her friends must navigate a dangerous landscape and confront the consequences of their actions.

Key points about “Allegiant”:

  • Explores the consequences of a broken society and the quest for a better future.
  • Raises ethical dilemmas and questions about genetic engineering.
  • Wraps up the main storyline and concludes several character arcs.

Spin-off and TV series

In addition to the main film series, there is a spin-off movie titled “Ascendant” in development. It is intended to be a continuation of the story, focusing on a new generation of characters and their challenges in the post-faction society.

Furthermore, a TV series titled “Ascendant” is also being developed, which will delve deeper into the world of Divergent and explore new storylines and characters.

Key points about the spin-off and TV series:

  • Expands the Divergent universe and offers new perspectives on the story.
  • Allows for further exploration of the themes and concepts introduced in the main films.
  • Gives fans more content to enjoy and keeps the Divergent universe alive.


Understanding the chronological order of the Divergent film series is essential for fans who want to fully appreciate the story and characters. Following the journey of Tris and her friends as they navigate the complexities of a divided society provides a thought-provoking and thrilling cinematic experience. Whether through the main films, the spin-off movie, or the upcoming TV series, Divergent offers a rich and immersive world that fans can continue to explore and enjoy.


1. What is the correct order to watch the Divergent film series?

The correct order to watch the Divergent film series is: “Divergent” (2014), “Insurgent” (2015), and “Allegiant” (2016).

2. Are there any spin-off or prequel films in the Divergent series?

No, there are no spin-off or prequel films in the Divergent series.

3. Do I need to watch the Divergent films in chronological order?

Yes, it is advisable to watch the Divergent films in chronological order to fully understand the story and character development.

4. Is the Divergent film series based on a book series?

Yes, the Divergent film series is based on a book series of the same name written by Veronica Roth.

5. How many books are there in the original Divergent book series?

The original Divergent book series consists of three books: “Divergent,” “Insurgent,” and “Allegiant.”

6. Should I read the books before watching the Divergent films?

Reading the books before watching the Divergent films can provide more in-depth understanding and context, but it is not necessary to enjoy the movies.

7. Are there any plans for future Divergent films?

As of now, there are no known plans for additional Divergent films or continuation of the series.

8. Is there an alternative viewing order for the Divergent films?

No, the chronological order of the films “Divergent,” “Insurgent,” and “Allegiant” is the recommended and logical viewing order.

9. Are the Divergent films suitable for all audiences?

The Divergent films are generally classified as suitable for teenagers and older audiences due to their dystopian themes and some intense action sequences.

10. Can I watch the Divergent films without reading the books?

Yes, the Divergent films can be enjoyed without having read the books as they are designed to stand alone as separate storytelling mediums.