Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom : r/politics Skip to main content

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Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom

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u/TDeath21 avatar

Trying to figure out how this works.

You’re in the bathroom. You see someone else in there that you think might be transgender. You stop them. Tell them you need their ID and all their info. They give you all their info. You investigate and see they were born a different gender. Then you go to the courts and sue. So incredibly stupid when you think about how this would actually work.

It’s all about fear mongering and socially isolating both actual trans people and both queer and straight cis people who don’t conform to narrow gender standards.

This. It's already happened in Florida and Texas, women who aren't trans being accused, harassed and even attacked by conservatives convinced they can tell.

Man, this isn't directed at you - it's just a general statement... But it's really really depressing that the only way to get some people to think twice about this is to explain to them how it also hurts cis people. People ought to just be bothered by how much this harms the people it's intended to harm: trans people.

u/Riaayo avatar

Most of the people who support this garbage not only want to hurt trans people, but don't care about hurting women either.

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u/neon_overload avatar

What is their goal though? Because if their goal is that trans people use bathrooms according to their gender assigned at birth, then their "law" would mean a shit load more women in men's bathrooms and men in women's bathrooms.

Assuming that trans people comply of course, which I'm not saying they would, because it would be insane.

u/Setsune_W avatar

Their goal is to make Trans people feel unsafe going to public restrooms at all, making them less likely to, therefore limiting their ability to be out in public.

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u/Riaayo avatar

The goal is erasure. They want people to feel in danger if they are trans, and thus never actually transitioning.

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u/letsburn00 avatar

I just know that very tall women who hoped that the horrible treatment they got in high school would finally be over. Its almost certainly gotten awful again lately.

Same with a friend that I have who has always had a slight mustache, ever since she was in high school. She wears it normally and doesn't stress about shaving it or stressing herself to fit in. She told me she's done with that and did that all through high school.

She told me though; she's preparing to be called a transgender woman by a judgmental person just because how different she is from an average woman.

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u/Apathetic_Zealot avatar

It's really telling that even conservatives don't know what a woman is.

u/somme_rando avatar

Didn't they (Matt Walsh?) make a movie to help them out with that?
Yep - there's a Wikipedia entry.

edit to add "What is a woman"

u/twisted7ogic avatar

Because they are not interestied in understanding what women are. Rather they want to determine what women "should" be.

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u/hypotheticalhalf avatar

Good thing Florida is pretty crystal clear on Second Amendment rights. These people don't think that door swings both ways and only applies to conservatives. Let them fuck around and find that out the hard way when they put their hands on someone.


I would be really afraid that wouldn't go well for a trans person, if they don't have access to money and really good lawyers. If they get stuck with a public defender who's overwhelmed and just not able or possibly willing to put actual time into fighting. It may not go well for them. Especially if they don't say or do the right things after the fact.

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These people are opportunists and will only put their hands on people when they can escape consequences.

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u/MadRaymer avatar

That's it exactly. It's about giving bigots permission to harass people that are different. Like you said, even cis people that don't quite conform perfectly can and will be in the crosshairs.

Yep. I don't know exactly where it happened, but I saw news about a cisgender woman who was kicked out of a restaurant for using the women's restroom because she had a short haircut and didnt wear makeup. The owner was convinced she was either a man or a transwoman simply because she didn't look feminine enough for him.

Laws like this will don't just ostracize and harm transmen and transwoman, it often targets cismen and ciswomen who don't present as masculine or feminine as bigoted assholes feel entitled to expect.

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u/DiarrheaMonkey- avatar

And securing the votes and donations of homophobes and transphobes for the state Republican Party.

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I can’t believe energy and resources were spent on this. A textbook example here of how our government is broken.

I just love how all these states that are in the bottom of every statistic, from education to healthcare, are trying to legislate out of existence women, trans folks, minorities, etc.


We get WV commercials here where I am in MD, don't ask why because I don't know why they're running here, & all the (R)s running there are basically in a race to see who is the most anti-trans while they're just barely above Mississippi in those rankings.


u/Nandy-bear avatar

You take a step, if nobody stops you, you take another. If someone stops you, you stop and figure out how to side step them. Then you take a step.

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our government is broken

republicans are

I'd say the opposite. The voting majority in Mississippi supports these types of measures.

It might not be the most efficient or high effectiveness of government, but it's hard to say it isn't representative of a majority in this case.

The voting majority is not exposed to transgender people. It literally just took showing my parents (in MS) photos of some trans men and women and asking, "What bathroom should they use?" for them to shut up about the bathrooms.

I never said it made sense. Just that the voting majority support elected representatives that do this stuff in MS.

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u/nopantsirl avatar

It's not for random harassment, it's for targeted harassment. This bill is a weapon for bigots to wield against their trans coworkers, fellow students, or public individuals. It's a gift for anyone that has a victim in mind.

Realistically, trans people would be reported by people who already know. Similar to how many tax frauds are reported by their acquaintances. There are a lot of bigots out there and many people who will lean into fascism if they think it’ll keep they themselves safer. These are the assholes who will be doing the reporting.

u/Yodan avatar

Think less, it's scary and encourages self segregation. They want trans people to either kill themselves of depression or move or be not trans in public, which leads back to depression.

Yup. The Republicans have made it loud and clear that the only place they want LGBTQIA+ people is in the grave, dead and buried. They want to force America into Christian nationalism, and they see LGBTQIA+ people as needing to be exterminated to do that.

u/TDeath21 avatar

Oh for sure. I was just throwing out an example of how this would actually work to show how incredibly stupid it is. Republicans can’t govern. Just fear monger and culture war BS that 2% tops of Americans actually care about.

u/ExcellentSteadyGlue avatar

Time for a trans militia, then?

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I’m not even sure how they would sue me. My ID has my accurate gender in it, my birth certificate does too. The court documents for the name and gender change are sealed, so like..

They’d just pass a law to provide DNA test results to obtain an ID card.


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u/Nemisis_the_2nd avatar

You're mostly correct. 

I always like posting this article and, specifically, this chart when it comes up in conversation. 

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People can have IDs from out of state lol

Not if it’s against state law.

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u/epochellipse avatar

It works exactly the same way as the law in Texas where anyone can sue anyone for getting an abortion or helping someone get an abortion or performing an abortion.

u/sugarlessdeathbear avatar

Public humiliation and harassment is the goal. I'm sure there are no penalties for false positives, so the message is it's open season to harass. This will also catch up anyone who is cis but doesn't present enough or the right way for any given person.

u/SidewaysFancyPrance avatar

I mean, this could all be solved permanently by changing how we view and build bathrooms. I don't care if it's cheaper to just build two bathrooms, because we sure aren't saving money at the legislative/judicial level with all this bullshit. Give people a private place to do their private business, and shared spaces for the rest.

Of course, they aren't looking to properly solve this problem for everyone. They're looking to use the problem as a cudgel to beat trans people to death with.

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u/pl487 avatar

I'm sure the police will be happy to detain and identify the person for you.

u/Apathetic_Zealot avatar

The fun part is if non-government civilians can do bathroom ID checks that means Mississippi lawmakers can be stopped and ID'd every time they use the bathroom.

u/TransbianMoonGoddess avatar

I have no obligation to provide my info to a stranger, they can fuck off

u/we_are_sex_bobomb avatar

The intent of the bill is fear, not justice. Ergo, it doesn’t have to make any sense as long as it makes it harder for trans people to go out in public.

Just counter sue and say THEY were in the wrong bathroom. Can’t prove shit.

ID? They’re just going to check crotches.

u/DrSarge avatar

Crocodile Dundee, is that you?

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It’s for people who work in offices so they can go to hr complain and get the trans person fired or get sued.  It’s about pushing trans people out of the workforce 

u/AymRandy avatar

It should be called the I'll show you mine if you show me yours law. 

u/Celloer avatar

The only law more just than “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is the opposite extreme!

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More likely just encouraging people who know someone is transgender to stalk and harass that person in hope of a payday,

Wouldn’t you also need their birth certificate?

u/TDeath21 avatar

Yes. One of the things I carry on me all the time in case someone asks for it so they can sue me is my birth certificate.

At this point a lot of them wouldn't even accept that if it confirms the person isn't trans.

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u/FranklynTheTanklyn avatar

I worked at a TGI Fridays 10+ years ago and a Karen was going absolutely ballistic because there was a black man in the women’s bathroom. It was a black women with dreadlocks, baggy jeans, a Yankees hat and a white T. It’s the exact situation this is going to lead to.

Out of curiosity, I’m tall and muscle-y with a deep voice. I was also born female. How do I prevent nuisance lawsuits?

that's the neat part... you don't...

the cruelty is the point.

You get sued and brought to court, because some person persecutes you for not "looking right".

The petty part of me wants to go full drag queen.

But the part of me that fucking hates that wants to stick my steel toed boot up these people’s ass.

Why not both? Like the old Sabbath song Fairies Wear Boots.

(This is not any sort of degradation of Drag Queens, sometimes you just have to fight the power?

u/thingsmybosscantsee avatar

The petty part of me wants to go full drag queen.

I know several drag queens that would 100% be your drag mother, just for this purpose.

u/AkuraPiety avatar

As long as you promise to make them actual steel toes I will donate to any legal funds you may need for kicking some Republican ass 🫡

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Real women are thin, short, and have bubbly voices.

/s just in case…

You’re on their list too. Sorry to break the news

I’ve been aware since I was 12.

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You don't. Countersue and take them for millions.

u/tomas_shugar avatar

Haha, what fucking fantasy world do you live in where you think the point of harassing those who aren't traditionally feminine enough isn't exactly part of the point.

There will be no penalty for anyone for this harassment, expect women wearing pants to get targeted for just wearing pants and nothing to happen to stop it.

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u/No_Magician_7374 avatar


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Don't visit Mississippi.

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Letting the cat out of the bag, but Trump 2026 leans in on crotchless clothing to prove your junk status. For freedom and small government purpose of course, not creepy voyeur control reasons.

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Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R) made a statement implying that trans people are a threat to women’s safety while signing a law that will allow cisgender people to sue transgender individuals for using the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity rather than their sex assigned at birth. The law will take effect on July 1.

Individual bathroom users who violate this law could be subject to lawsuits, though educational institutions would be shielded from any legal liability.

Republicans have assaulted more people in bathrooms than trans people. Trans people are more likely to be victims of assault than perpetrators.

Yet, the Republican Party wants to subject trans people to more assaults and now criminal penalties. This is just ridiculous. Republicans are going to force everyone to show their genitals now? Is this where we're at as America? Just creepy stuff!

u/hookisacrankycrook avatar

Jackson Mississippi has 800+ untested rape kits going back decades. Maybe they should spend some time there outside passing a law last year saying rape kit testing should be "timely".

One Mississippi hospital has 50 untested rape kits, with about 15 related to child rape

In 2019, the Jackson Police Department said it had more than 600 sexual abuse and rape kits without DNA evaluation, some a decade old.

I'm going to make a guess that 50 rape kits in one hospital are more rapes than committed by all transgender folks across the entire state.

u/DigNitty avatar

The thing that lets me know this is all about hate, is that they have not raised a single bill to disallow sex offenders from bathrooms.

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Wait until a trans males start walking into women’s bathroom.

That’s the point - this forces trans people to not use the bathroom at all.

It’s almost exclusively targeting trans women.

They often forget trans men exist

But also targeting Ciswomen who may dress too masculine.

That’s intentional too.

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u/DangerousBill avatar

Retail stores will have to make bathrooms unisex. When traveling with my wife, who was in a wheelchair, we had to find toilets we could both enter without setting off the creep alarms.

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u/SmileFirstThenSpeak avatar

Kidney infections for all. That’s fair, right?? /s

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u/TheMCM80 avatar

This is the ironic part. There are so many trans men who look like burly dudes that no one would ever think were born as a woman.

The first court case will be awful for the trans person. but almost borderline comical in its absurdity. The person suing will claim a man trying to be a woman was in the bathroom, only to realize that by the law, that trans man is a woman, and legally has to go to the women’s bathroom no matter how the present.

We live in the wildest of times.

im just worried for their safety when it happens

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