CCR 062: Bible Facts with Dr. Ken Johnson – Canary Cry Radio

Canary Cry Radio

CCR 062: Bible Facts with Dr. Ken Johnson

Published (updated: ) in Atlantis, Bible Prophecy, Bible Study, Fallen Angels, Israel, Ken Johnson, Nephilim, Nimrod, Occult, Satan, Sons of God, Spirituality, Supernatural, The Great Deception, Tower of Babel, Yeshua. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

CCR 062: Bible Facts with Dr. Ken Johnson


As Evangelical Christians, the 66 books we have in our hands is all we need to gain salvation through the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord. However, commentary from extra-biblical text and the early church fathers help us fill in some gaps that otherwise would be lost to us in the modern era. Dr. Ken Johnson is one of those folks who have scoured many of these extra-Biblical text and writings of the early church fathers. Using the Bible as the grounded point of reference, Dr. Ken Johnson has been able to paint a picture of the ancient world that few are able to ascertain. From it, he has been able to not only show how the truth is found in the Bible, but also the significance of its prophecies, those already fulfilled and those yet in the future.

In this conversation, Basil, Gonz, and Dr. Ken Johnson dive deep into topics like Gnosticism, Genesis 6 and the identity of the sons of God. They also bring up Nimrod, Odin, Venus, and other ancient deities, ancient paganism, as well modern day prophecies, over 50 of which Dr. Ken Johnson thinks were fulfilled in the last century.

Dr. Ken Johnson is an author and lecturer who speaks on a variety of issues related to Bible prophecy, ancient history, and the apostasy that will form in the church in the last days. He received a Doctorate in Theology from the Christian College of Texas back in 1989 and He’s the CEO and founder of Biblefacts Ministries at and has authored twenty-one book including Ancient Post-Flood History: Historical Documents That Point to Biblical Creation, Ancient Paganism: The Sorcery of the Fallen Angels, Ancient Messianic Festivals: And The Prophecies They Reveal, and Demonic Gospels: The Truth about the Gnostic Gospel.


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