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The Day in Rock - FORTY LINE from the album 48 seconds


I wanted a song whose story line was questionable, nonsense, even surreal. Just when you think you get the meaning, it slips out of your hands. The middle section precedes a glorious big band echoing the sung verse melody, reminiscent of a Sinatra arrangement and leading back into the last verse, sung well by John Mitchell.

New sequel to the Mudchalk Devil is on its way

The first draught of a sequel is complete. Now the real work comenses.

Awaiting entry

Watch this space

Some News!

Welcome all visitors to my site. I am at the moment trying to get my art gallery up and running from my old website. It means taking time to photograph all the works of art in the right light to get the best out of them. So be patient my little chums and all will be revealed. Cheers. P.

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