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The Remarried Empress Wiki

Lady Nian, formerly known as Duchess Tuania, is a noblewoman from the the Eastern Empire, and an old friend of Empress Navier.


There were rumors of the current Duke Tuania's older brother, Lord Marius, leaving his claim to the duchy and committing suicide after Nian rejected him. There was also gossip of her baby's father being Lord Marius since the baby was born 7 months after she got married to Duke Tuania.

These old rumors resurfaced after 10 years due to Rashta wanting to drive the attention from her to Nian because to the rumors of her being a runaway slave. Nian and Duke Tuania later underwent divorce, and she decided to follow Viscount Landre, the man who defended her honor when the fake rumors were going around, after he was exiled.


Duchess Tuania was considered the flower of society, always being surrounded by men in balls and women in tea parties with other noble ladies, and being a socialite all in all.

Physical appearance[]

In the novel, Nian has red hair and is slender. She is considered to be very beautiful.

In the Webtoon, Nian is slender, has sapphire blue eyes, brown hair that usually seen tied up and heavily curled, and a small beauty mark under the right side of her lips. She is considered the most beautiful woman in the Eastern Empire.


Love Interests[]

  • Viscount Landre: Nian's lover. At the start of the series, he was smitten with Nian. After the rumours about her past with her husband, late brother-in-law and her child resurface, Landre is one of the few who goes and seeks a way to defend her honor, investigating the rumours and successfully tracing it back to Rashta. He confronts her, and stabs her in a fit of rage, impliedly after she denied the allegations and said something to provoke him. He is then sentenced to be executed, but, touched by his devotion to her, Nian pleads with Navier to have him spared. After Landre's execution is pardoned, Nian follows him as he leaves in exile. The two lovers spend their time together in the Western Empire.
  • Duke Tuania: Nian's ex-husband. He was a jealous and suspicious man, disapproving of Nian interacting with other men at parties and events. After Rashta manages to resurface rumors surrounding Nian, Duke Tuania does not hesitate in fighting with her, eventually requesting a divorce. He later regrets this, and tries to have Nian return to him, but he fails miserably after going to Emperor Sovieshu to blame Rashta for their divorce.


  • Unnamed Son: Nian's first child whose father's identity was doubted by many. He is already an adult in the series.


  • Navier Trovi: Despite being many years her senior, Nian and Navier have a close relationship. After Viscount Landre's imprisonment, Nian asked a favor of Navier to save him. Navier fought to have his sentence changed from execution to exile, and it was succesfully granted. To Navier's surprise, Nian left her husband and followed the exiled Landre. After Navier remarries and moves to the West, she is reunited with Nian, who helps to integrate Navier into the social sphere of the Western Kingdom.

List of appearances[]


  • Episode 11
  • Episode 15
  • Episode 21 (flashback)
  • Episode 25
  • Episode 28
  • Episode 30 (flashback)
  • Episode 33
  • Episode 34
  • Episode 40 (flashback)


