Google Classroom vs Edmodo

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Our analysts compared Google Classroom vs Edmodo based on data from our 400+ point analysis of LMS Software, user reviews and our own crowdsourced data from our free software selection platform.

Edmodo Software Tool

Product Basics

Google Classroom is a free online learning platform that integrates with G Suite applications. As part of Google for Educators, it has a wide breadth of capabilities. Educators can create courses, assign homework, give grades and feedback, build exams, provide supplemental reading materials, share resources and more. Students can complete assignments, reach out to their instructors, ask questions, collaborate with others and more. It was used by over 100 million people and developed in collaboration with educators. There’s a free and paid version of the product. The paid one has greater functionality, notably the ability to host many hundreds more in a web conference.
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Edmodo is a cloud-based education solution used primarily by K-12 institutions. It currently serves over 100 million users. Created in 2008, it manages the basics of digital classrooms such as communication, assignments, testing, grading, parental views, mobile apps and more. It also gives learners access to an online library of over 700 million resources shared by students, parents and teachers.

Because of its popularity within the education sector, 10% of its users are instructors. Overall, it’s used by 400,000 schools in over 190 countries. It has an active community of educators that pool resources, information, consult with one another and offer worldwide support.
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Product Insights

  • More Efficient: Save time through automation, the replacement of paper and manual processes. Grade quickly through the Docs app, which allows teachers to comment upon and return assignments rapidly.
  • Cut Down on Plagiarism: Prevent plagiarism with tools that scan for matching phrases or text online, find missing citations, do a cross-reference of books, look for paraphrasing and more. Provide this for learners who can check their work before they turn work in. Download originality reports and keep work so instructors can catch peer-to-peer copying.
  • Engaged Students: Integrate with virtual reality allowing users to explore famous landmarks, natural events and more. Explore spaces made by instructors and use mobile technology, the Expeditions app, while in VR to get further instructions and navigate the world. Let the app act as a roadmap while they explore. Pair the VR with mobile devices, access 360 views of virtual landscapes, work with several content partners and get a free course to teach individuals how to use VR provided by partners.
  • More Centralized Info: Use the complete G Suite, including Sheets, Meet, Drive, Docs, Forms, Calendar, Jamboard and more. Create and collaborate across several mediums while instructors can make various administrative processes more efficient.
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  • Better Communication: Facilitate open communication channels for students, teachers, parents and administrators through email, push notifications and text. Send messages to distinct groups — parents, kids and instructors — simultaneously. Disseminate information to update parents on their class activity through messages, answers to questions, grades and more. Keep guardians informed on what their children are accomplishing, let them see grades and learn how to best support them. Send direct messages to teachers and see updates from the mobile app.
  • Motivated Learners: Improve learner engagement with games, mindfulness activities and the ability to step into a role as active participants. Provide multiple ways to make learning more fun and exciting in the Discover program.
  • More Support for Learners: Access information from the mobile app as needed. Use AskMo so users can request help from online tutors. Take a picture of math or science homework and get step-by-step help from mentors through a ten-minute chat. Either pay for this service or use the promo for free sessions from the website. Study subjects such as algebra 1 and 2, AP calculus, calculus, college algebra, AP chemistry, AP physics, chemistry, geometry, middle school math, physics, pre-algebra, pre-calculus and trigonometry.
  • Money and Time Saver: Save valuable time with online assignments, grading, discussion and more. Use the solution for free initially and upgrade to paid options for organizations that need more robust functionality.
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  • Different Roles: Adjust access on the platform allowing administrators to create other roles for parents, students, educators and more.
  • Web Conferencing: Create a unique link for each video session and send out a private link for classes. Use the IETF security standards for Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol and Datagram Transport Layer Security. Record and live stream with the expanded paid product.
  • Integration: Integrate with many school administration apps, curriculum building, communication, education enhancement and more. Use apps like Aeries, Aladdin Schools Connect, Classcraft, Pear Deck, Pearson Education, Quizizz, Squigl, Writable and a wide variety of others. Have programmers connect their app with the platform and access technical support, company-wide initiatives and marketing support.
  • Mobile: Use the mobile app that works on iOS and Android where learners and instructors can access the program from multiple devices.
  • Jamboard: Provide a smart display for tablets, smartphones or smart boards. Pull in images, make notes with the stylus and handwriting and shape recognition tools and more. Operate with Meet or during an in-person class.
  • Enterprise Option: Use the teacher center and Google for Education for more control, better security, device management, data loss prevention, a S/MIME for Gmail, Gmail logs and admin reports in BigQuery, a security sandbox and more. Set up a university-wide email system with Gmail.
  • Stream: See posts, comments and other materials when they log into the program. Upload content and respond to comments while students can collaborate with their peers and comment on posted materials.
  • Class Management: Facilitate classes through an organization with features such as a content library for assignments, slides, class papers, forms and other resources. Lock due dates, set a timer on access for materials, reuse content, add YouTube videos and more.
  • Accessibility: Accommodate students with impairments such as hearing, vision, physical disabilities and processing disorders. Use voice access, screen readers, closed captioning and more so learners can access information in a way that helps them. Adjust the content to make it more visual, auditory and more to match individual learning styles. Download an accessibility conformance report to analyze the effectiveness of the program.
  • Security: Use a system that supports the standards and compliance for the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Software & Information Industry Association, ISO/IEC 27018:2014, HIPPA, GDRP and more. Host information on secure servers, let administrators watch over data security and get audited by a third-party to ensure data protection.
  • Grading: Allow instructors to add comments, grade, enter commonly used feedback, apply rubrics and automatically notify students when their assignment is ready for them.
  • Educator Groups: Unite local educators so they can collaborate and help one another online and in-person. A local volunteer organizes the group and the members unite for teaching, workshops, advice and more.
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  • Course Creation: Share materials for class, send messages and make all education more accessible with course authoring tools.
  • Testing: Offer mini-quizzes, sample tests, ACT and SAT prep, and a “score predictor” option which helps students find out how prepared they are for tests that could change their futures.
  • Integrated Apps: Access multiple apps, including AskMo, Discover and Spotlight. Get mentoring for math and science through AskMo. Use Discover for games, activities, news and other bits of information to keep learners engaged and empowered. Use Spotlight as a marketplace for teachers and publishers to create and share resources.
  • Educator Resources: Follow hashtags in the program for additional information. Access professional creative learning communities for a broader range of resources and ideas to solve problems creatively. Use the Distance Learning Toolkit for instructors and a community to plug into for more help. Give badges to recognize high-performing educators.
  • Administration: Provide opportunities for collaboration and staff development. Track learning and make sure the whole district coordinates. Group educators and deliver personalized training. Use group text, push notifications and email. Audit members, reset passwords and verify teachers in the admin center.
  • Edmodo Labs: Access advanced education technology and give feedback through gamified quizzes, interactive puzzles and models, creative tools and more.
  • Integration: Integrate with many systems. Access other programs quickly through a single sign-on solution. Use apps such as ClassLink, Clever, custom identity providers, Google, identity automation software, LDAP and Office 365. Get help with account creation and class rosters.
  • Reporting: Let administrators see what is working, what’s not and how students engage with the material. Work with the school success manager to get access to custom analytics, data tracking and reporting.
  • Planner: Use an integrated planner to organize work with users’ course folders.
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User Sentiment Summary

Excellent User Sentiment 4017 reviews
Great User Sentiment 427 reviews
of users recommend this product

Google Classroom has a 'excellent' User Satisfaction Rating of 92% when considering 4017 user reviews from 4 recognized software review sites.

of users recommend this product

Edmodo has a 'great' User Satisfaction Rating of 89% when considering 427 user reviews from 2 recognized software review sites.

5.0 (14)
4.5 (1386)
4.7 (2352)
4.4 (354)
4.4 (265)
4.6 (73)


User Favorite Award
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Synopsis of User Ratings and Reviews

Affordable: Over 80% of viewers who mentioned price were happy with the cost.
Integrates with the G Suite: Users who mentioned the integration with Google Docs, Slides and other products were pleased in 80% of reviews.
Uploads Efficiently: Over 70% of reviewers felt that uploading ran smoothly.
Easy to Use: The majority of users who mentioned the UI were happy with its capability in just under 70% of reviews.
Multimedia Support: More than 60% were happy with the various formatting and multimedia support in the system.
Excellent User Communication Tools: Users who mentioned the messages, notifications and other communications functions were pleased in more than 60% of reviews.
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Intuitive Interface: Edmodo is often praised for its user-friendly interface, making it easy for educators, students, and parents to navigate and utilize its features effectively. The platform's layout is clean and straightforward, promoting a smooth user experience.
Communication and Collaboration: Edmodo facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among teachers, students, and parents. Teachers can easily share announcements, assignments, and resources, while students can engage in discussions, submit work, and receive feedback. Parents can stay informed about their child's progress and communicate with teachers.
Content and Assessment: Edmodo provides tools for creating and delivering engaging content, including quizzes, polls, and assignments. Teachers can also track student progress and provide personalized feedback. The platform supports various learning styles and allows for differentiation.
Accessibility and Flexibility: Edmodo is accessible from various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, enabling users to stay connected and engaged anytime, anywhere. This flexibility supports diverse learning environments and schedules.
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Glitchy: More than 80% of users who mentioned the speed of running the program felt it was glitchy.
Lack of Customization: Reviewers who mentioned customization felt the options were lacking in more than 70% of reviews.
Not Enough Admin Control: Over 60% of reviewers who discussed the user admin function felt functionality was lacking.
Lacks Features: In over 50% of reviews that mentioned the feature set, users felt they were missing features.
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Limited Customization: Teachers have expressed frustration with the platform's inflexibility in terms of personalizing the learning experience for their students. For example, they cannot modify the platform's interface or create unique learning pathways for individual students.
Assessment Constraints: The platform's assessment tools have been criticized for their lack of sophistication. Teachers find it challenging to create and administer complex assessments or track student progress in a nuanced way.
Integrations and Interoperability: Edmodo may not seamlessly integrate with other educational tools and platforms that schools are already using, leading to compatibility issues and workflow disruptions. This can hinder a school's ability to create a cohesive digital learning ecosystem.
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Google Classroom is an eLearning solution that’s widely used in education because of its price point. While the base version is free, there is a paid enterprise package with expanded functionality. Reviewers like its simple UI, integration with the G Suite, support of multimedia options and good base functionality with grading, assignments, exams and more. They also felt it encouraged engagement and collaboration while saving time and money. On the flip side, reviewers felt the platform lacked options for customization and didn’t come with enough features. The platform isn’t a full-service LMS. It delivers lessons, shares files and has some higher function feedback functions, but doesn’t have the advanced administrative, reporting and other options of more robust solutions. This is an excellent option for small to medium-sized organizations that need to facilitate training. Make sure you understand the functional differences between the free and enterprise versions.

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Edmodo seems to be a bit of a mixed bag, with some users singing its praises and others finding it falls short of expectations.  One of the things that users consistently point out as a strength is its simplicity and user-friendly interface.  It's easy to navigate, even for those who aren't tech-savvy, making it a good option for educators who want a straightforward platform to manage their classrooms.  Additionally, Edmodo offers a free basic plan, which is a major plus for budget-conscious schools or individual teachers. However, there are also some drawbacks that users frequently mention.  One common complaint is the limited functionality compared to more comprehensive learning management systems (LMS) like Canvas or Blackboard.  Edmodo lacks some of the advanced features that these platforms offer, such as robust assessment tools or the ability to create complex learning pathways.  Additionally, some users have expressed concerns about the platform's stability and occasional technical glitches.  This can be frustrating for educators who rely on the platform to deliver instruction and manage student work. So, who is Edmodo best suited for?  Based on user feedback, it seems like a good fit for individual teachers or small schools looking for a basic, easy-to-use platform to supplement their classroom instruction.  It's also a decent option for those who are new to using technology in the classroom and want a simple starting point.  However, for larger institutions or educators who need a more feature-rich LMS, Edmodo might not be the best choice.  It's always a good idea to weigh the pros and cons and consider your specific needs before making a decision.  Keep in mind that the EdTech landscape is constantly evolving, so it's wise to check for the latest updates and user reviews to make an informed choice.

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