NFL Odds, Betting Lines, Spreads - FanDuel Sportsbook
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NFL Betting Odds

Sportsbook Odds / NFL Odds

NFL Odds Today - NFL Spreads, Lines, and Moneylines

At FanDuel Sportsbook, we provide a user-friendly platform for football fans eager to bet on NFL odds to win each game in the 2025 NFL season. Our online sportsbook offers a wide range of betting options, including NFL game lines, Super Bowl odds, various NFL prop bets, and futures. To cater to both beginners and seasoned bettors, we present straightforward NFL betting lines, moneylines, and over/under odds for a hassle-free betting experience. FanDuel Sportsbook also lets you try your hand at NFL parlays and Same Game Parlays, which can lead to larger payouts by combining multiple bets.

Stay on top of today's NFL odds and betting opportunities by visiting our odds page regularly. Whether you're interested in Thursday Night Football, Monday Night Football, or the Sunday football slate, FanDuel Sportsbook has you covered. Experience the excitement of building parlays, Same Game Parlays, and discovering thousands of unique NFL player prop bets, all at FanDuel Sportsbook.

Popular Types of NFL Betting Odds

When betting on the NFL, you'll encounter a variety of popular bet types. Here's a brief rundown of the most common ways to bet on the National Football League at FanDuel Sportsbook:

  • NFL Spreads

    An NFL point spreads tries to level the playing field for both team's odds to win. This type of odds involves a team either subtracting points (the favorite) or adding points (the underdog) to their final score to determine a wager's outcome. For example, if the Baltimore Ravens have a point spread of -9.5 against the Houston Texans, the Ravens need to win by more than 9.5 points for a bet on them to win.

  • NFL Moneylines

    These are the simplest form of NFL odds, representing the odds for a team to win the game outright. For example, if the Detroit Lions have moneyline odds of -295 against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they are favored to win. You would need to wager $295 on the Lions to potentially win $100. If the Buccaneers are +240, a bet of $100 will potentially win $240.

  • NFL Totals

    Also known as Over/Unders. This involves betting on the total combined score of both teams in a game. If the over/under total for the Kansas City Chiefs and Buffalo Bills game is set at 45.5, bettors can wager on whether the final combined score will be over or under this total.

  • NFL Player Props

    These bets focus on the performance of individual players, rather than the final outcome. Examples include betting on a player's number of touchdowns or yards in a game. You can find NFL player prop bets in the Player Props section of our NFL odds or under More Wagers for each game.

  • NFL Parlays

    Combining multiple bets into one for a chance to increase your payout. You can choose to parlay NFL odds from different games or do an NFL Same Game Parlay, combining various bets within the same game.

Other Types of NFL Odds at FanDuel Sportsbook

NFL Live Betting

NFL live betting allows you to place bets on the outcome of a game while it is in progress. This means that instead of placing a bet before the game starts, you can place a bet at any point during the game and adjust your bets based on the live events happening on the field. Many FanDuel Sportsbook bettors prefer live betting because it allows them to take advantage of changing conditions, such as injuries or momentum shifts, and make more informed decisions about which team or player to bet on. Like all other NFL odds, live betting is available on the web and mobile app, which makes it convenient for the people who like to keep track of the game and make a bet on the spot.

Super Bowl Odds

FanDuel Sportsbook also offers Super Bowl odds throughout the entire year. This can be a futures bet on which team will win the Super Bowl and which teams will play in the Super Bowl. As the Super Bowl approaches, you can bet on point spreads and numerous prop bets related to the big game. Additionally, FanDuel Sportsbook will release hundreds of different Super Bowl Props as we get closer to the big game.

Exploring Team Futures Odds

In the world of NFL betting, futures odds provide an opportunity long-term predictions with season-long bets. At FanDuel Sportsbook, bettors have the opportunity to speculate on a wide range of outcomes, including divisional champions, conference winners, and win totals. From the intricacies of betting the AFC East and NFC West in NFL division odds to broader AFC and NFC conference winner odds, futures odds let you test your knowledge of each team's strengths and weaknesses. Alongside these, NFL win totals represent a market where bettors forecast whether a team's regular season wins will surpass or fall below the sportsbook's projected number. In addition to these, FanDuel Sportsbook's NFL odds sections feature unique team performance props, such as predicting when a team will record their first win or loss, adding even more depth to the futures betting landscape.

Odds on Individual Player Performances

Betting in the NFL isn't just about predicting the winners of games or even the Super Bowl. There's a wide array of betting markets focused on individual player performances at FanDuel Sportsbook. These markets include NFL Awards odds such as the Most Valuable Player (MVP), Coach of the Year, and the Offensive and Defensive Rookies of the Year, often populated by star quarterbacks and standout rookies. Additionally, season-long player performance props focus on individual achievements like a quarterback's total passing yards, a running back's total touchdowns, or a defensive player's interception count throughout the season. These betting opportunities can see their odds shift based on various factors, including player health, team strategy, and overall performance, requiring bettors to follow the latest NFL news and player statistics for the best chance to win.

How to Bet on NFL Odds

FanDuel Sportsbook makes it very simple to bet on today's football games legally in the United States. Just take a look at our NFL betting tables above to see the most recent pro football odds and spreads for upcoming games, select your bets and submit your betslip.

NFL Betting FAQs

  • How are NFL betting results determined?

    NFL betting results are based on the results and statistics provided by the league's governing body (

  • What does a +7 spread mean?

    A +7 spread in sports betting means that a team is a 7-point underdog. To win a bet on this team, they must either win the game outright or lose by less than 7 points.

  • What is prop betting?

    A prop bet is basically a wager on a game not directly tied to the actual outcome of the contest. There are props that have to do with a game as a whole, as well as on the performance of the teams involved.

  • Does overtime count for all NFL betting markets?

    Yes, overtime counts for all NFL lines unless stated otherwise.

  • What happens to bets on abandoned or postponed NFL games?

    Bets on abandoned or postponed NFL games are void unless they are played within the same scheduling week. If the venue changes, all bets will be void.

  • What happens if the total points are exactly the nominated line?

    If the total points are exactly the nominated line, all stakes are refunded unless a price for the exact amount is quoted.

  • How is the Home Team determined for NFL betting?

    For NFL betting settlement purposes, the team listed second in the NFL odds table or event name is always considered the Home Team. For example, in Team A v Team B or Team A @ Team B - Team B is the Home Team.

  • Where can I find all the rules for NFL betting?

    You can find all the rules for NFL betting in the House Rules section, located in the sportsbook menu.

  • Does FanDuel Sportsbook offer NFL predictions?

    You can find NFL predictions and other NFL news in our FanDuel Research section. Please note that this operates separately from our sportsbook oddsmakers and is intended for informative and entertainment purposes.

Most Popular Betting Odds

Along with our NFL Odds, FanDuel Sportsbook is also the number one sportsbook for betting on all sports in the United States.

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