16 Facts About Princess Anna (Frozen) - Facts.net
Valaree Steel

Written by Valaree Steel

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Wallpapers.com

Princess Anna, the beloved character from the hit Disney film Frozen, has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. With her spunky personality, adventurous spirit, and devotion to her sister Elsa, Princess Anna quickly became a fan-favorite. But there’s more to this iconic character than meets the eye. In this article, we will delve into 16 fascinating facts about Princess Anna that you might not have known. From her voice actress to her character development, costume design, and even some hidden Easter eggs in the film, we will uncover the secrets and trivia that make Princess Anna the amazing character that she is. So, get ready to dive into the enchanting world of Frozen and discover these captivating tidbits about Princess Anna!

Key Takeaways:

  • Princess Anna of Arendelle, known for her optimism and iconic outfit, is a beloved character who teaches us the power of love and self-discovery in Disney’s Frozen.
  • Voiced by Kristen Bell, Anna’s infectious enthusiasm and unwavering bravery make her a role model for fans of all ages, continuing her journey in Frozen II.
Table of Contents

Anna is one of the main characters in Disney’s Frozen.

Anna, voiced by Kristen Bell, is the spirited and determined younger sister of Queen Elsa. She plays a central role in the heartwarming and magical story of Frozen.

Anna’s full name is Princess Anna of Arendelle.

As a member of the royal family, Anna holds the title of Princess of Arendelle. She embraces her role with grace and a sense of adventure.

Anna is known for her dazzling, strawberry-blonde hair.

One of Anna’s defining features is her beautiful hair, which is a vibrant shade of strawberry-blonde. It complements her cheerful and energetic personality.

Anna is known for her optimistic and adventurous spirit.

Anna is a free-spirited character who always sees the brighter side of things. Her optimism and willingness to take risks drive her on her quest to save her sister and their kingdom.

Anna’s iconic outfit consists of a green dress with a black bodice.

Anna’s signature look features a green dress adorned with a black bodice, along with a matching cape and a pair of boots. Her outfit has become instantly recognizable among Frozen fans.

Anna possesses a unique and special gift.

Although Princess Anna does not possess magical powers like her sister Elsa, she has a remarkable ability to connect with people on a deep and emotional level. Her compassion and empathy make her a beloved character.

Anna is determined to mend her relationship with her sister Elsa.

The heart of the story revolves around Anna’s unwavering determination to mend her fractured relationship with her sister Elsa. Her love and loyalty are truly inspiring.

Anna is voiced by actress Kristen Bell.

Kristen Bell brings Anna to life with her energetic and charismatic voice acting. Her portrayal of the beloved character is considered one of her most memorable roles.

Anna has a lovable and comical sidekick named Olaf.

Anna befriends Olaf, a friendly and charming snowman who provides comic relief throughout the film. Their friendship adds an extra layer of warmth and humor to the story.

Anna is the first Disney princess to become a queen in the same movie.

As the story unfolds, Anna eventually becomes the queen of Arendelle, making her the first Disney princess to ascend to the throne within the same film.

Anna’s love for her sister conquers all.

The underlying message of Frozen is the power of love, particularly the deep bond between Anna and Elsa. Anna’s unconditional love and sacrifice play a crucial role in the resolution of the story.

Anna has become an iconic and beloved character worldwide.

Since the release of Frozen, Princess Anna has captured the hearts of audiences globally. Her relatable qualities and inspiring journey have solidified her place as one of Disney’s most beloved characters.

Anna’s bravery and determination inspire many.

Anna’s unwavering bravery and fearlessness in the face of adversity have made her a role model for fans of all ages. Her resilience and never-give-up attitude resonate with audiences around the world.

Anna’s story is a tale of self-discovery and acceptance.

Throughout the movie, Anna embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning important lessons about self-acceptance and embracing her true identity. Her character development is one of the highlights of the film.

Anna’s infectious enthusiasm and energy light up the screen.

Anna’s vibrant personality and infectious enthusiasm bring a contagious energy to the film. Her charm and liveliness captivate audiences, making her a memorable character.

Anna’s story continues in the sequel Frozen II.

Princess Anna’s journey continues in the highly anticipated sequel, Frozen II. Fans can experience new adventures with Anna and her friends as they dive deeper into the enchanting world of Arendelle.

These are just 16 of the many fascinating facts about Princess Anna from Disney’s Frozen. Her relatable character, captivating story, and memorable moments have made her an iconic figure in the world of animation.


Princess Anna from the movie Frozen has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. With her cheerful and adventurous spirit, she has become a beloved character for both children and adults alike. Throughout the movie, we learn various interesting facts about Princess Anna that add depth to her character and story. From her special bond with her sister Elsa, to her journey to save the kingdom of Arendelle, Princess Anna has proven to be a strong and courageous protagonist. Whether it’s her catchy songs, her determination, or her unwavering loyalty, Princess Anna has become an iconic figure in the world of animation.


1. Who voices Princess Anna in Frozen?

Princess Anna is voiced by American actress Kristen Bell. Her energetic and expressive voice brings the character to life, making her instantly lovable.

2. What is Princess Anna’s relationship with Queen Elsa?

Princess Anna is the younger sister of Queen Elsa. Despite their differences and the challenges they face, their bond remains strong and they prove that love conquers all.

3. What is Princess Anna’s personality like?

Princess Anna is known for her optimistic and spirited nature. She is adventurous, determined, and always sees the best in people, even in challenging situations.

4. Does Princess Anna have any special powers?

No, Princess Anna does not possess any magical powers like her sister Elsa. However, she has a unique determination and resilience that helps her overcome obstacles throughout the movie.

5. What are some memorable moments involving Princess Anna in Frozen?

Some memorable moments involving Princess Anna include her iconic song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”, her selfless act of true love to save Elsa, and her unwavering loyalty to her sister and the kingdom of Arendelle.

6. Is Princess Anna a Disney Princess?

Yes, Princess Anna is officially recognized as one of the Disney Princesses. She is part of the royal lineup alongside popular characters like Cinderella, Ariel, and Belle.

7. Will there be a sequel to Frozen?

Yes, a sequel to Frozen titled “Frozen 2” was released in 2019. It continues the story of Elsa, Anna, and their friends as they embark on a new adventure in the enchanted forest.

8. What makes Princess Anna a relatable character?

Princess Anna’s relatability stems from her flaws and vulnerabilities. She makes mistakes, faces challenges, and experiences a range of emotions, making her a realistic and relatable character for audiences of all ages.

Princess Anna's captivating story doesn't end here! Dive into Frozen farmer nutrition facts for a healthier lifestyle. Discover the legacy of Kristoff St John, a beloved actor. Explore more enchanting Disney facts that will delight fans of all ages.

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