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Colleges & Universities

Utah System of Higher Education (USHE)

Technical Colleges

Utah Private Non-Profit Institutions

Other Institutions

USHE Education Academic Resources


    Learn about the Utah System of Higher Education and the latest issues facing higher education in Utah at

  • USHE Majors Guide

    The Majors Guide provides information on the majors and degrees offered at each public college and university in Utah, including how to prepare to be admitted to a field of study, who to contact for specific questions, and what classes are required to complete a degree.

  • Utah Career and Technical Education (CTE)

    Utah's Career and Technical Education system prepares you to succeed in the workplace. CTE is designed to help students acquire the skills and knowledge needed to find gainful employment. And, CTE is designed to help workers acquire job skills in new fields or refresh skills in an existing career path.

Financial Aid Resources

  • Utah Scholarships and Aid Programs

    The State of Utah offers several programs to provide financial assistance to students.

  • my529 - Utah Education Savings Plan

    my529 is Utah's official 529 educational savings plan. my529 has been helping families across the United States invest for higher education for more than 25 years. my529 funds may be used for qualified higher education expenses, which also include K-12 tuition expenses, qualified education loan repayments and registered apprenticeships. Learn more at

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