20 a�os no importan - English translation – Linguee

Dictionary Spanish-English

External sources (not reviewed)

Algunas cosas escritas
[...] hace cientos de a�os nos importan tanto ahora como [...]
cuando fueron escritas.
Some things
[...] written hundreds of years ago are still as important [...]
to us as they were when they were written.
Para los dos pr�ximos decenios, un
recalentamiento de aproximadamente 0,2 �C est�
[...] previsto cada diez a�os no importa cual fuese la [...]
realidad socio-econ�mica.
For the next two decades, global warming of about 0.2�C per
[...] decade is projected, no matter which socio-economic [...]
scenario is followed.
En este contexto, por ejemplo, la empresa californiana RW Garc�a, que ya
ha sido representado en la
[...] feria desde hace muchos a�os: "No importa donde - participaci�n [...]
en este evento siempre vale la pena.
In this context for example, the Californian company R.W. Garcia,
which has already been represented
[...] at the fair for many years: "No matter where - participating [...]
at this event is always worthwhile.
En algunos a�os, no se puede aplicar el importe total de la amortizaci�n [...]
especial a causa, por ejemplo, de correcciones manuales.
In some years, the full amount of special depreciation cannot [...]
be claimed, for example, due to manual adjustments.
Los individuos pueden importar tres armas de fuego cada cinco a�os y no hay l�mites espec�ficos sobre la importaci�n de municiones.
Individuals may import three firearms each five years and there are no specified limits on the importation of ammunition.
Los contables no importan, porque si tenemos d�ficit fiscal uno o dos a�os lo vamos a recuperar en tres o cuatro a�os.
The first ones are not important, because we can deal with them for one or two years and then recover in three or four more years.
Las sustancias como tales o las
sustancias contenidas en
[...] preparados se importan si se compran a un fabricante o proveedor establecido en un pas no comunitario.
Substances as
[...] such or substances contained in preparations are imported if you purchase them from a manufacturer or distributor [...]
who is located outside the EU.
As� pues, me dirijo a los diputados de esta C�mara: sus Se�or�as son los que hablan directamente, en nombre de los
ciudadanos europeos; han
[...] luchado, durante muchos a�os, por las cosas que realmente importan a las personas en [...]
su vida diaria.
So I look to the Members of this House: you are the ones to speak directly, on behalf of
European citizens; you have
[...] fought, for so many years, for the things that really matter to people in their daily lives.
La investigaci�n mostr� que
[...] los usuarios finales no importan el producto afectado [...]
directamente de la Rep�blica Popular de
China sino que hacen sus compras entre las existencias de los importadores.
The investigation showed
[...] that end-users are not importing the product concerned [...]
directly from the PRC but their purchases
are made out of importers' stocks.
Por el contrario, como se�al� nuestro Representante Especial, el pueblo afgano y
la comunidad internacional en el Afganist�n se enfrentan a una
[...] insurgencia a la cual no le importan las v�ctimas [...]
In contrast, and as the Special Representative pointed out, the
Afghan people and the international community in Afghanistan face an
[...] insurgency that does not care about civilian [...]
Esas medidas tuvieron �xito en algunos casos, especialmente en los pa�ses m�s grandes, como China y la India, cuya
dependencia de las
[...] importaciones es limitada por cuanto no importan ms del 1,5% de sus necesidades [...]
totales de cereales.
These measures were successful in a number of instances, particularly in larger countries, such as
China or India, whose dependence
[...] on imports is limited given that they import no more than 1.5 [...]
per cent of their total grain requirements.
Si las im�genes
[...] y los v�deos no se importan correctamente, no se borrar�n de [...]
la tarjeta de memoria.
If the pictures and
[...] videos aren't successfully imported, they won't be erased from [...]
the memory card.
As�, incluso los exportadores que adquieren todos sus insumos en el
[...] mercado interior y no importan mercanc�as que [...]
puedan utilizarse como insumos pueden tambi�n
beneficiarse de los beneficios otorgados por este sistema.
Thus, even exporters which procure all of their inputs
[...] locally and do not import any goods which [...]
can be used as inputs are still entitled
to benefit from the DEPB scheme.
Pero la libertad de disentir
[...] no s�lo se refiere a las cosas que no nos importan mucho.
But freedom to
[...] differ is not limited to things that do not matter much.
Y promet� forjar una nueva alianza, no tan solo entre
[...] gobiernos, sino tambi�n entre pueblos sobre los temas que nos importan ms en la vida diaria? en la vida de ustedes.
And I pledged to forge a new
[...] partnership, not simply between governments, but also between people on the issues that matter most in their daily [...]
lives -- in your lives.
Para las Partes que no tienen estas herramientas, ser� igualmente �til saber qu� empresas producen o importan productos qu�micos.
For those who do not have such tools, it might still be worthwhile to identify companies that manufacture or import chemicals.
La industria lechera mexicana no es capaz de cubrir por si misma la demanda de la poblaci�n, por eso se importan productos l�cteos.
The Mexican
[...] dairy sector is not capable of fully meeting the demand of the population, and dairy products must therefore be imported.
No importan cuales sean las fuerzas motrices, las placas chocan entre s�, o desplazan a sus vecinas para avanzar en las zonas de colisi�n o -en t�rminos t�cnicos- los m�rgenes [...]
Whatever the driving force, the plates ram into each other or push each other out of the way in collision zones, or convergent margins, as they are called in technical terms.
Con ello se reconoce que las capacidades son influenciadas
por las caracter�sticas de cada individuo,
[...] es decir, que importan no slo los recursos [...]
materiales que se poseen sino tambi�n los recursos personales.
This is a recognition that capabilities are influenced
by the characteristics of each individual,
[...] i.e., that it is not only the material [...]
resources one has that are important, but also the personal resources.
Ahora veo el mundo como una gran aldea, donde el color de tu piel,
[...] tu raza o tu tribu no importan".
I now see the world as a one big village, where the skin colour,
[...] race or tribe does not matter.
Estamos ayud�ndoles a establecer registros civiles, por
[...] ejemplo, porque no importan los esfuerzos [...]
dedicados a conseguir los pasaportes biom�tricos,
si no hay un registro civil, no es posible.
We are helping them to establish civil registers, for
[...] example, because no matter how hard you try [...]
to provide biometric passports,
if there is no civil register, it is not possible.
Estas dos concepciones err�neas de las que
[...] estamos hablando no importan, debemos deshacernos [...]
de ambas.
Whichever of the two misconceptions
[...] we are talking about, we must get rid of [...]
them both.
No soy ning�n ingenuo y me doy cuenta de que los sistemas electorales importan, porque determinan [...]
c�mo se distribuye el poder pol�tico.
I am not na�ve and I am aware of how much electoral systems matter because they determine the [...]
way political power is distributed.
Por lo tanto, me parece que este argumento
[...] sobre periodos de planificaci�n estrat�gica de seis a�os no es muy s�lido.
In itself, therefore, this
[...] argument about the six-year strategic planning terms is not very strong in [...]
our opinion.
Desde hace 28 a�os no nos perdemos [...]
la IFRA Expo.
We have been at nearly
[...] every IFRA Expo for the last 28 years.
Los j�venes entre 12 y 35 a�os no tienen pasaporte.
Young people
[...] between 12 and 35 do not have a passport.
Aunque parezca mentira,
[...] es posible que dentro de 10 a�os no habr� hielo en el Oc�ano Artico [...]
en verano.
[...] there could be no ice in the Arctic Ocean in summer within 10 years.
Toda persona que importe, compre, produzca, fabrique o posea cualquier sustancia estupefaciente para su consumo il�cito ser� castigada con una pena de prisin no inferior a seis meses y no superior a dos a�os.
Every person who imports, purchases, produces, manufactures or possesses any narcotic substance for the purpose of unlawful consumption is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than six months and not more than two years.
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