Harnessing the healing power of emotional connection

“I've referred many couples to Dr. Fagan and Dr. Srsic. They are both highly experienced psychologists who specialize in delivering Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy. Their treatment is short-term and intensive, which may save time and money in the long run. ”

— Nathan D. Tomcik, Ph.D., ABPP

Our services

The benefits of successful couples’ therapy reach beyond strengthened and committed relationships. Couples who have a healthier relationship have lower levels of stress and stress hormones, which contributes to better physical health and lower vulnerability to disease. Individuals in strong relationships experience lower levels of depression and anxiety, lower incidence of suicidal ideation, less substance abuse and improved functionality at work and make better parents. Couples therapy maintains a healthier family system and contributes to healthier coping skills.

What we offer is intensive short-term couples work using an Emotionally Focused CouplesTherapy (EFT) model - a model that has proven to be 90% effective compared to a 35% success rate with the next leading couples therapy model. One of us would be your therapist, depending on preference and availability. After a complimentary 20-minute phone call to make sure it is a good fit for both you and your therapist, we will schedule a one-hour joint session followed by two one-hour individual appointments (one for you and one for your partner), and then three to four two-hour couples meetings. It is our strong preference that we schedule these appointments very close in time to each other, possibly even the same day, to maintain the intensity and momentum we will build. A Summary Report will be written by your psychologist for you to keep (equivalent to one hour). Our hourly rate is $285.

Toward the end of our work together, we will discuss what you both want to do moving forward. You might feel like you've gotten what you need, or you might decide you would like to proceed with longer term couples counseling. If that is the case, we will then refer you to a colleague who practices longer-term couples counseling. With your consent, we will also communicate the information we've learned to your new couples counselor so you will be able to hit the ground running and have an advantage of beginning the process with the knowledge you gained in our work together. 

Questions before getting started?