[Album Review] T-ara - 'And & End' | allkpop



Album Reviews
Posted by joy_k1 pt Friday, September 12, 2014

[Album Review] T-ara - 'And & End'


T-ara has finally made a comeback as a group with their mini album, 'And & End.'� T-ara is one group that consistently releases solid songs with catchy dances that have everyone singing and dancing along�as usual, their latest hit, "Number 9," released last year was no exception.� Thus, I was super excited to take a listen to this new mini album.� Let's see if this album was able to exceed our high expectations for this talented veteran group.

The album starts with their lead single, "Sugar Free."� This song strays from the typical K-pop track.� Rather, "Sugar Free" is more along the lines of K-pop x Bingo Players.� T-ara experiments with the EDM genre with a repeating kickdrum and pulsating basslines�I wasn't sure if I was at home writing an album review or jumping up and down at EDC again.� What I do know, however, is that this song is produced to be a club banger.� With the popularity of EDM in countries such as America, and its rising popularity in Korea, I think it's really cool that T-ara experimented with this new sound.� The fact that they pulled it off perfectly is just the cherry on top of the cake.�

The lyrics to the track are clever and catchy, as well.� "Sugar free" discusses a once sweet love that is no more.� The lyrics, such as "The sweet feelings are not so good anymore [�] sugar free," are in no means complicated.� However, it's a unique concept that has you wishing you thought to write the song.� The repetitive use of "sugar free" in the chorus makes it easy to sing along to, and the dance, which is a Brown Eyed Girls' "Abacadabara"-like dance with a simple hand motion of "letting go," is catchy as well.� Again, I foresee another karaoke hit.�

As for the music video, there's like 20832893 versions�or three.� For the most part, they all seem relatively similar with bright strobe lights.� The video is a simple concept, but who doesn't enjoy watching T-ara dance.� They move so fluidly.� The one thing that confused me, however, was that I was looking at T-ara, but there were times in the track that I swear I heard HyunA.� Check out the music videos:�

Aside from the multiple versions of "Sugar Free" this album also includes 4 more solid tracks.� The album transitions into a softer feel with "It's A Waste To Throw You Away." This song honestly feels like it was written for SECRET with a very "Starlight Moonlight" and "Shy Boy" sound. �However, T-ara pulls off this light melody�they sound very youthful and feminine.� Although I can't imagine T-ara wearing poofy skirts and prancing around on stage, that's the dance I would imagine accompanying this track.� Solid song, though.

�"ORGR" is a mid-tempo song with a slightly electro feel.� The lyrics themselves are kind of mean, saying "Look at yourself, look at your miserable self," but�the song is catchy and I really like when they go "na na na" for no particular reason. �I do.� I'm not entirely sure what "ORGR" stands for, but just play along with it.� Can anyone advise?

The album turns soft and sweet again with "Last Calendar." �This is my second favorite track on the album.� With a simple beat accompanied by a piano and guitar, their vocals really shine.� It sounds like a song straight from an OST�it's a song about loss and heartbreak.� "Last Calendar" is one you can belt along to during tough times.

"When I See Her" is a track about a boy that left for another (less attractive) girl.� It's a bit of a trip that they say they'll "curse and shout" when they see the new girl, but the vocals are so pure-sounding.� However, this up-beat track with an R&B feel and a funky town vibe mixed in is catchy.� When people say mean things in a nice voice, that's always the scariest.� This is a case of that.

Overall, I enjoyed T-ara's new mini album.� I definitely like "Sugar Free" and "Last Calendar" significantly more than the other tracks, but they are all solid.� Considering T-ara is a group that is very charismatic when they perform, I'm looking forward to all of their live performances.

What did you think of 'And & End'? What do you think 'And & End' means?� Comment below!

  1. T-ara
  2. AND END
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