The Crucifixion - Quinten Massys — Google Arts & Culture

The Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist mourn, and Saint Mary Magdalene clutches the foot of the cross, the other two Maries stand behind her.

Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus appear in the background on the left with a ladder to take down the body of Christ, while on the right soldiers return to Jerusalem.

Massys was the leading artist in Antwerp in the early 1500s. This was probably painted in about 1515.

This picture was presented by Queen Victoria at the Prince Consort's wish, 1863.


  • Title: The Crucifixion
  • Creator: Quinten Massys
  • Date Created: about 1515
  • Physical Dimensions: 91.5 × 58.8 cm
  • Type: Painting
  • Medium: Oil on oak
  • School: Netherlandish
  • More Info: Explore the National Gallery’s paintings online
  • Inventory number: NG715
  • Artist Dates: 1465/6 - 1530
  • Artist Biography: Massys was the leading painter in Antwerp in the early 16th century. He was born in Louvain and his earliest works show the influence of Memling, who had been active in Bruges. His later works show some Italian influence, particularly that of Leonardo. He was notable as a portraitist as well as a religious painter. Massys is first recorded in Antwerp, on becoming a member of the guild there in 1491, when the town was beginning to assume importance as the main port of the Netherlands. There are dated and datable paintings by Massys from 1509 onwards, the year of the completion of his altarpiece of the 'Legend of Saint Anna' (now in the Brussels Museum). In Antwerp, Massys was closely associated with Joachim Patinir, and seems to have supplied figures for his landscapes.
  • Acquisition Credit: Presented by Queen Victoria at the Prince Consort's wish, 1863

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