Bio | Shari Shattuck

To quote one producer’s introduction, Shari Shattuck has an IMDB, (internet movie data base) list ‘as long as your arm,’ with more than two hundred television shows, films, mini-series, movies of the week and commercials on her acting resume.  A few of her acting credits are the television shows, ‘Dallas,’ ‘Sisters,’ ‘Life Goes On,’ ‘The Young and the Restless,’ and ‘Babylon Five.’ Her film credits include “On Deadly Ground” with Micheal Caine, “Spy Hard” with Leslie Neilson, and “A Man of Passion” with Anthony Quinn. In addition, she has performed most of Shakespeare’s major female roles on stage as well as a host of other characters, including the lead role in a hit production of “Cabaret.” Shari has also written and directed for the stage. Daily Variety’s rave review of her play, “In Progress,” said,  “Shattuck’s delightfully romantic comedy not only displays her talent as a stage performer, but also as a writer.”

Her many years of acting and directing all contribute to her sense of drama, comedy and story as a novelist.Her first book, “Loaded,” was selected by Publisher’s Weekly as one of the Best of 2003. She has since published eight novels, co-produced the films  “Redemption” and “Scream at the Devil” with her husband, survived two fires, four mudslides, multiple rattlesnake relocations, and helping her daughters to be magnificent young women and into the college of their dreams.