Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year, is a time for revival, renewal and rejuvenation (including eating lucky foods) in many Asian communities around the world. This year, the Lunar New Year celebration begins on February 10 and is celebrated for up to 15 days.

Originally an agricultural holiday, Lunar New Year commemorates the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which is why it is also known as the “Spring Festival.” Believed to have originated during China’s Shang Dynasty, Lunar New Year carries with it a trove of traditions that are based on a combination of history, symbolism, superstition and myth.

Each year in the Chinese calendar is associated with one of the 12 sign animals from the Chinese zodiac. This year, 2024, is the Year of the Dragon. A powerful sign linked with authority, strength and good fortune, dragons are unique because they are the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac. Those born in the Year of the Dragon are known for their leadership, intelligence and intensity.

This period of reflection and rebirth is a great time to shower friends, family and colleagues with good luck by exchanging Lunar New Year greetings and words of affirmation. Below you’ll find many options for Lunar New Year blessings and greetings that you can say in passing, post on social media or write in a card.

However you choose to greet others, be generous in spreading your good luck and kind intentions this Year of the Dragon and you’ll be sure to receive the same positivity.

Lunar New Year Greetings for the Year of the Dragon

  • Lóng nián dàjí (Chinese; Translation: “Great luck in the Dragon Year.”)
  • Wishing you the strength and courage of the dragon as you pursue your dreams in 2024.
  • I hope the year of the dragon raises your endeavors to the pinnacle of success.
  • May the dragon year allow your wisdom, luck and courage to shine brighter.
  • Lóng téng shèng shì (Chinese; Translation: “The dragon soars in a prosperous world.”)
  • May the year of the dragon bring you luck, power and innovation in leadership.
  • May the year of the Dragon bring you boundless opportunities and exciting adventures.
  • I hope this year of the Dragon brings you success in your career and business endeavors.
  • I wish you and your loved ones a year of prosperity, happiness and triumphant success in the year of the Dragon.
  • May this year of the Dragon be filled with creativity, passion and amazing achievements for you.

Popular Lunar New Year Wishes

  • Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Happy Lunar New Year!
  • Happy New Year!
  • Xīn nián kuài lè (Chinese; Translation: “Happy New Year.”)
  • Chúc mừng năm mới (Vietnamese; Translation: “Happy New Year.”)
  • Saehae bok mani badeuseyo (Korean; Translation: “May you receive a lot of good fortune in the New Year.”)
  • Gōng xǐ fā cái (Chinese; Translation: “Wishing you prosperity and wealth.”)
  • Wàn shì rú yì (Chinese; Translation: “May everything go well for you.”)
  • Fú shòu shuāng quán (Chinese; Translation: “May you enjoy both longevity and blessing.”)
  • Wishing you peace, happiness and luck in the new year.
  • Wishing you surplus and abundance year after year.
  • Xiào kǒu cháng kāi (Chinese; Translation: “May your year be filled with abundance of smiles and laughter.”)
  • I wish you happiness, laughter and positivity this new year.
  • Lóng mǎ jīng shén (Chinese; Translation: “Wishing you lots of energy and good spirit.”)
  • May everything go well for you this year.
  • Xīn xiǎng shì chéng (Chinese; Translation: “May all your wishes come true.”)
  • I hope every day of this new year is filled with happiness and fulfillment.
  • Sì jì píng ān guò wàng nián (Chinese; Translation: “Wishing you four seasons of peace and a flourishing year.”)
  • Wishing that everything falls into place for you in the new year.
  • Yī fān fēng shùn (Chinese; Translation: “May all that you do go smoothly.”)

Lunar New Year Wishes for Good Health

  • I wish you a happy new year and good health.
  • Wǔ fú lín mén (Chinese; Translation: “May the five blessings — longevity, wealth, health, virtue and a natural death — come to you.”)
  • I wish you wealth, health and abundance this year.
  • Shēn tǐ jiàn kāng (Chinese; Translation: “Wishing you good health.” )
  • Wishing you a good year, good health and good memories for the new year.
  • May you be happy and healthy this upcoming year and always.

Lunar New Year Wishes for Friends and Loved Ones

  • I hope all your dreams come true this year.
  • Chū rù píng ān (Chinese; Translation: “Wishing you safety and peace wherever you go.”)
  • May all your wishes come true this new year.
  • I wish you instant success in all your endeavors this new year.
  • Cái yuán guǎng jìn (Chinese; Translation: “May your money and treasures be plentiful.”)
  • Wishing you prosperity and good fortune this new year.
  • May wealth roll in for you this new year.
  • Jí xīng gāo zhào (Chinese; Translation: “May good fortune fall upon you.”)
  • May the new year shower you with luck and love.
  • Huā kāi fù guì (Chinese; Translation: “May your wealth bloom with the flowers.”)
  • May the new year bring you new possibilities, new horizons and new joys.
  • May your new year be full of happy new memories.
  • Wishing you all the luck in the world this Lunar New Year.
  • I hope the Lunar New Year inspires you to embrace a fresh start.
  • Wishing that you stay inspired, hopeful and full of love throughout this new year.
  • Zhāo cái jìn bǎo (Chinese; Translation: “May wealth and treasures be drawn to you.”)
  • Xīn nián dà jí (Chinese; Translation: “Wishing you luck for the new year.”)
  • May you get everything you wish for this new year.

Lunar New Year Wishes for Families

  • I wish you a happy new year and a happy family always!
  • Nian nian you yu (A pun in Chinese; Translation: “May every year end with surplus,” which also sounds like “May you have fish every year.”)
  • Wishing all members of your family good health this year.
  • May you and your family enjoy health, wealth and happiness in the new year.
  • I hope the Lunar New Year brings you and your family joy and blessings.
  • May the new year bring peace, joy and comfort to you and your family.
  • May good fortune shine on you and your loved ones in the new year.
  • Hé jiā xìng fú (Chinese; Translation: “May your whole family be filled with happiness.”)
  • I hope your family enjoys peace and serenity every day this year.
  • Wishing good luck and fortune for your family this year.
  • Wishing safety and peace to you and your family everywhere you go this year.
  • I wish all members of your family longevity and peace for the new year.
  • Wishing for your whole family to be filled with happiness and fulfillment this Lunar New Year.
  • Zhāo cái jìn bǎo (Chinese; Translation: “May wealth and treasures fill your home.”)
  • May your family be blessed and fortunate this year.
  • I hope your family is happy and healthy this new year and always.

Special Lunar New Year Wishes for Students

  • I wish you the best for your studies this new year.
  • I hope you ace all of your classes this year.
  • Wishing you academic success this new year.
  • Sending good wishes for your academic progress this new year.
  • Wishing you good grades for this new year.
  • Wishing you perseverance and energy for your academic success this year.
  • I hope you achieve all your academic goals this year.
  • I wish you strength, energy and luck for your studies this year.

Lunar New Year Wishes for Clients and Business Partners

  • Cái yuán gǔn gǔn (Chinese; Translation: “May wealth come pouring in.”)
  • Wishing you good luck and big profits this new year.
  • I hope you make a fortune this year!
  • May your work go smoothly this new year.
  • Wishing you a prosperous business year.
    • Yī běn wàn lì (Chinese. Translation: "Wishing that you reap a huge profit from a small investment.”)
    • Hézuò yúkuài (Chinese; Translation: “Looking forward to a pleasant work partnership”)
    • I wish you luck in all of your investments this year.
    • Rì jìn dǒu jīn (Chinese; Translation: “May you earn money every day.”)
    • Wishing you excess and surplus every year.
    • I wish you promotions at every step this new year.
    • Wishing you success and promotions for the year ahead.
    • I hope you find balance and peace at work this year!
    • May all your career goals be achieved.
    • I hope you succeed in all of your career goals this year.
    • I hope you advance in your career this year.
    • May all your professional ambitions be fulfilled this year.
    • I hope you can get big profits from a small investment this new year.
    • May wealth pour in for you this new year.
    • Wishing you great luck and great profit this new year.
    • May the stock market be good to you this year.
    • Dà jí dà lì (Chinese; Translation: “May you have great luck and great profit.”)