Conversation with Shailagh Murray, Senior Advisor to President Obama
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Conversation with Shailagh Murray, Senior Advisor to President Obama

Our distinguished guest today is Shailagh Murray, former Senior Advisor to President Obama, and Deputy Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden.

(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza; The Washington Post via Getty Image)

Our distinguished guest is Shailagh Murray, Columbia University's Executive Vice President. Previously, she served as Senior Advisor to President Obama from 2015 to 2017. She had also served as then-Vice President Biden's Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director. In our conversation, we discussed bridging America's political divide, enhancing the promise of higher education, and restoring faith in public institutions. ————————————————

Blanche Zhang

This conversation was moderated by Blanche Zhang and Bincheng Mao. Blanche is a special contributor to ECC's Inclusion Advocate and Bincheng is the founder of East Coast Coalition for Tolerance and Non-Discrimination (ECC).



This is an interview series produced by the East Coast Coalition for Tolerance and Non-Discrimination (ECC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting inclusion and equity for marginalized minorities.



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