32 Facts about the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous - Facts.net
Ophelie Beasley

Written by Ophelie Beasley

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Tvinsider.com

Drop Dead Gorgeous is a cult classic movie that has gained a loyal following over the years. Released in 1999, the film is a dark comedy that takes a satirical look at the world of beauty pageants in a small Minnesota town. Directed by Michael Patrick Jann, Drop Dead Gorgeous is known for its sharp wit, outrageous characters, and memorable one-liners.

In this article, we will explore 32 fascinating facts about the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous that will take you behind the scenes and give you a deeper understanding of this darkly hilarious film. From its troubled production to its lasting impact on pop culture, these facts will reveal the hidden gems and interesting tidbits that make Drop Dead Gorgeous a must-watch for any movie lover.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Drop Dead Gorgeous” is a dark comedy mockumentary set in a small town, satirizing beauty pageants and societal pressures. It gained a cult following for its unique humor and social commentary.
  • The movie challenges beauty standards and celebrates individuality, making it a must-watch for fans of offbeat humor and strong female characters.
Table of Contents

The movie Drop Dead Gorgeous was released in 1999.

This dark comedy film was directed by Michael Patrick Jann and written by Lona Williams.

It is a mockumentary-style movie.

The film is presented as a documentary that follows the participants of a small-town beauty pageant.

The story is set in a fictional town called Mount Rose, Minnesota.

Mount Rose is known for its annual beauty pageant, which takes center stage in the movie.

The movie features an ensemble cast.

It stars Kirsten Dunst, Denise Richards, Kirstie Alley, and Ellen Barkin in lead roles.

Kirsten Dunst plays the role of Amber Atkins, a small-town girl with big dreams.

Amber is determined to win the beauty pageant and escape the confines of her small town.

Denise Richards portrays the character of Becky Leeman, the privileged and scheming daughter of the pageant organizer.

Becky will stop at nothing to secure her victory in the competition.

The movie delves into the dark side of beauty pageants.

It satirizes the obsession with external beauty and the lengths some individuals will go to win.

It garnered a cult following over the years.

The film’s unique blend of dark humor and biting social commentary has resonated with audiences.

Drop Dead Gorgeous received mixed reviews from critics.

While some praised its performances and dark humor, others found it too cynical and mean-spirited.

The movie explores themes of small-town ambition, jealousy, and female rivalry.

It offers a biting commentary on societal norms and the pressures placed on women to conform to certain standards.

Drop Dead Gorgeous features a memorable soundtrack.

The film includes songs from popular artists of the time, such as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

The cast had to undergo beauty pageant training for their roles.

They had to learn how to walk, pose, and present themselves like real beauty pageant contestants.

The movie’s budget was estimated at around $15 million.

It went on to gross over $10 million worldwide.

The film didn’t achieve significant commercial success upon its release.

However, it gained a loyal following through home video and DVD releases.

Drop Dead Gorgeous was nominated for several awards.

It received a nomination for the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 1999.

The movie’s dark humor and unconventional style set it apart from traditional comedies.

It has since become a cult classic among fans of offbeat humor.

Drop Dead Gorgeous has been compared to films like Heathers and Election.

It shares a similar satirical take on high school politics and societal expectations.

The film features cameo appearances by famous actors.

These include Allison Janney, Adam West, and Mindy Sterling, among others.

Drop Dead Gorgeous was shot on location in Minnesota.

The movie captures the spirit and look of a small Midwestern town.

The makeup and costumes in the movie are exaggerated and over-the-top.

They reflect the exaggerated nature of beauty pageants and add to the film’s comedic appeal.

The pageant scenes in the movie are filled with outrageous and hilarious moments.

They showcase the competitive and sometimes absurd nature of beauty pageants.

The movie received an R rating for language and some sexual content.

It contains mature themes and dark humor that may not be suitable for younger audiences.

Drop Dead Gorgeous takes a satirical look at small-town traditions and values.

It challenges the idea that beauty is everything and celebrates the strength and individuality of its characters.

The film offers a sharp critique of societal beauty standards.

It highlights the detrimental effects of the pressure to conform to a certain ideal.

Drop Dead Gorgeous has gained a devoted fan base over the years.

Its dark humor and quotable lines have made it a favorite among cult movie enthusiasts.

The movie was not a box office success but gained recognition through word-of-mouth.

Its appeal lies in the way it subverts traditional beauty pageant tropes.

Drop Dead Gorgeous has been praised for its strong female characters.

It presents complex and multifaceted women who defy stereotypes.

The film’s humor relies heavily on sarcasm and irony.

It mocks the superficiality and absurdity of beauty pageants and the people involved.

Drop Dead Gorgeous has become a cult classic for its dark comedy elements.

It continues to resonate with audiences who appreciate its sharp wit and social commentary.

The movie’s title, “Drop Dead Gorgeous,” is a play on words.

It refers to both the beauty pageant contestants and the dark humor that underlies the story.

Drop Dead Gorgeous serves as a reminder that beauty is not the most important thing.

It encourages us to embrace our individuality and reject society’s narrow definitions of beauty.

The movie’s legacy lives on as an underrated gem of dark comedy.

It continues to entertain and provoke thought, making it a must-watch for fans of unconventional humor.


Drop Dead Gorgeous is an incredibly entertaining and unique film that showcases the dark and satirical side of beauty pageants. With its talented cast, hilarious script, and clever direction, it has become a cult classic among movie lovers. Whether you’re a fan of black comedy or just looking for a fun and offbeat film to watch, Drop Dead Gorgeous is definitely worth adding to your list. Its biting commentary on beauty standards and the competitive nature of pageants will leave you both laughing and thinking. So grab some popcorn, gather your friends, and prepare for a wild ride with Drop Dead Gorgeous!


1. What is the plot of Drop Dead Gorgeous?

The plot of Drop Dead Gorgeous revolves around a small town beauty pageant and the intense competition between the contestants. As the pageant progresses, dark and humorous events unfold, revealing the cutthroat nature of the participants and the lengths they are willing to go to in order to win.

2. Who are the main cast members of Drop Dead Gorgeous?

The main cast of Drop Dead Gorgeous includes Kirsten Dunst, Denise Richards, Kirstie Alley, Ellen Barkin, and Allison Janney. Each actor delivers a memorable and comedic performance, bringing the eccentric characters to life.

3. What genre does Drop Dead Gorgeous fall into?

Drop Dead Gorgeous is categorized as a black comedy. It combines elements of humor, satire, and dark storytelling to provide a unique and entertaining viewing experience.

4. Is Drop Dead Gorgeous suitable for all audiences?

While Drop Dead Gorgeous is rated PG-13, it contains some mature content and adult themes. It may not be suitable for younger audiences. Parents should exercise caution and determine whether it is appropriate for their children.

5. Is Drop Dead Gorgeous based on a true story?

No, Drop Dead Gorgeous is a work of fiction. However, it offers a satirical take on the world of beauty pageants and the extreme measures that some contestants will go to in order to achieve success.

6. What is the overall reception of Drop Dead Gorgeous?

Drop Dead Gorgeous received positive reviews from critics and has gained a strong following over the years. It has been praised for its clever writing, comedic performances, and unique premise. While it was not a commercial success upon its initial release, it has since become a cult classic.

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